--- title: "unison" tags: [ "Documentation", "Backups" ] --- Install unison on both machines, and make sure both have the same version of unison, with the same version of the ocaml compiler (the smallest difference will cause problems). > unison -version Create the `~/.unison` directory on both machines. Make a job called `backup`: > vim ~/.unison/*backup*.prf You can name the file anything, but it must end in .prf. Here is an example job, which synchronizes the `~/music` directory with a remote machine. ``` auto = true root=/home/ghost root=ssh://ghost@ path=music ignore=Name *.flac ``` The last command means it will ignore any file with a name ending in `.flac`. ## Automatic Runs The first command means this will run but also confirm which files will be deleted, and which will be transferred, us `batch = true` instead. Or you can deleted that line in the `.prf` file and run it with a flag: > unison -batch *backup*.prf Set unison to run with crontab or a systemd unit file to have directories synchronize automatically. ## Problem Solving You will see data files summarizing what has happened in the `~/.unison` directory. If something goes wrong, you may be prompted to delete these to start again.