# Starting ## New Machines > git config --global user.email "malinfreeborn@tutamail.com" > git config --global user.name "Malin Freeborn" ## New Git Start a git: > git init Add whatever's in the folder. > git add . Then make the initial commit: > git commit # Working Once you make a change to some file ("file.sh"), add it and make a commit explaining it. > git add file.sh > git commit -m"change file.sh" Check your history: > git log # Remotes Get the url of your git remote and add it, with the name "origin": > git remote add origin git@gitlab.com:bindrpg/core Tell git you're pushing the branch "master" to the remote repo "origin": > git push -u master origin If someone makes a change on the remote, pull it down with: > git pull # Branches A branch is a full copy of the project to test additional ideas. You can make a new branch called 'featurez' like this: > git branch featurez Have a look at all your branches: > git branch Switch to your new branch: > git checkout featurez And if your changes are rubbish, checkout the "master" branch again, then delete "featurez": > git branch -D featurez Or if it's a good branch, push it to the remote: > git push origin featurez ## Merging Once you like the feature, merge it into the main branch. Switch to master then merge it: > git merge featurez and delete featurez as you've already merged it: > git branch -d featurez # Subtree The project has subdirectories sub-1,sub-2,sub-3. The first should be its own repository, but should also retain its own history. First, we extract its history as an independent item, and make that into a seprate branch. > git subtree split --prefix=sub-1 -b sub If you want something a few directories deep, you can use `--prefix=sub-1/dir-2/dir-3 Then go and create a new git somewhere else: > cd ..;mkdir sub-1;cd sub-1;git init --bare Then go back to your initial git repo, and do the following: git push ../subtest sub:master Finally, you can clone this repo from your original. > git clone ../subtest # Tricks ## Delete All History > git checkout --orphan temp > git add -A > git commit -am "release the commits!" > git branch -D master > git branch -m master > git push -f origin master Gitlab requires more changes, such as going to `settings > repository` and switching the main branch, then stripping protection. ## Clean up Bloated Repo > git fsck --full > git gc --prune=now --aggressive > git repack ## Find Binary Blobs ``` git rev-list --objects --all \ | git cat-file --batch-check='%(objecttype) %(objectname) %(objectsize) %(rest)' \ | sed -n 's/^blob //p' \ | sort --numeric-sort --key=2 \ | cut -c 1-12,41- \ | $(command -v gnumfmt || echo numfmt) --field=2 --to=iec-i --suffix=B --padding=7 --round=nearest ```