--- title: "shell" tags: [ "Documentation", "basics" ] --- # Shells Dash - fast but limited funcionality, great for scripts. sh - primitive and ubiquitous. bash - the standard elvish - user-friendly, but new, with a full file-browser embedded into the system. # Login All shells launch either as login or non-login. All remote sessions without a GUI withl require authentication, and therefore will be login. ## Login These shells start by reading /etc/profile then the first of ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login or ~/.profile, and load all given values. ## Non-Login Non-login shells will read /etc/bash.bashrc and then the ~/.bashrc file. You can summon the different shell perameters with the command `.`. For example, so summon the file ~/.bashrc, you can perform: `. ~/.bashrc` How the logout is handled depends upon ~/.bash_logout # Defaults The default shell config files to create for a new user are under /etc/skel. # Shellcheck Run `shellcheck script.sh` on your scripts to check them for mistakes.