
193 lines
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from ldap3 import Server,Connection,ALL,MODIFY_REPLACE
from datetime import datetime
class LUSER():
Class that represents secure connection to LDAP server
LDAPhost := string IP or hostname of LDAP server
admin_user := string DN of LDAP admin user
admin_pass := string password of LDAP admin user
base := string base in LDAP system where users are made
basealt := string base in LDAP system where users are made with password hashes generated for openalt
def expandbase(self):
Extract orgnaization, name of dc object and full domain part with all dc values from base
# Split base string with commas to find values of organization and dc
baselist = self.base.split(",")
organization = ''
dc = ''
dcfull = ''
domain = ''
# Find ou in base and set it as organization variable
for i in baselist:
if i.split('=')[0] == 'ou':
organization = i.split('=')[1]
# Find first dc and set it as dc variable
for i in baselist:
if i.split('=')[0] == 'dc':
dc = i.split('=')[1]
# Find full dc and set it as dcfull variable
for i in baselist:
if i.split('=')[0] == 'dc':
# if first dc, add it from dc variable
if dcfull == '' and domain='':
dcfull = f'dc={dc}'
domain = dc
dcfull += ',dc=' + i.split('=')[1]
domain += f'.{i.split('=')[1]}'
return organization, dc, dcfull, domain
def __init__(self, ldap_host, admin_user, admin_pass, base, basealt='', autoconnect=True):
self.ldap_host = ldap_host
self.admin_user = admin_user
self.admin_pass = admin_pass
self.base = base
self.organization, self.dc, self.dcfull, domain = self.expandbase()
self.basealt = basealt
self.alt = True
self.autoconnect = autoconnect
ldapserver = Server(ldap_host, use_ssl=True)
if self.autoconnect:
self.ldapconnection = Connection(ldapserver, admin_user, admin_pass, auto_bind=True)
# uid and gid of most recently registered users
self.lastuid = 1337
self.lastgid = 1337
# Set alt boolean to false if basealt not set
if basealt == '':
self.alt = False
def prepare(self):
Create base on LDAP host
# Create dcObject on LDAP server and store boolean indicating it's success
rcode1 = self.ldapconnection.add(f'dc={self.dcfull}', ['dcObject', 'organization'], {'o' : self.dc, 'dc' : self.dc})
# Create organizational units on LDAP server and store boolean indicating it's success
rcode2 = self.ldapconnection.add(self.base, ['top', 'organizationalUnit'], {'ou' : self.organization})
# Return True only if all return values are true
return rcode1 and rcode2
def lastpwchangenow(self):
Return time of last password change for the user set to current time
messured in days from UNIX epoch
return str((datetime.utcnow() - datetime(1970,1,1)).days)
def add(self, user, password, althash=""):
Add a user to base in LDAP with user and pass as credentials
user := string containing username
password := string containing user password
althash := string containing user password/hash for the alternative base
# Increase UID and GID counters
self.lastuid += 1
self.lastgid += 1
# Add user to base
id = f"uid={user}"
# Object classes of a user entry
objectClass = ['top', 'person', 'organizationalPerson', 'inetOrgPerson', 'posixAccount', 'shadowAccount']
# Attributes for a user entry
attributes = {'cn' : user, 'sn' : user, 'givenName' : user, 'uid' : user, 'uidNumber' : self.lastuid, 'gidNumber' : self.lastgid, 'homeDirectory' : f'/home/{user}', 'loginShell' : '/usr/bin/git-shell', 'gecos' : 'SystemUser', 'shadowLastChange' : self.lastpwchangenow(), 'shadowMax' : '45', 'userPassword' : password }
attributesalt = {'cn' : user, 'sn' : user, 'givenName' : user, 'uid' : user, 'uidNumber' : self.lastuid, 'gidNumber' : self.lastgid, 'homeDirectory' : f'/home/{user}', 'loginShell' : '/usr//bin/git-shell', 'gecos' : 'SystemUser', 'shadowLastChange' : self.lastpwchangenow(), 'shadowMax' : '45', 'userPassword' : althash}
# Return boolean value of new user entry
rcode1 = self.ldapconnection.add(f'{id},{self.base}', objectClass, attributes)
# If alternative base is set add the same user to the alternative base as well, if not act as if it was success
if self.alt:
rcode2 = self.ldapconnection.add(f'{id},{self.basealt}', objectClass, attributesalt)
rcode2 = True
# Return True only if both entries was successful
return rcode1 and rcode2
def changepassword(self, user, newpass, althash=''):
Change password of user to newpass
user := string containing username
newpass := string containing new password
althash := string containing password/hash for alternative base
# This variable holds boolean indicating successful change of user password
chpassbool = self.ldapconnection.modify(f'uid={user},{self.base}', {'userPassword': (MODIFY_REPLACE,[newpass])})
# If alternative base is set modify user password/hash with althash, if not, pretend change was successful
if self.alt:
chpassboolalt = self.ldapconnection.modify(f'uid={user},{self.basealt}', {'userPassword': (MODIFY_REPLACE,[althash])})
chpassboolalt = True
# This variable holds boolean indicating successful change of shadowLastChange value to current time
chlastchangebool = self.ldapconnection.modify(f'uid={user},{self.base}', {'shadowLastChange' : (MODIFY_REPLACE,[self.lastpwchangenow()])})
# If alternative base is set modify user password/hash with althash, if not, pretend change was successful
if self.alt:
chlastchangeboolalt = self.ldapconnection.modify(f'uid={user},{self.base}', {'shadowLastChange' : (MODIFY_REPLACE, [self.lastpwchangenow()])})
chlastchangeboolalt = True
# Return True only if changing of both password and time of last password change was successful
return chpassbool and chpassboolalt and chlastchangebool and chlastchangeboolalt
def delete(self, user):
Delete user given username of user
user := string containing username
rcode1 = self.ldapconnection.delete(f'uid={user},{self.base}')
# If alternative base is set delete user from alternative base, if not, pretend deletion was successful
if self.alt:
rcode2 = self.ldapconnection.delete(f'uid={user},{self.basealt}')
rcode2 = True
# Return True only if deletion from both bases was successful
return rcode1 and rcode2
def getpassword(self, user):
Retrive password of a user
user := string containing username
# Search LDAP entries that have object class inetOrgPerson and uid attribute equal to given user field,search_filter=f'(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid={user}))', attributes=['userPassword'])
# Return userPassword attribute from the response
return self.ldapconnection.response[0]['attributes']['userPassword'][0].decode('utf-8')