using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using KinematicCharacterController.Examples; using TMPro; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; public class Scoreboard: MonoBehaviour { public static Scoreboard Instance; public ExampleCharacterController Controller; public ExamplePlayer Player; public ExampleCharacterCamera Camera; public Transform StartPosition; public Transform StartLook; public StagingManager.StageEnum CurrentStage; public LevelObjective CurrentObjective; public LevelObjective Stage1Objective; public LevelObjective Stage2Objective; public LevelObjective Stage3Objective; public Dictionary ProductCounts = new (); public float _timeLeft; public bool _running; public TextMeshPro textMesh; public void OnEnable() { if (!Instance) { Instance = this; } } public void StartStage(StagingManager.StageEnum stage) { CurrentStage = stage; switch (stage) { case StagingManager.StageEnum.Level1: SetObjective(Stage1Objective); break; case StagingManager.StageEnum.Level2: SetObjective(Stage2Objective); break; case StagingManager.StageEnum.Level3: SetObjective(Stage3Objective); break; } RestartCurrentStage(); UpdateText(); } #if UNITY_EDITOR [MenuItem("Tools/Restart Level")] #endif public static void RestartCurrentStage() { foreach (var machine in StagingManager.Instance.GetComponentsInChildren(true)) { machine.ResetMachine(); } var allProducts = FindObjectsOfType(); for (int i = 0; i < allProducts.Length; i++) { Destroy(allProducts[i].gameObject); } Instance.SetObjective(Instance.CurrentObjective); Instance.UpdateText(); Instance.Controller.Motor.SetPosition(Instance.StartPosition.position); Instance.Controller.Motor.SetRotation(Instance.StartPosition.rotation); Instance.Player.enabled = false; Instance.Camera.transform.rotation = Instance.StartLook.rotation; Instance.Player.enabled = true; } public void SetObjective(LevelObjective objective) { CurrentObjective = objective; StagingManager.SetStage(objective.Stage); ProductCounts = new(); _timeLeft = objective.TimeLimit; _running = true; } public void ScoreProduct(Product product) { if (!ProductCounts.ContainsKey(product.Type)) { ProductCounts[product.Type] = new Vector2Int(); } var currentCount = ProductCounts[product.Type]; if (product.Defect == DefectType.None) { currentCount.x++; } else { currentCount.y++; } ProductCounts[product.Type] = currentCount; } private int TotalCount(ProductType type) { return ProductCounts[type].x + ProductCounts[type].y; } private int DefectPercentage(ProductType type) { if (TotalCount(type) == 0) { return 0; } return 100 * ProductCounts[type].y / TotalCount(type); } private void Update() { if (!_running) { return; } _timeLeft -= Time.deltaTime; UpdateText(); if (_timeLeft <= 0) { CountScores(); _running = false; } } public void UpdateText() { StringBuilder sb = new(); int totalSeconds = (int) _timeLeft; int minutes = (int) _timeLeft / 60; int seconds = (int) _timeLeft % 60; sb.Append("Time left: "); if (totalSeconds < 30) { sb.Append(""); } else { sb.Append(""); } if (seconds < 10) { sb.Append($"{minutes}:0{seconds}"); } else { sb.Append($"{minutes}:{seconds}"); } sb.Append("\n"); sb.Append("\n"); sb.Append(CurrentObjective.LevelMessage); sb.Append("\n"); sb.Append("\n"); foreach (var quota in CurrentObjective.Quotas) { if (ProductCounts.ContainsKey(quota.Type)) { sb.Append($"{}: {TotalCount(quota.Type)}/{quota.Quantity}\n"); } else { sb.Append($"{}: 0/{quota.Quantity}\n"); } } textMesh.text = sb.ToString(); } public void CountScores() { bool success = true; StringBuilder sb = new(); foreach (var quota in CurrentObjective.Quotas) { if (!ProductCounts.ContainsKey(quota.Type)) { success = false; sb.Append($"Not a single product of type {} was produced!\n"); break; } if (quota.Quantity > TotalCount(quota.Type)) { success = false; sb.Append($"Not enough {} were produced.\n"); break; } sb.Append($"{}: {TotalCount(quota.Type)}/{quota.Quantity}\n"); if (quota.MaxDefectivePercentage < DefectPercentage(quota.Type)) { success = false; sb.Append($"Too many of {} were defective!\n"); break; } sb.Append($"Overall {} defect percentage: {DefectPercentage(quota.Type)}%\n"); } sb.Append(success ? CurrentObjective.SuccessMessage : CurrentObjective.FailureMessage); UIManager.Instance.PushStageComplete(success, sb.ToString()); } }