    Decentrala accepts donations exclusively from the natural person and without
    any obligations. We are independent and we try to keep it that way.
    We accept old hardware (laptops, phones, PC components), which we would fix
    and find a use for it in Decentrala or donate to people in need
    Support can also be contributing to our
    <a href="https://wiki.dmz.rs" target="_blank">wiki</a> page, projects on
    <a href="https://gitea.dmz.rs" target="_blank">gitea</a>, writing
    documentation, reporting and/or fixing bugs, typos, translations, etc.
    If you aqure some kind of knowldege you would like to share with the
    Decentrala's participants, you can do it as a forum post, wiki page, or
    participate in one of our events, probably host one.
    Simple usage of our software also counts as a contribution, because that way
    you will join the decetralization.
    Also, we accept donations in bitcoin and monero to the following addresses:
    <li>Bitcoin: <i>bc1qjhsfgq79wuzzv32yml9zglwzf9qcwfj3atuy74</i></li>