--- title: "unison" tags: [ "Documentation", "networking" ] --- # Local Sync unison Dir_A Dir_B Accept defaults with: > unison -auto Dir_A Dir_B Ask no questions with: > unison -batch Dir_A Dir_B # Remote Sync Sync the folders ~/LK on pi and localhost with: > unison LK ssh://pi@ #Back Script Example Make backup script 'rat' by entering the configurations in ~/.unison/rat.prf ```{r} # Where to synchronize from root=/home/roach-1/ root=ssh://ubuntu@ auto = true batch = true ## for ssh arguments, add as so: #sshargs=-p 4792 ## Directories to synchronize ## a path such as 'Album 1' will not work - don't use quotes. path=box 1 path=box 2 path=house path=.vimrc path=.bashrc ignore=Name temp.* ignore=Name *.swp ## Merging ## This line handles the merge, but it's based on Emacs, which cannot run in a tty, but requires X. diff = diff -u CURRENT2 CURRENT1 | perl -pe 's/^\+/>/; s/^\-/ unison rat.prf And a crontab can be set with: * */4 * * * /usr/bin/unison rat