import os PAGES = [ {'name': 'index', 'titleSR': 'Početna', 'titleEN': 'Home', 'style': 'home'}, {'name': 'account', 'titleSR': 'Nalog', 'titleEN': 'Account', 'style': 'account'}, {'name': 'contact', 'titleSR': 'Kontakt', 'titleEN': 'Contact', 'style': 'contact'}, {'name': 'events', 'titleSR': 'Događaji', 'titleEN': 'Events', 'style': 'events'}, {'name': 'services', 'titleSR': 'Servisi', 'titleEN': 'Services', 'style': 'services'}, {'name': 'webring', 'titleSR': 'Webring', 'titleEN': 'Webring', 'style': ''}, ] def buildPage(pageTitle: str, pageHtml: str, pageStyle: str, template: str) -> str: template = template.replace('', pageTitle) style = '' if not pageStyle else f'' template = template.replace('', style) template = template.replace('', pageHtml) return template def main(): os.makedirs('site/en/', exist_ok=True) with open('template/page-en.html') as fTempEN, open('template/page-sr.html') as fTempSR: templateSR = templateEN = for page in PAGES: with open(f'pages/sr/{page["name"]}.html') as f: pageHtml = html = buildPage(page['titleSR'], pageHtml, page['style'], templateSR) f = open(f'site/{page["name"]}.html', 'w') f.write(html) f.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()