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2 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Malin Freeborn 6b93ae1bbb
place basic config dir 2023-09-06 21:50:59 +02:00
Malin Freeborn b17378ca5f
add basic filestructure 2023-09-06 21:47:51 +02:00
34 changed files with 1361 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -5,3 +5,4 @@

archetypes/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
title: "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}" # Title of the blog post.
date: {{ .Date }} # Date of post creation.
description: "Article description." # Description used for search engine.
featured: true # Sets if post is a featured post, making appear on the home page side bar.
draft: true # Sets whether to render this page. Draft of true will not be rendered.
toc: false # Controls if a table of contents should be generated for first-level links automatically.
# menu: main
usePageBundles: false # Set to true to group assets like images in the same folder as this post.
featureImage: "/images/path/file.jpg" # Sets featured image on blog post.
featureImageAlt: 'Description of image' # Alternative text for featured image.
featureImageCap: 'This is the featured image.' # Caption (optional).
thumbnail: "/images/path/thumbnail.png" # Sets thumbnail image appearing inside card on homepage.
shareImage: "/images/path/share.png" # Designate a separate image for social media sharing.
codeMaxLines: 10 # Override global value for how many lines within a code block before auto-collapsing.
codeLineNumbers: false # Override global value for showing of line numbers within code block.
figurePositionShow: true # Override global value for showing the figure label.
- Technology
- Safety
- Messaging
# comment: false # Disable comment if false.
**Insert Lead paragraph here.**

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# set `baseurl` to your root domain
# if you set it to "/" share icons won't work properly on production
baseurl = "" # Include trailing slash
# title = "Clarity" # Edit directly from config/_default/languages.toml # alternatively, uncomment this and remove `title` entry from the aforemention file.
copyright = "Copyright © 20082018, Steve Francia and the Hugo Authors; all rights reserved."
# canonifyurls = true
paginate = 10
theme = "hugo-clarity"
disqusShortname = ""
DefaultContentLanguage = "en"
# [languages]
# config/_default/languages.toml
# [menus]
# config/_default/menus/menu.xx.toml
category = "categories"
tag = "tags"
series = "series"
home = ["HTML", "RSS", "JSON"]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
timeout = 30000
enableInlineShortcodes = true
footnoteReturnLinkContents = "^"
disabled = false
simple = true
disabled = false
enableDNT = true
simple = true
disableInlineCSS = true
disabled = false
simple = true
disabled = false
privacyEnhanced = true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
title = "Clarity"
LanguageName = "English"
weight = 1
title = "Claridade" # just for the sake of showing this is possible
LanguageName = "Português"
weight = 2
# tip: assign the default language the lowest Weight

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
hardWraps = false
unsafe = true # change to false to disable inclusion of rawHTML and math functions
xhtml = false
typographer = false
codeFences = true
guessSyntax = true
hl_Lines = "--"
lineNoStart = 1
lineNos = true # always set to true # else line numbers won't show at all! even when you toggle them on in the UI
lineNumbersInTable = false # toggling this on (i.e to true) or deleting this line will break the code blocks functionality. Will
noClasses = false
# style = "monokai"
tabWidth = 2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
name = "Home"
url = ""
weight = -110
name = "Archives"
url = "post/rich-content/"
weight = -109
# Submenus are done this way: parent -> identifier
name = "Links"
identifier = "Links"
weight = -108
name = "About"
url = "about/"
weight = -107
# social menu links
name = "github"
type = "social"
weight = 1
url = ""
name = "rss"
weight = 4
url = "index.xml"
# other supported social links
# name = "youtube"
# url = ""
# name = "facebook"
# url = ""
# name = "instagram"
# url = ""
# name = "stackoverflow"
# url = ""
# name = "gitlab"
# url = ""
# name = "discord"
# url = ""

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
name = "Início"
url = ""
weight = -110
# [[main]]
# name = "Arquivos"
# url = "post/rich-content/"
# weight = -109
# Submenus are done this way: parent -> identifier
name = "Links"
identifier = "Links"
weight = -108
name = "Sobre"
url = "about/"
weight = -107

config/_default/params.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
# enable search
enableSearch = true
# socials
introDescription = "Technologist, perpetual student, teacher, continual incremental improvement."
# introURL = "about/" # set the url for the 'read more' button below the introDescription, or set to false to not show the button
# description = "A theme based on VMware's Clarity Design System for publishing technical blogs with Hugo." # Set your site's meta tag (SEO) description here. Alternatively set this description in your home page content file e.g. content/ Whatever is set in the latter will take precedence.
# keywords = ["design", "clarity", "hugo theme"] # Set your site's meta tag (SEO) keywords here. Alternatively set these in your home page content file e.g. content/ Whatever is set in the latter will take precedence.
# showShare = false # Uncomment to not show share buttons on each post. Also available in each post's front matter.
# Google analytics Id
ga_analytics = ""
# Google tag manager
google_tag_manager_id = ""
# Baidu analytics Id
# baidu_analytics = "XXXXXXXX"
# limit the number of taxonomies links shown on the sidebar of each page by default.
numberOfTagsShown = 14 # Applies for all other default & custom taxonomies. e.g categories, brands see
# Whether to default to storing images and other assets in the `static` directory, or use Hugo page bundles.
# Switch to `true` if you'd like to group assets with the post itself (as a "leaf bundle").
# This can be overridden at the page level; what is set below acts as the default if no page variable is set.
# Details on page bundles:
usePageBundles = false
# Path variables
# By default, each of these directories are children of the `static` directory.
# In some Apache server installs, these directory names could conflict and you
# may want to change them. See:
# If you change the names of these directories, be sure to copy the contents of
# the originals to get the files included with Hugo Clarity.
# Images:
imagesDir = "images/" # without a leading forward slash
# Icons:
iconsDir = "icons/" # without a leading forward slash
# Fonts:
fontsDir = "fonts/" # without a leading forward slash
# Social media sharing image: Will be used on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.
# when a given page has no other image present.
fallBackOgImage = "images/thumbnail.png"
# Logo image
logo = "logos/logo.png"
# center logo on navbar
centerLogo = false # Set to "true" for centering or "false" for left aligned.
# sets the maximum number of lines per codeblock. The codeblock will however be scrollable and expandable.
codeMaxLines = 7
# disable showing line numbers by default. Switch to `true` if you'd rather have them on.
codeLineNumbers = false
# enable math notation. Switch to `true` to enable mathjax in your site.
enableMathNotation = false
# directory(s) where your articles are located
mainSections = ["post"] # see config details here
# Label Non inline images on an article body
figurePositionShow = false # toggle on or off globally
# you can toggle this behaviour on or off on per page using the same variable inside your articles frontmatter
figurePositionLabel = "Figure" # the text before image number e.g Figure 1.0
# Set the collapsed mobile navigation to either appear from the left or the right
mobileNavigation = "left" # if you prefer right change to 'right'
# some site owners want to decide how they would like their sites to be introduced users. These settings give you as a site owner to decide how the user will view your site for the first time.
# please note that you cannot enforce both modes at the same time. i.e by enforcing one mode, you priotise it over the other (by setting it to true). enforceDarkMode will be commented out
# please also not that mode toggle UI will remain in place. That way, if a user prefers darkmode, they can have their way.
enforceLightMode = false
# enforceDarkMode = false
# customize footer icon. see issue
# footerLogo = "icons/copy.svg"
# Customize Sidebar Disclaimer Text
# sidebardisclaimer = true
# disclaimerText = "The opinions expressed on this site are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employers view in any way."
# Text for the languages menu.
languageMenuName = "🌐"
# Title separator, default to |.
# titleSeparator = "|"
# Enable or disable comments globally. Default to true.
# comments = false
# Enable or disable Utterances ( Github Issue-Based Commenting
# utterances = true # Run the utterances script in the single.html layout to load comments
# utterancesRepo = "GHUsername/Repository.Name" # Utterances is enabled when this param is set
# utterancesLabel = "blog comments ✨💬✨" # The label needs to be manually added to your Github repository issues before configuring here
# utterancesTheme = "github-light" # Default: github-dark
# utterancesIssueTerm = "pathname" # Default: pathname
# Maximum number of recent posts. (default: 8)
# numberOfRecentPosts = 8
# Maximum number of featured posts. (default: 8)
# numberOfFeaturedPosts = 8
# Pin featured posts in list.
# pinFeatured = true
# Maximum number of pinned featured posts. (default: 8)
# numberOfPinnedPosts = 8
# Date format. Checkout for details.
# dateFormat = "2006-01-02" # Default to "Jan 2, 2006".
# customFonts = false # toggle to true if you want to use custom fonts only.
# The year when ths website was created, this value is used in the copyright
# notice of the footer.
# since = 2016
# Show related content at the end of an article based on the 'series' taxonomy. Can be set in post front matter.
# showRelatedInArticle = false
# showRelatedInSidebar = false
# website author
name = "Jane Doe"
# photo = "images/jane-doe.png" #include this if you would like to show the author photo on the sidebar
enable = false # to enable plausible analytics set to true.
websiteDomain = "" # domain name of your website, most cases same as your base url
# plausibleDomain = "" # default is set to, only required if plausible is selfhosted
# scritpName = "plausible" # default is set to plausible, only required if using a custome name for script
enable = false # To enable matomo analytics change to `true`.
websiteDomain = "" # Set the domain name of your website, in most cases same as your base URL this is required.
matomoDomain = "" # Set to Matomo domain
matomoSiteID = "1" # Default is set to 1, change this to the siteid being tracked

content/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
author = "Hugo Authors"
description = "A theme based on VMware's Clarity Design System for publishing technical blogs with Hugo." # Set your site's meta tag (SEO) description here. This overrides any description set in your site configuration.
keywords = ["design", "clarity", "hugo theme"] # Set your site's meta tag (SEO) keywords here. These override any keywords set in your site configuration.

content/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
title = "About"
description = "Hugo, the world's fastest framework for building websites"
date = "2019-02-28"
aliases = ["about-us", "about-hugo", "contact"]
author = "Hugo Authors"
Written in Go, Hugo is an open source static site generator available under the [Apache Licence 2.0.]( Hugo supports TOML, YAML and JSON data file types, Markdown and HTML content files and uses shortcodes to add rich content. Other notable features are taxonomies, multilingual mode, image processing, custom output formats, HTML/CSS/JS minification and support for Sass SCSS workflows.
Hugo makes use of a variety of open source projects including:
Hugo is ideal for blogs, corporate websites, creative portfolios, online magazines, single page applications or even a website with thousands of pages.
Hugo is for people who want to hand code their own website without worrying about setting up complicated runtimes, dependencies and databases.
Websites built with Hugo are extremelly fast, secure and can be deployed anywhere including, AWS, GitHub Pages, Heroku, Netlify and any other hosting provider.
Learn more and contribute on [GitHub](

content/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
title = "Sobre"
description = "Hugo, the world's fastest framework for building websites"
date = "2019-02-28"
aliases = ["sobre"]
author = "Hugo Authors"
Tradução em português. Apenas para demonstração, o resto do artigo não está traduzido.
Written in Go, Hugo is an open source static site generator available under the [Apache Licence 2.0.]( Hugo supports TOML, YAML and JSON data file types, Markdown and HTML content files and uses shortcodes to add rich content. Other notable features are taxonomies, multilingual mode, image processing, custom output formats, HTML/CSS/JS minification and support for Sass SCSS workflows.
Hugo makes use of a variety of open source projects including:
Hugo is ideal for blogs, corporate websites, creative portfolios, online magazines, single page applications or even a website with thousands of pages.
Hugo is for people who want to hand code their own website without worrying about setting up complicated runtimes, dependencies and databases.
Websites built with Hugo are extremelly fast, secure and can be deployed anywhere including, AWS, GitHub Pages, Heroku, Netlify and any other hosting provider.
Learn more and contribute on [GitHub](

content/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
date: 2019-05-28
type: section
layout: "archives"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
title: 'Our Difference'
button: 'About us'
weight: 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, et essent mediocritatem quo, choro volumus oporteat an mei. Ipsum dolor sit amet, et essent mediocritatem quo.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
headless: true

content/homepage/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
title: 'We Help Business Grow'
button: 'Our Work'
weight: 1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, et essent mediocritatem quo, choro volumus oporteat an mei. Numquam dolores mel eu, mea docendi omittantur et, mea ea duis erat. Elit melius cu ius. Per ex novum tantas putant, ei his nullam aliquam apeirian. Aeterno quaestio constituto sea an, no eum intellegat assueverit.

content/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
title = "Search"
searchPage = true
type = "search"

i18n/ca.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
other = "Llegiu més"
other = "Drets d'autor"
other = "Tots els drets reservats"
other = "Compartiu a"
other = "Entrades destacades"
other = "Entrades recents"
other = "Perdut"
other = "No podem trobar la pàgina que cerqueu"
other = "Vés enrere"
other = "Traduccions"
other = "Categories"
other = "Etiquetes"
other = "Sèries"
other = "Totes les categories"
other = "Totes les etiquetes"
other = "Totes les sèries"
other = "Resum"
other = "{{ .ReadingTime }} min lectura"
other = "Publicacions d'aquesta sèrie"
# search
other = "Resultats"
other = "No s'han trobat resultats"
other = "Cerca la base de coneixements"
other = "Cerca..."
other = "Resultats de la cerca"
other = "La consulta és massa curta"
other = "Escriu per cercar"

i18n/de.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
other = "Weiterlesen"
other = "Copyright"
other = "All Rights Reserved"
other = "Teilen"
other = "Empfohlene Artikel"
other = "Neueste Artikel"
other = "Verirrt"
other = "Die gesuchte Seite konnte nicht gefunden werden"
other = "Zurück"
other = "Übersetzungen"
other = "Kategorien"
other = "Tags"
other = "Serien"
other = "Alle Kategorien"
other = "Alle Tags"
other = "Alle Serien"
other = "Inhalt"
other = "Lesezeit {{ .ReadingTime }} Min."
other = "Beiträge in dieser Serie"
# search
other = "Ergebnisse"
other = "Keine Ergebnisse gefunden"
other = "Wissensdatenbank durchsuchen"
other = "Suchen..."
other = "Suchergebnisse"
other = "Abfrage ist zu kurz"
other = "Zum Suchen eingeben"

i18n/en.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
other = "Read More"
other = "Copyright"
other = "All Rights Reserved"
other = "Share on"
other = "Featured Posts"
other = "Recent Posts"
other = "Lost"
other = "We couldn't find the page you're looking for"
other = "Go Back"
other = "Translations"
other = "Categories"
other = "Tags"
other = "Series"
other = "All Categories"
other = "All Tags"
other = "All Series"
other = "Overview"
other = "{{ .ReadingTime }} min read"
other = "Posts in this series"
# search
other = "Results"
other = "No results found"
other = "Search the knowledge base"
other = "Search..."
other = "Search Results"
other = "Query is too short"
other = "Type to search"

i18n/es.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
other = "Leer más"
other = "Copyright"
other = "Todos los Derechos Reservados"
other = "Compartir en"
other = "Posts destacados"
other = "Posts recientes"
other = "No encontrado"
other = "No se pudo encontrar la página buscada"
other = "Volver"
other = "Traducciones"
other = "Categorías"
other = "Tags"
other = "Series"
other = "Todas las Categories"
other = "Todos los Tags"
other = "Todas las Series"
other = "Contenido"
other = "{{ .ReadingTime }} min read"
other = "Publicaciones en esta serie"
# search
other = "Resultados"
other = "No se encontraron resultados"
other = "Buscar en la base de conocimiento"
other = "Buscar..."
other = "Resultados de búsqueda"
other = "La consulta es demasiado corta"
other = "Escriba para buscar"

i18n/fr.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
other = "Lire la suite…"
other = "Copyright"
other = "Tous droits réservés"
other = "Partager sur"
other = "Billets en vedette"
other = "Billets récents"
other = "Perdu"
other = "Nous ne trouvons pas la page que vous recherchez"
other = "Revenir en arrière…"
other = "Traductions"
other = "Catégories"
other = "Tags"
other = "Séries"
other = "Toutes les catégories"
other = "Tous les tags"
other = "Toutes les séries"
other = "Sommaire"
other = "{{ .ReadingTime }} mins de lecture"
other = "Articles dans cette série"
# search
other = "Résultats"
other = "Aucun résultat trouvé"
other = "Rechercher dans la base de connaissances"
other = "Rechercher..."
other = "Résultats de la recherche"
other = "La requête est trop courte"
other = "Tapez pour rechercher"

i18n/ja.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
other = "続きを読む"
other = "Copyright"
other = "All Rights Reserved"
other = "共有する"
other = "おすすめの投稿"
other = "最近の投稿"
other = "存在しません"
other = "お探しのページを見つけることができませんでした"
other = "戻る"
other = "翻訳"
other = "カテゴリ"
other = "タグ"
other = "シリーズ"
other = "全てのカテゴリ"
other = "全てのタグ"
other = "全てのシリーズ"
other = "概要"
other = "{{ .ReadingTime }} 分で読了"
other = "このシリーズの投稿"
# search
other = "結果"
other = "結果が存在しません"
other = "ナレッジベース内を検索"
other = "検索..."
other = "検索結果"
other = "検索文字列が短すぎます"
other = "入力して検索"

i18n/nl.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
other = "Lees meer"
other = "Copyright"
other = "Alle rechten gereserveerd"
other = "Delen op"
other = "Uitgelichte berichten"
other = "Recente berichten"
other = "Verdwaald!"
other = "We hebben de pagina die je zocht niet gevonden"
other = "Ga terug"
other = "Vertalingen"
other = "categoriën"
other = "Tags"
other = "Series"
other = "Alle categoriën"
other = "Alle tags"
other = "Alle series"
other = "Overzicht"
other = "{{ .ReadingTime }} min leestijd"
other = "Berichten in deze serie"
# search
other = "Resultaten"
other = "Geen resultaten gevonden"
other = "Doorzoek de knowledge base"
other = "Zoeken..."
other = "Zoekresultaten"
other = "Zoekopdracht is te kort"
other = "Type om te zoeken"

i18n/no.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
other = "Les mer"
other = "Opphavsrett"
other = "Alle rettigheter forbeholdt"
other = "Del på"
other = "Utvalgte innlegg"
other = "Nye innlegg"
other = "Tapt"
other = "Vi kunne ikke finne det du ser etter"
other = "Gå Tilbake"
other = "Oversettelser"
other = "Kategori"
other = "Stikkord"
other = "Serier"
other = "Alle Kategorier"
other = "Alle stikkord"
other = "Alle Serier"
other = "Oversikt"
other = "{{ .ReadingTime }} min lesing"
other = "Flere innlegg i denne serien"
# search
other = "Resultater"
other = "Ingen resultater funnet"
other = "Søk i kunnskapsbasen"
other = "Søk..."
other = "Søkeresultater"
other = "Søket er for kort"
other = "Skriv for å søke"

i18n/pl.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
other = "Czytaj Dalej"
other = "Copyright"
other = "Wszystkie Prawa Zastrzeżone"
other = "Udostępnij na"
other = "Wyróżnione Wpisy"
other = "Ostatnie Wpisy"
other = "Zagubiony"
other = "Nie możemy znaleźc strony, której szukasz"
other = "Powrót"
other = "Tłumaczenie"
other = "Kategorie"
other = "Tagi"
other = "Serie"
other = "Wszystkie Kategorie"
other = "Wszystkie Tagi"
other = "Wszystkie Serie"
other = "Przegląd"
other = "Przeczytasz w {{ .ReadingTime }} minut"
other = "Wpisy w tej serii"
# search
other = "Wyniki"
other = "Nic nie znaleziono"
other = "Search the knowledge base"
other = "Szukaj..."
other = "Wyniki Szukania"
other = "Zapytanie jest zbyt krótkie"
other = "Pisz by szukać"

i18n/pt.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
other = "Ler Mais"
other = "Copyright"
other = "Todos os Direitos Reservados"
other = "Partilhar"
other = "Principais Artigos"
other = "Artigos Mais Recentes"
other = "Ooops"
other = "Não foi possível encontrar esta página"
other = "Voltar"
other = "Traduções"
other = "Categorias"
other = "Etiquetas"
other = "Séries"
other = "Todas as Categorias"
other = "Todas as Etiquetas"
other = "Todas as Séries"
other = "Overview"
other = "{{ .ReadingTime }} min read"
other = "Postagens nesta série"
# search
other = "Resultados"
other = "Nenhum resultado encontrado"
other = "Pesquisar a base de conhecimento"
other = "Pesquisar..."
other = "Resultados da pesquisa"
other = "A consulta é muito curta"
other = "Digite para pesquisar"

i18n/tr.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
other = "Okumaya Devam Et"
other = "Telif Hakkı"
other = "Tüm Hakları Saklıdır"
other = "Paylaş:"
other = "Seçkin Makaleler"
other = "En Son Makaleler"
other = "Kayıp"
other = "Aradığınız sayfayı bulamadık"
other = "Geri Git"
other = "Çeviriler"
other = "Kategoriler"
other = "Etiketler"
other = "Seriler"
other = "Tüm Kategoriler"
other = "Tüm Etiketler"
other = "Tüm Seriler"
other = "Overview"
other = "{{ .ReadingTime }} min read"
other = "Posts in this series"
# search
other = "Sonuçlar"
other = "Sonuç bulunamadı"
other = "Bilgi tabanında ara"
other = "Ara..."
other = "Arama Sonuçları"
other = "Sorgu çok kısa"
other = "Aramak için yazın"

i18n/zh-CN.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
other = "阅读更多"
other = "Copyright"
other = "All Rights Reserved"
other = "分享到"
other = "精选文章"
other = "最新文章"
other = "页面不见了"
other = "页面不存在或已被删除"
other = "返回"
other = "翻译"
other = "分类"
other = "标签"
other = "专栏"
other = "所有分类"
other = "所有标签"
other = "所有专栏"
other = "文章目录"
other = "{{ .ReadingTime }} min read"
other = "Posts in this series"

i18n/zh-TW.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
other = "閱讀更多"
other = "版權"
other = "版權所有"
other = "分享到"
other = "精選文章"
other = "最新文章"
other = "頁面不見了"
other = "頁面不存在或已被删除"
other = "返回"
other = "翻譯"
other = "分類"
other = "標籤"
other = "專欄"
other = "所有分類"
other = "所有標籤"
other = "所有專欄"
other = "文章目錄"
other = "{{ .ReadingTime }} 分鐘長"
other = "此系列文章"

i18n/zh.toml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
other = "阅读更多"
other = "Copyright"
other = "All Rights Reserved"
other = "分享到"
other = "精选文章"
other = "最新文章"
other = "页面不见了"
other = "页面不存在或已被删除"
other = "返回"
other = "翻译"
other = "分类"
other = "标签"
other = "专栏"
other = "所有分类"
other = "所有标签"
other = "所有专栏"
other = "文章目录"
other = "{{ .ReadingTime }} min read"
other = "Posts in this series"

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static/.gitignore vendored Normal file
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