using UnityEngine; namespace Nothke.Interaction { public interface IScrollInteractable { void Scroll(InteractionController im, float scroll); } [System.Obsolete("Use ICanInteract instead")] public interface ISelectiveInteractable { bool CanInteract { get; } } public interface ICanInteract { bool CanInteract(InteractionController controller); } } namespace Nothke.Interaction.Items { public interface IUsable { void Use(); } public interface IHoldUsable { void UseEnd(); } public interface IScrollableInHand { void ScrollInHand(float scroll); } public interface ISecondaryUsable { bool AllowExamination { get; } void UseSecondary(); } public interface ITakeable { Transform Transform { get; } Rigidbody Rigidbody { get; } void OnTaken(IHands hands); } public interface ICustomHoldPivot { void GetHoldPivot(out Vector3 holdPos, out Quaternion holdRot); } public interface IHands { Interactable item { get; } void Take(ITakeable _item); void Drop(); void DropFixed(); void UpdateInteraction(); bool isFixed { get; set; } void Place(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Transform relativeParent, IItemReceivable intoSlot = null); InteractionController controller { get; set; } } public interface ISelectiveTakeable { bool CanBeTaken(); } public interface IDroppable { Transform Transform { get; } Rigidbody Rigidbody { get; } void OnDropped(IHands hands); bool DelayDrop { get; } } public interface IThrowable { Rigidbody Rigidbody { get; } bool canThrow { get; } float minThrowAcceleration { get; } float maxThrowAcceleration { get; } void OnDropped(IHands hands); } public interface INicePlaceable { void GetPlacePivot(out Vector3 placePos, out Quaternion placeRot); void OnStartedPlacing(IHands hands); void OnNicePlaced(IHands hands); } public interface IExaminable { float HorizontalAngle { get; } float VerticalAngle { get; } } public interface ICustomExaminePosition { Vector3 ExaminePosition { get; } } public interface ICustomHandPosition { Vector3 HandsOffset { get; } } /// <summary> /// Sets position of held hand /// </summary> public interface IOverrideHandPositon { Vector3 HandPosition { get; } } /// <summary> /// Adds offset translation to held hand /// </summary> public interface IOffsetHandPosition { Vector3 HandPositionOffset { get; } } /// <summary> /// Implement this if you want to prevent held items interacting with other (environment) interactables /// </summary> public interface IEnvironmentInteractionPreventable { bool EnvironmentInteractionIsAllowed { get; } } /// <summary> /// Implement this on interactables that you want to be interactable only if the player is holding a certain item /// </summary> public interface IItemInHandsInteractionDependable { bool IsInteractableIfHolding(Interactable item); } }