using System.Collections.Generic; using Nothke.Interaction.Integration; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; namespace Nothke.Interaction.Items { public class Hands : MonoBehaviour, IHands { #region Inspector variables public Transform hand; public Vector3 handAimPos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0.8f); public float examinationMouseSensitivity = 1; [Header("Smooth taking")] public bool smoothTake; public float smoothMoveFactor = 0.1f; public float smoothRotateRate = 10; [Header("Throwing")] public bool throwFromCenter = true; public float throwUpFactor = 0.2f; public float throwAngularVelocity = 10; public Transform throwTransform; public float handNoiseGain = 1; [System.NonSerialized] public MonoBehaviour[] mouseLooks; // TODO: Remove public MonoBehaviour lockableFreeLookComponent; ILockableFreeLook lockableFreeLook; public MonoBehaviour focusEffectComponent; IFocusableEffect focusableEffect; public bool nicePlacement; public bool disableShadowsOnTakenObjects = true; #endregion #region Public properties public bool isFixed { get; set; } [System.NonSerialized] public Interactable item; #endregion #region Private variables const float smoothPlaceTimeLimit = 1; Transform itemInHands; Vector3 handStartPos; Vector3 handTargetPos; Quaternion handStartRot; Quaternion handTargetRot; RaycastHit hit; Vector3 mouseSpeed; Vector3 handRefVelo; #if FOV float originalFoV; float FoVRefVelo; #endif Interactable IHands.item => item; public InteractionController controller { get; set; } Vector3 placeTLocalPos; Quaternion placeTLocalRot; Vector3 placeHandOffset; Quaternion placeHandRotation; Transform placeT; bool placing; bool placingIsNice; float placeStartTime; Transform handParent; #endregion #region Public methods public void Take(ITakeable _item) { if (itemInHands) return; item = _item as Interactable; if (_item.Rigidbody) _item.Rigidbody.isKinematic = true; var itemT = _item.Transform; Vector3 targetHoldPos =; Quaternion targetHoldRot = Quaternion.identity; if (item is ICustomHoldPivot) (item as ICustomHoldPivot).GetHoldPivot(out targetHoldPos, out targetHoldRot); if (smoothTake) { hand.transform.SetPositionAndRotation( itemT.TransformPoint(targetHoldPos), itemT.rotation * targetHoldRot); } itemT.parent = hand; if (!smoothTake) { itemT.localPosition = -targetHoldPos; itemT.localRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(targetHoldRot); } if (disableShadowsOnTakenObjects) EnableShadowcasting(item, true); itemInHands = _item.Transform; _item.OnTaken(this); } public void Drop() { if (!itemInHands) return; var droppable = item as IDroppable; if (droppable == null) Debug.LogError("Attempting to drop undroppable item"); Debug.Assert(droppable != null, "Droppable is null"); //Debug.Assert(droppable.Rigidbody != null, "Item rigidbody is null"); if (droppable.Rigidbody) droppable.Rigidbody.isKinematic = false; itemInHands.parent = null; if (disableShadowsOnTakenObjects) EnableShadowcasting(item, true); Debug.Log($"Dropped {}"); itemInHands = null; item = null; } public void DropFixed() { if (!itemInHands) return; itemInHands.parent = null; if (disableShadowsOnTakenObjects) EnableShadowcasting(item, true); Debug.Log($"Dropped fixed {}"); if (item is IDroppable droppable) droppable.OnDropped(this); itemInHands = null; item = null; } void EnableShadowcasting(Interactable item, bool enable) { Renderer[] renderers = item.transform.GetComponentsInChildren(); // alloc! for (int i = 0; i < renderers.Length; i++) renderers[i].shadowCastingMode = enable ? UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.On : UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.Off; } IItemReceivable placingIntoSlot; public void Place(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Transform relativeParent, IItemReceivable intoSlot = null) { placeT = relativeParent; placeTLocalPos = position; placeTLocalRot = rotation; placing = true; if (item is ICustomHoldPivot) (item as ICustomHoldPivot).GetHoldPivot(out placeHandOffset, out placeHandRotation); else { placeHandOffset =; placeHandRotation = Quaternion.identity; } if (item is INicePlaceable placeable) placeable.OnStartedPlacing(this); else if (item is ISlottable slottable) slottable.OnStartedPlacing(this); placingIsNice = placeT == null; placingIntoSlot = intoSlot; // TODO: Add movement velocity to smoothing speed placeStartTime = Time.time; hand.parent = null; } public void OverrideHandPositionAndRotation(Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot) { handTargetPos = pos; handTargetRot = rot; } public void SetHandVelocity(Vector3 velo) { handRefVelo = velo; } public void ResetOffset() { handTargetPos = handStartPos; handTargetRot = handStartRot; } #endregion void Awake() { if (hand == null) hand = transform; handStartPos = hand.transform.localPosition; handTargetPos = handStartPos; handStartRot = hand.transform.localRotation; handTargetRot = handStartRot; if (lockableFreeLookComponent) { lockableFreeLook = lockableFreeLookComponent.GetComponent(); if (lockableFreeLook != null) Debug.Log("Found lockable free look on GameObject"); } if (focusEffectComponent) { focusableEffect = focusEffectComponent.GetComponent(); if (focusableEffect != null) Debug.Log("Found focusable effect on GameObject"); } handParent = hand.parent; } #region Update private void Update() { UpdatePosition(); } public void UpdatePosition() { // sanity check if (item == null) if (placing) { this.EndPlacing(); } float dt = Time.deltaTime; mouseSpeed = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Mouse X"), Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y"), 0); Vector3 targetPos = handTargetPos; if (item is IOverrideHandPositon ohp) { targetPos = ohp.HandPosition; } if (item is IOffsetHandPosition offhp) { targetPos += offhp.HandPositionOffset; } float lrRot = (-0.5f + Mathf.PerlinNoise(Time.time * 3.34f, 0.234f)) * 5 * handNoiseGain; float udRot = (-0.5f + Mathf.PerlinNoise(Time.time * 3.34f, 34.783f)) * 5 * handNoiseGain; Quaternion targetRot = handTargetRot * Quaternion.Euler(lrRot, udRot, 0); if (placing) { // Get hold pivot offset and rotation Vector3 holdPos =; Quaternion holdRot = Quaternion.identity; if (item is ICustomHoldPivot chp) { chp.GetHoldPivot(out holdPos, out holdRot); float slotScale = placeT ? 1.0f / placeT.lossyScale.x : 1; holdPos = holdPos * item.transform.lossyScale.x * slotScale; } Vector3 placeWorldPos; Quaternion placeWorldRot; if (!placeT) // calcaulte in world space { Matrix4x4 worldLocationMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(placeTLocalPos, placeTLocalRot,; Matrix4x4 handPivotMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(holdPos, holdRot,; Vector3 posOff = worldLocationMatrix * holdPos; //var mat = handPivotMatrix * worldLocationMatrix; placeWorldPos = placeTLocalPos + (Vector3)(worldLocationMatrix * holdPos); placeWorldRot = placeTLocalRot * holdRot; //placeWorldRot = mat.rotation; } else // if placeT, calculate in local space of target object { placeWorldPos = placeT.TransformPoint(placeTLocalPos + holdPos); placeWorldRot = placeT.rotation * placeTLocalRot * holdRot; } // Calculate targets in world space targetPos = placeWorldPos; targetRot = placeWorldRot; bool isCloseToTarget = Vector3.Distance(hand.position, targetPos) < 0.02f; bool isAngleCloseToTarget = Quaternion.Angle(hand.rotation, targetRot) < 1; bool isSafetyTimeout = Time.time - placeStartTime > smoothPlaceTimeLimit; // END PLACING if ((isCloseToTarget && isAngleCloseToTarget) || isSafetyTimeout) { EndPlacing(); return; } } // Assign hand position and rotation: if (placing) // while placing is happening, lerping is in world space, otherwise it should be in localspace { hand.position = Vector3.SmoothDamp(hand.position, targetPos, ref handRefVelo, smoothMoveFactor); hand.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(hand.rotation, targetRot, dt * smoothRotateRate); } else { hand.localPosition = Vector3.SmoothDamp(hand.localPosition, targetPos, ref handRefVelo, smoothMoveFactor); hand.localRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(hand.localRotation, targetRot, dt * smoothRotateRate); } if (examining) { if (itemInHands) { float x = mouseSpeed.x * examinationMouseSensitivity; float y = mouseSpeed.y * examinationMouseSensitivity; IExaminable examinable = item as IExaminable; if (examinable != null) { if (examinable.HorizontalAngle > 0) hand.Rotate(hand.transform.parent.up, x, Space.World); if (examinable.VerticalAngle > 0) hand.Rotate(hand.transform.parent.right, y, Space.World); } } } } void EndPlacing() { placing = false; // Temp, make it get velocity from target: handRefVelo =; var _item = itemInHands; if (_item != null) { DropFixed(); _item.parent = placeT; _item.localPosition = placeTLocalPos; _item.localRotation = placeTLocalRot; } else Debug.LogError("Ending placement but item was null! This shouldn't happen"); if (placingIsNice && _item.GetComponent() is INicePlaceable placeable) placeable.OnNicePlaced(this); //Debug.Log("Ending placeming"); if (placingIntoSlot != null) Debug.Log("PLACINGINTOSLOT"); if (placingIntoSlot != null && _item.GetComponent() != null) placingIntoSlot.SetItemInSlot(_item.GetComponent()); placeT = null; placingIsNice = false; hand.parent = handParent; } //bool gunning = false; //public Transform gunningThing; public struct HandsInput { public bool useDown; public bool useUp; public bool examineDown; public bool examineUp; public bool throwDown; public bool throwUp; public bool dropDown; public bool placeDown; } HandsInput input; public void SetInput(HandsInput input) { this.input = input; } public void UpdateInteraction() { #region Unused /* if (input.examineDown) { if (!gunning) { gunning = true; OverrideHandPositionAndRotation(Vector3.forward * 0.3f, Quaternion.LookRotation(-Vector3.right + Vector3.forward * 0.4f)); GetComponent().SetRayMode(true); } else { gunning = false; ResetOffset(); GetComponent().SetRayMode(false); } } gunningThing.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(gunningThing.localPosition, !gunning ? Vector3.down :, Time.deltaTime * 10); */ // RMB /* if (input.useDown) { if (item is ISecondaryUsable usable) { usable.UseSecondary(); if (usable.AllowExamination) StartAim(); } else if (item is IExaminable examinable) { StartAim(); } }*/ #endregion if (placing) return; // RMB up if (input.examineUp) { EndAim(); } if (input.useDown) { if (item is IUsable usable) usable.Use(); } if (input.useUp && item is IHoldUsable holdUsable) { holdUsable.UseEnd(); } if (Input.mouseScrollDelta.y != 0) { if (item is IScrollableInHand scrollable) scrollable.ScrollInHand(Input.mouseScrollDelta.y); } if (input.dropDown && item is IDroppable) { IDroppable droppable = item as IDroppable; droppable.OnDropped(this); if (!droppable.DelayDrop) Drop(); } if (input.throwDown && item is IThrowable) { IThrowable throwable = item as IThrowable; if (throwFromCenter) { hand.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, hand.localPosition.z); if (throwTransform) hand.position = throwTransform.position; } Drop(); throwable.OnDropped(this); Vector3 throwFrw = throwTransform ? throwTransform.forward : transform.forward; float throwSpeed = throwable.minThrowAcceleration; Vector3 force = throwFrw * throwSpeed + Vector3.up * throwUpFactor; throwable.Rigidbody.AddForce(force, ForceMode.VelocityChange); throwable.Rigidbody.AddTorque(transform.forward * throwAngularVelocity, ForceMode.VelocityChange); } } #endregion #region Aiming bool examining; void StartAim() { examining = true; if (item && item is ICustomExaminePosition cep) handTargetPos = cep.ExaminePosition; else handTargetPos = handAimPos; handTargetRot = Quaternion.identity; LockFreeLook(true); focusableEffect?.FocusEffect(true, handTargetPos.z); } void EndAim() { examining = false; if (item && item is ICustomHandPosition chp) handTargetPos = chp.HandsOffset; else handTargetPos = handStartPos; handTargetRot = handStartRot; LockFreeLook(false); focusableEffect?.FocusEffect(false, 1000); } public void LockFreeLook(bool b) { if (mouseLooks != null) for (int i = 0; i < mouseLooks.Length; i++) mouseLooks[i].enabled = !b; lockableFreeLook?.LockFreeLook(b); } #endregion } }