--- title: "at" tags: [ "Documentation", "Basics" ] --- Install with: > sudo apt install at Enable the daemon service with: > sudo systemctl enable --now atd Then jobs can be specified with absolute time, such as: > at 16:20 > at noon > at midnight > at teatime Type in your command, e.g.: > touch /tmp/myFile.txt The jobs can also be specified relative to the current time: > at now +15 minutes Finally, accept the jobs with ^D. # Managing `at` Jobs Display a list of commands to run with: > atq `2 Sat Oct 20 16:00:00 2018 a roach-1` This will print all pending IDs. Remove a job by the ID with: > atrm 2 Check /var/spool/atd/ ![At it again](/tapes/at.gif) ## Automation Automatically add a job for later, by setting the date, then using echo for the command. > t="$(date -d "2 minutes" +%R)" > echo "fortune > ~/file" | at "$t" > watch cat file The `$t` here outputs the day in minutes, but you could also do `t="$(date -d "2 days" +%m/%d/%Y)"`.