--- title: "sv" tags: [ "Documentation", "Void" ] --- # List Services All possible services are in: > ls /etc/sv The computer only uses those in /var/service, so symbolic links are made to start and stop services. > ls /var/service # Start Services Enable the sshd service, so that ssh will work every time you boot up: > sudo ln -s /etc/sv/sshd /var/service Then start the service: > sudo sv start sshd # Stop Services Stop `mpd` with: > sudo sv stop mpd And stop it automatically loading at startup with: > sudo rm /var/service/mpd You can also just make a file called 'down': > sudo touch /var/service/mpd/down This means you can start and stop the service without making symbolic links, but mpd will be 'down' when the computer starts. # Making a Service Look in the `/etc/sv` directory, then in the existing services' 'run' files. You'll find a simple dash script (therefore Posix compliant). You can write your own, just stick in the shebang `#!/bin/sh`. If unsure, use `#!/bin/bash` as the first line. When Void Linux says `sh`, it means `dash` shell, not `bash`. Confirm the shell you'll use: > ls -l $(which sh)