Switch to root to make things easier. > yay -S > export TASKDDATA=/var/lib/taskd Edit `/usr/share/doc/taskd/pki/vars` so that ``CN'' = the hostname (IP is fine). > cd /usr/share/doc/taskd/pki Execute the `generate` file to generate a selfsigned certificate for the server. These will be \*.pem-files. Copy all \*.pem-files to /var/lib/taskd. Make sure a copy of ca.cert.pem remains to generate user-certificates later. # Taskd Configurations > taskd config --force client.cert $TASKDDATA/client.cert.pem > taskd config --force client.key $TASKDDATA/client.key.pem > taskd config --force server.cert $TASKDDATA/server.cert.pem > taskd config --force server.key $TASKDDATA/server.key.pem > taskd config --force server.crl $TASKDDATA/server.crl.pem > taskd config --force ca.cert $TASKDDATA/ca.cert.pem # Change Taskd Log Location The default is /tmp/log, which obviously you don't want. > touch /var/log/taskd.log > chown taskd:taskd /var/log/taskd.log > taskd config --force log /var/log/taskd.log Finally, set up the servername - the same one as in the certificates. Mine is ``testarch''. > taskd config --force server testarch:9001 # Adding users Let's add the group ``home'', then the user ``ghost'', will go in that group. > taskd add org home > taskd add user home ghost `3f9e6154-25cb-4e45-88bb-45e98feef904` > taskd add user home alfred `4fbb319c-c493-437a-ab7a-028f5b75e522` The user then gets a key. Finally, make sure that taskd can read its own data> > chown -R taskd:taskd /var/lib/taskd/orgs ... or perhaps the entire directory of /var/lib/taskd/. Then it's back to /usr/share/doc/taskd/pki Generate some userfiles: > ./generate.client ghost > ./generate.client alfred The bob and ghost \*pem files have to be added to the given users' home directories. # Setting up Users > sudo apt-get install taskwarrior taskd > task Then move the \*pem files into the .task directory of the user. Don't forget to add the ca.key.pem from `/usr/share/doc/taskd/pki`! # Attempt 2 Well, none of that worked. New info from [taskwarrior](https://gitpitch.com/GothenburgBitFactory/taskserver-setup#/1/4) Default port = 53589 starting with > taskd init > taskd config server localhost:53589 View supported settings with `taskdrc`. !!! Start with taskdctl start Do a non-daemon version with > taskd server --data $TASKDDATA --daemon # Systemd Unit file This needs to be edited for "$TASKDDATA", "$TASKDUSER", and "$TASKDGROUP". --- Unit] Description=Secure server providing multi-user, multi-client access to Taskwarrior data Requires=network.target After=network.target Documentation=http://taskwarrior.org/docs/#taskd [Service] ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/taskd server --data $TASKDDATA Type=simple User=$TASKDUSER Group=$TASKDGROUP WorkingDirectory=$TASKDDATA PrivateTmp=true InaccessibleDirectories=/home /root /boot /opt /mnt /media ReadOnlyDirectories=/etc /usr [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target --- Enable all this by copying the file to `/etc/systemd/system`, reload daemon, then start it. Key for ghost: 29bd8a06-2cc0-4163-905d-6216257a3031 e29bffe0-72d8-45f2-b1f9-f29397cfab16 # Different: $ task config taskd.certificate -- ~/.task/first_last.cert.pem $ task config taskd.key -- ~/.task/first_last.key.pem $ task config taskd.ca -- ~/.task/ca.cert.pem # Trust For troubleshooting we can set: > taskd.trust=ignore [hostname] > taskd.trust=allow all > taskd.trust=strict # User Defines Attributes - UDA Each UDA has two to four attributes: type (numeric or string) and label are necessary: > task config uda.THING.type {numeric,string} > task config uda.THING.label Thg Constrain these attributes to a comma-delineated set with: > task config uda.THING.values brown,orange,green You can also show how important the Attribute makes something: > urgency.uda.THING.coefficient=2.8 # Aliases Alias `delete' to `rm' with: task config alias.rm delete