Intelligence `-8`: The Ooze =========================== The ooze has a very simple mind, and forms the basic of all minds. .so flow-8.graph If the ooze joins with smaller pieces of ooze, this works exactly like eating. Which eats which does not matter to the ooze. The question of whether two oozes come together through ingestion or mating is also irrelevant to the ooze. It moves forward, and embraces the good in life, without any distinctions. Intelligence `-7`: The Insect =========================== The insect-brain acts like the ooze, but recognizes other creatures as friendly, and remembers spaces. The insects literally have a smaller version of the main map in their head, but they have limited memory. ...they quite literally have a number of kilobytes each to remember a finite amount of space. Intelligence `-6`: The Wolf =========================== At this level of intelligence, the creature begins to think with others. They do this by voting on a leader, then each of the creatures follows that leader. .so flow-6.graph Intelligence `-5`: The Goblin ============================= This stage should probably be left until the previous intelligence levels have been dealt with. Options include: - Simulation: play out possible scenarios in the creature's head by simulating the segment of the map which it knows, at 10x normal speed. - Skills: Just list off particular things, like 'fishing', or 'crafting spears', then deal with them individually.