# Basic Startup BIOS > MBR > GRUB > Kernel > Init > Run Level - The BIOS identifies system hardware. - The Master Boot Record contains partition and filesystem data. - The Grand Unified Bootloader executes the kernel. - The Init Executes designates run level (via SysVinit, Upstart, or Systemd). - Run Level starts the user's session. The Master Boot Record is a 512 byte file called boot.img which starts the first sectore of core.img into memory (GRUB Stage 1.5), which then executes /boot/grub. # Access system Ctrl+c at boot then add in > rw init=bash # Run Levels 0: Half 1: Single user mode 2: Multi-user, without NFS 3: Full multi-user mode 4: Unused 5: X11 6: Reboot None of this is used by humans anymore - it's all systemd. # Systemd See what's running with .... > systemctl list-units Stop, start, whatever with: systemctl enable|stop|start httpd This starts httpd (Fedora's word for Apache2). # Boot Records 'File System Tab' under /etc/fstab keeps track of the partitions and boot order. The logical voluem manager (LVM) can make non-hardware partitions. The nomenclature is: - PV = physical volume - LV = logical volume - VG = volume group # Volume Groups > sudo vgcreate work-volume /dev/sdb2 /dev/sdb4 This creates the volume group 'work-volume', consisting in sdb2 and sdb4. Now you ahve a volume group, you can use it as part of a new logical volume. > sudo lvcreate -n noob-lv work-volume Then scan for all logical volumes on the system with lvscan. > sudo lvscan # GRUB Install a grub with either: > sudo grub-install /dev/sda or > sudo grub2-install /dev/sda This takes all settings from /etc/fstab. Then when done editing settings update the script in /boot/grub/grub.cfg (in Debian) or /boot/boot/grub/menu (in other systems). There are default examples in /etc/grub.d/ (but not on Ubuntu). Finalize your settings with grub-mkconfig (or grub2-mkconfig), or update-grub. # Cowardice If you can't do that, use boot-repair: > help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair