Once you have the database, you can find nearly any file instantly.
- Search for gifs: `locate .gif`
- Search for gifs in the `/usr/` directory: `locate /usr/ .gif`
- Search for jpg images with 'dog' or 'Dog' in the name: `locate -i dog jpg`
- Search for videos: `plocate --regex '.mp4$|.mkv$|.wmv$|.webm$|.mov$|.avi$'`
For best results, run `updatedb` regularly, perhaps in [crontab](../system/cron.md).
## Search More Places
`plocate` will not search `/tmp/`, because nobody cares about those files, and won't search inside `/mnt/`, because that's where USB sticks get mounted, so the files keep changing as USB sticks come and go.
Change where `plocate` searches by editing the configuration file at `/etc/updatedb.conf`.
By default, the `/mnt` directory is 'pruned' from the database.
So if you want to search `/mnt` for videos, remove the word `/mnt` from the configuration file.