--- title: "packages" tags: [ "Documentation", "basics" ] --- # Looking Your package has something to do with unzipping. Find out more: > apropos unzip # Maintenance > dpkg -l List what's installed. # Libraries Libraries under /lib/ typically contain an .so suffix when they're dynamic. It means 'shared object' as a number of programs will refer to it. Others will have an /a/ suffix, meaning that they're static, and will be loaded at runtime. We can check the dependencies of a program using the ldd command upon anything in a library. For example: > ldd/usr/bin/md5sum ... shows us that md5sum depends upon: - linux-vdso.so.1 - libc.so.6 - lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 To list all libraries, run: > ldconfig -p For example, if looking at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libXcomposite.so.1, we might wonder what it's for. We can then run: > ldconfig -p | grep libXcomposite ... and find out nothing except that it redirects /usr/lib/x86... So at least we know where it is. > ldconfig -p | grep usb ... this will show where things which nominally relate to usbs live. You can add to the libarary path by putting just any text file in /etc/ld.so.cache, e.g. in Arch where the path to the fakeroot environment is placed there.