# dmzOS ## About **dmzOS** is an operating system written by a group of computer enthusiasts gathered around [Decentrala](https://decentrala.org/). You are free to explore, learn, and contribute! ### Description * Written from scratch in C and asm. * POSIX-compliant (as aspiring to [Stan Dard](https://wiki.osdev.org/Stan_Dard)). * For the amd64 architecture. * Extensively documented. ### Goals * Sharpen low-level programming skills. * Familiarize with amd64 architecture details. * Have fun along the way! ### Success criteria * Run vim on the OS. ### Rules * Please provide an adequate entry in the Wiki for each non-trivial code contribution. To learn more about the project, please refer to the [Wiki](https://gitea.dmz.rs/sborovic/dmzOS/wiki). ## DevOps ### Development environment Essential software (plus dependencies) that are needed for the development are available through a custom Ubuntu-based Docker image (located in `Dockerfiles/dockerfile.c_toolchain` as well as on Docker Hub). This includes: - `gcc`: *The GNU Compiler Collection.* - `indent` GNU C code formatter. - `clang`: a compiler front end for the C, C++, Objective-C, and Objective-C++ programming languages - `clang-format`: a tool to automatically format C/C++/Objective-C code - `gdb`: *The GNU Debugger.* - `make`: a tool which controls the generation of executables and other non-source files of a program from the program's source files. - `objdump`: a command-line program for displaying various information about object files. - `nasm`: *The Netwide Assembler* is an assembler and disassembler for the Intel x86 architecture. - `xxd`: a command-line program that may be used to manage, convert, and display binary files. - `ld`: *The GNU Linker*. - `lld`: a linker from the LLVM project that is a drop-in replacement for system linkers and runs much faster than them. - `vim`: a highly configurable text editor. > *Note* > A `.vimrc` file with a rule to format code on buffer save in line with *Kernighan and Ritchie style* (with 4-space indentation) comes pre-installed inside the image. Booting the latest `.iso` image of *dmzOS* is done using a [Dockerized QEMU](https://github.com/qemus/qemu-docker). #### Command cheatsheet * To get into a `bash` shell that is bound to the `dmzOS` directory: ```docker docker-compose run --rm c_toolchain ``` > *Note* > Any changes in the container's `dmzOS` directory will be reflected in the local `dmzOS` directory.