--- title: "profanity" tags: [ "Documentation", "Chat" ] --- # Setup (Commands) Sign up to an account somewhere. > /connect bob@bobserver.org Check if someone wants to be your friend: > /sub received Accept a friend's subscription request: > /sub add alice@aliceserver.org Join a room: > /join room1@bobserver.org Save your configuration so you don't have to do this again: > /save Check your `~/.config/profanity/profrc` for how to data's saved. ## Automatically Sign In To automatically sign in, add your password to [pass](../data/pass.md). > /account set *malin@oosm.org* eval_password pass *xmpp* > /autoconnect set *malin@oosm.org* > /save Remember to save the config for other commands too. # General Use ## Messages > /msg alice@aliceserver.org This opens in a new tab. Switch tabs with alt+number. ## Docs The [docs](https://profanity-im.github.io/guide/0131/reference.html) are massive, so it's often better to use: > /help ## Editing For long text, you can use vim: > /executable editor set vim > /editor ## Sending & Receiving Files Tell it how to save files: > /executable urlsave set "wget %u -O %p" Then get the file with: > /urlsave ** Same for `/urlopen` ## Theme > profanity > /theme list > theme load batman # Encryption ## omemo > /omemo gen > /omemo start You can accept everyone's fingerprint all the time with > /omemo trustmode firstusage This will still encrypt, but there will be no check that you have the right person the first time you speak with someone. You can ensure omemo automatcally turns on: > /omemo policy automatic ## otr Install libotr-dev or libotr5-dev or whatever.. > sudo apt -y install lib5otr-dev Make your otr keys. > /otr gen Then you can start an otr converstation. > /otr start bob@jobbies.org Or if you already have a conversation windows open, switch to our using: > /otr Finally, verify! > /otr question "Who are you?" bob Bob is verified upon the answer, 'bob'. ### OTR Finger Prints Get yours with > /otr myfp > /otr theirfp > /otr myfp