--- title: "cron" tags: [ "basics", "time" ] --- # Cronie The `cronie` program is also known as `crond`. ## Install ```bash sudo apt search -n ^cron ``` Once installed, search for the service name, and start it. ```bash sudo systemctl list-unit-files | grep cron sudo systemctl enable --now $NAME ``` ## Usage Show your current crontab: ```bash crontab -l ``` You can put this in a file and edit it: ```bash crontab -l > $filename echo '39 3 */3 * * /bin/tar czf /tmp/etc_backup.tgz /etc/' >> $filename ``` Then apply that crontab: ```bash crontab $filename rm $filename ``` The `cron` program will check your syntax before adding the tab. Your crontab file sits somewhere in `/var/spool/`. Probably in `/var/spool/cron`. ## Syntax `* * * * *` These five points refer to: `minute hour day month weekday` So '3pm every Sunday' would be: `0 15 * * 7` Here 'Sunday' is indicated by "7", and '3pm' is 'the 15th hour'. The minute is '0' (i.e. '0 minutes past three pm'). Doing the same thing, but only in February, would be: `0 15 * 2 7` ### Variables `cronie` doesn't know where you live, so to put something in your `$HOME` directory, you have to tell it: ```bash echo "HOME=$HOME" > $filename crontab -l >> $filename crontab $filename ``` `cronie` doesn't know where anything lives, including programs. You can give it your usual `$PATH` variable like this: ```bash echo $PATH > $filename crontab -l >> $filename crontab $filename ``` Now instead of doing this `40 */3 * * * /usr/bin/du -sh $HOME/* | sort -h > $HOME/sum.txt` You can simply do this: `40 */3 * * * du -sh $HOME/* | sort -h > $HOME/sum.txt` ## Run as Root You can execute a script as root by putting it into a directory, instead of in the tab. Look at the available cron directories: ```bash ls -d /etc/cron.* ``` Make a script which runs daily: ```bash f=apt_update.sh echo '#!/bin/bash' > $f echo 'apt update --yes' >> $f chmod +x $f sudo mv $f /etc/cron.daily/ ``` ### Testing with runparts Run-parts runs all executable scripts in a directory. ```bash run-parts /etc/cron.hourly ``` # Troubleshooting ### `date` Commands Cron doesn't understand the `%` sign, so if you want to use `date +%R`, then it should be escaped with a backslash: `date +\%R`.