using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using Nothke.Interaction.Items; using Nothke.Interaction.UI; namespace Nothke.Interaction { public class Slot : Interactable, IItemReceivable, IItemInHandsInteractionDependable { public Transform slotPivot; public string slotTag; public virtual string SlotTag => slotTag; public ISlottable itemInSlot; public bool Occupied => itemInSlot != null; public override string Label { get { if (itemInSlot != null) return (itemInSlot as Interactable).Label; return ""; } } #if UNITY_EDITOR private void Awake() { if (slotPivot.IsNonUniform()) Debug.LogError("Slot lossy scale is not uniform, this is not allowed.", slotPivot); } #endif public virtual bool IsInteractableIfHolding(Interactable item) { // if occupied and holding an item, not able to interact if (item != null && itemInSlot != null) return false; // if occupied and not holding anything, able to take if (item == null && itemInSlot != null) return true; var slottable = item as ISlottable; if (slottable == null) return false; if (!slottable.IsSlottable) return false; if (CanReceive(slottable)) return true; return false; } public virtual bool CanReceive(ISlottable slottable) { if (itemInSlot != null) return false; Debug.Assert(slottable != null, "CanReceive slottable is null"); if (slottable.SlotTag == SlotTag) return true; else return false; } public override void Use(InteractionController im) { manager = im; SlotOrTake(im); } public void SlotOrTake(InteractionController im) { var hands = im.hands; if (!hands.item && itemInSlot != null) { if (IsTakeable) Take(); } else if (hands.item && hands.item is ISlottable) { SlotItemFromHands(hands); } } public virtual bool IsTakeable => true; public void Take() { if (itemInSlot == null) { Debug.LogError("Attempting to take an item from slot but there is none"); return; } var takeable = itemInSlot as ITakeable; Debug.Assert(takeable != null, "Item is slottable but not takeable", this); OnBeforeTaken(); manager.hands.Take(takeable); itemInSlot.OnRemovedFromSlot(); itemInSlot.SlottedIn = null; itemInSlot = null; manager.Recast(); } public void SlotItemFromHands(IHands hands) { if (CanReceive(hands.item as ISlottable)) { manager.hands.Place(, Quaternion.identity, slotPivot, this); var item = hands.item; // if not smooth placement: //itemInSlot = item as ISlottable; //itemInSlot.SlottedIn = this; //itemInSlot.OnSlotted(); //OnSlot(); // if smooth placement, hands will callback the slot: (item as ISlottable).OnStartedPlacing(hands); } } public bool SetItemInSlot(ISlottable item) { Debug.Assert(item != null, "ISlottable passed is null"); //Debug.Log("Slotted " + (item as Component) + " into " +, this); if (CanReceive(item)) { var itemT = (item as Component).transform; itemT.parent = slotPivot; itemT.localPosition =; itemT.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; itemInSlot = item; item.SlottedIn = this; item.OnSlotted(); OnSlot(); } else { Debug.LogError("Slot can't receive this item, tags don't match OR already holding item", item as Component); return false; } if (manager) manager.Recast(); return true; } public ISlottable RemoveItemFromSlot() { var takeable = itemInSlot as ITakeable; OnBeforeTaken(); var _item = itemInSlot; itemInSlot = null; (_item as Component).transform.SetParent(null); _item.OnRemovedFromSlot(); _item.SlottedIn = null; return _item; } public virtual void OnBeforeTaken() { } public virtual void OnSlot() { } public ReticleUI.State GetCustomReticle() { if (itemInSlot != null) return ReticleUI.State.Take; else return ReticleUI.State.Slot; } } }