[Source](http://lxlinux.com/imagemagick.html) Convert jpg to png. > convert image.jpg image.png > convert image.jpg -quality 50 image.jpg 'Quality' must be from 1 to 100. > convert -resize 50% image.jpg image2.jpg Resizing only changes jpegs. Change a png with: > convert input.png png8:out.png # Invert Colours > convert input.jpg output.jpg -negate # Make Images Smaller > convert image.jpg -resize 25% output.jpg # Trim images to border This is generally used for transparrent images. > convert -trim image.png output.png Make the white of an image transparrent. > convert -transparent white -fuzz 10% input.png output.png The 'fuzz' option tells the computer that 'close to white' is fine. You might want to use 20% or higher fuzz. ## Dropshadow > `convert \( +clone -background black -shadow 50x8+0+5 \) +swap -background none -layers merge +repage ` # Convert every jpg in directory to png > mogrify -format png *.jpg # Printing Words # Mass convert This script converts all jpg and png files in a directory to svg. ``` for i in *png *jpg do for j in *$i do convert $j -resize 2048 $(ls $j | sed s#.$i\$#.svg#) done done ``` # Writing Words [docs](https://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/text/) See your installed fonts: > convert -list font Make na image showing day of the week: > convert -fill blue -font Sauce-Code-Pro-Semibold-Nerd-Font-Complete-Mono -gravity center -pointsize 79 label:$(date +%A) day.png