--- title: "xbps" tags: [ "Documentation", "Void" ] --- Install cowsay > xbps-install cowsay Look for cowsay > xbps-query -Rs cowsay Upgrade current packages. `-R` looks at repositories, `-s` makes a sloppy search (for rough matches). > xbps-install -Suv Remove cowsay > xbps-remove cowsay ...and all dependencies > xbps-remove -R cowsay Reinstall cowsay > xbps-install -f Reconfigure all packages. Useful for breakages. > xbps-pkgdb -a Remove all orphaned dependencies. > xbps-remove -o Show information about cowsay > xbps-query -Rs cows List packages requiring updates. > xbps-install -Suvn List what's required for cowsay > xbps-query -x cowsay List what's installed. > xbps-query -l Clean. > xbps-remove -O Update list of available packages ('sync') > xbps-install -S Remove package information. > xbps-query -R Do I have cowsay installed? > xbps-query -s cowsay What packages are pointless? > xbps-query -O > xbps-install -Sn cowsay # Advanced A dry-run of installing cowsay, without actually intalling. > xbps-query -x cowsay Show cowsay's dependencies. The -R flag's required for a remote package. > xbps-query -X cowsay Show the reverse dependencies of a package. > xbps-query -XR cowsay Show all reverse dependencies of a package, including repository packages. > xbps-query -m List all manually installed software. # Problems Look for broken packages. > sudo xbps-pkgdb -a And if you've found any, you might reconfigure all packages forcefully: > sudo xbps-reconfigure -af