forked from nothke/yugodot

Initial, scripts

This commit is contained in:
nothke 2024-10-15 01:25:22 +02:00
parent ab07d94b74
commit 42891195fd
6 changed files with 730 additions and 0 deletions

scripts/CarCamera.cs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
using Godot;
using System;
public class CarCamera : Camera
[Export] public NodePath carPath;
CarController car;
public override void _Ready()
car = GetNode<CarController>(carPath);
camPos = Translation;
var config = new ConfigFile();
const string CONFIG_PATH = "config.ini";
if (config.Load(CONFIG_PATH) == Error.Ok)
raceSmoothing = float.Parse(config.GetValue("camera", "smoothing_rate", 7).ToString());
height = float.Parse(config.GetValue("camera", "height", 3).ToString());
distance = float.Parse(config.GetValue("camera", "distance", 6).ToString());
else GD.Print("Couldn't load " + CONFIG_PATH);
Vector3 camPos;
Vector3 carPos;
float startSmoothing = 1;
float raceSmoothing = 7;
float height = 3;
float distance = 6;
public override void _PhysicsProcess(float dt)
Vector3 carForward = car.Transform.basis.z;
carPos = car.Translation;
Vector3 rearTargetPoint = carPos - carForward * distance;
rearTargetPoint.y = carPos.y + height;
float smoothing = car.RaceStarted ? raceSmoothing : startSmoothing;
camPos = camPos.LinearInterpolate(rearTargetPoint, dt * smoothing);
float limit = 8;
Vector3 diff = camPos - carPos;
if ((diff).Length() > limit)
camPos = carPos + diff.Normalized() * limit;
public override void _Process(float dt)
Translation = camPos;
LookAt(carPos, Vector3.Up);

scripts/CarController.cs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
using Godot;
using System;
using Utility;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class CarController : RigidBody
LineDrawer3D line;
[Export] public float raycastHeightOffset = 0;
[Export] public float springRate = 20;
[Export] public float dampRate = 2;
[Export(PropertyHint.ExpEasing)] public float tractionEase = 2;
[Export] public float maxSpeedKmh = 60;
[Export(PropertyHint.ExpEasing)] public float sidewaysTractionEase = 1;
[Export] public float maxTraction = 30;
[Export] public float tractionForceMult = 10;
[Export] public float sidewaysTractionMult = 1;
[Export] public NodePath engineAudioPath;
[Export] public NodePath timingPath;
[Export] public NodePath countdownPath;
[Export] public NodePath checkpointSoundPath;
[Export] public NodePath countdownSoundPath;
[Export] public NodePath finishSoundPath;
[Export] public Material material;
[Export] public NodePath bodyNode;
AudioStreamPlayer checkpointSound;
AudioStreamPlayer countdownSound;
AudioStreamPlayer finishSound;
AudioStreamPlayer3D engineAudio;
public float torqueMult = 10;
public float wheelBase = 1.05f;
public float wheelTrack = 0.7f;
Spatial wheelRoot;
//MeshInstance[] graphicalWheels = new MeshInstance[4];
//CPUParticles[] dirts = new CPUParticles[4];
float smoothThrottle;
int checkpointPassed = -1;
RichTextLabel timingText;
RichTextLabel countdownText;
public float countdown = 4;
public float sceneStartTime;
const int CHECKPOINT_NUM = 13;
static float bestTime;
static float[] bestCheckpointTimes = new float[CHECKPOINT_NUM];
float[] checkpointTimes = new float[CHECKPOINT_NUM];
float[] prevBestCheckpointTimes = new float[CHECKPOINT_NUM];
readonly Color red = new Color(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
readonly Color blue = new Color(0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
readonly Color green = new Color(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
readonly Color darkGreen = new Color(0.0f, 0.9f, 0.0f);
readonly Color black = new Color(0, 0, 0);
float prevYInput;
ConfigFile config;
bool drawParticles = true;
bool drawLines = false;
bool debugSplits = false;
struct Wheel
public Vector3 point;
public Spatial graphical;
public Particles dirt;
public bool wasGrounded;
Wheel[] wheels = new Wheel[4];
bool stageEnded;
public bool RaceStarted => stageTime > 0;
float stageTime;
float speedPitch;
float smoothSteer;
int lastCountdownTime = 0;
struct ReplaySample
public Transform t;
public float time;
public float throttle;
List<ReplaySample> samples = new List<ReplaySample>(10000);
public override void _Ready()
wheels[0].point = new Vector3(-wheelTrack, 0, wheelBase);
wheels[1].point = new Vector3(wheelTrack, 0, wheelBase);
wheels[2].point = new Vector3(-wheelTrack, 0, -wheelBase);
wheels[3].point = new Vector3(wheelTrack, 0, -wheelBase);
var lineGeometry = GetNode("wheel_debug");
line = lineGeometry as LineDrawer3D;
wheels[0].graphical = GetNode<MeshInstance>("car/RootNode/fl");
wheels[1].graphical = GetNode<MeshInstance>("car/RootNode/fr");
wheels[2].graphical = GetNode<MeshInstance>("car/RootNode/rl");
wheels[3].graphical = GetNode<MeshInstance>("car/RootNode/rr");
wheelRoot = wheels[0].graphical.GetParent<Spatial>();
wheels[0].dirt = GetNode<Particles>("dirt_fl");
wheels[1].dirt = GetNode<Particles>("dirt_fr");
wheels[2].dirt = GetNode<Particles>("dirt_rl");
wheels[3].dirt = GetNode<Particles>("dirt_rr");
engineAudio = GetNode<AudioStreamPlayer3D>(engineAudioPath);
timingText = GetNode<RichTextLabel>(timingPath);
countdownText = GetNode<RichTextLabel>(countdownPath);
sceneStartTime = OS.GetTicksMsec() / 1000.0f;
checkpointSound = GetNode<AudioStreamPlayer>(checkpointSoundPath);
countdownSound = GetNode<AudioStreamPlayer>(countdownSoundPath);
finishSound = GetNode<AudioStreamPlayer>(finishSoundPath);
GetNode<MeshInstance>(bodyNode).MaterialOverride = material;
foreach (var w in wheels)
w.dirt.Emitting = false;
config = new ConfigFile();
const string CONFIG_PATH = "config.ini";
if (config.Load(CONFIG_PATH) == Error.Ok)
springRate = float.Parse(config.GetValue("setup", "spring_rate", 40).ToString());
dampRate = float.Parse(config.GetValue("setup", "damp_rate", 3).ToString());
float volume = float.Parse(config.GetValue("audio", "master_volume", 1).ToString());
AudioServer.SetBusVolumeDb(0, Mathf.Log(volume) * 8.685f);
drawParticles = float.Parse(config.GetValue("graphics", "draw_particles", 1).ToString()) != 0;
drawLines = float.Parse(config.GetValue("debug", "lines", 0).ToString()) != 0;
debugSplits = float.Parse(config.GetValue("debug", "splits", 0).ToString()) != 0;
else GD.Print("Couldn't load " + CONFIG_PATH);
Vector3 GetVelocityAtPoint(Vector3 point)
return LinearVelocity + AngularVelocity.Cross(point - GlobalTransform.origin);
public static float Repeat(float t, float length)
return Mathf.Clamp(t - Mathf.Floor(t / length) * length, 0.0f, length);
float sat(float value)
return Mathf.Clamp(value, 0, 1);
float GetSectorTime(float[] splits, int i)
float lastCheckTime = i == 0 ? 0 : splits[i - 1];
return splits[i] - lastCheckTime;
bool isReplay;
int replaySample = 0;
public override void _Input(InputEvent e)
if (e is InputEventKey keyEvent)
if (keyEvent.Scancode == (uint)KeyList.F && keyEvent.Pressed)
isReplay = true;
replaySample = 0;
public override void _PhysicsProcess(float dt)
if (isReplay)
Transform = samples[replaySample].t;
if (replaySample == samples.Count)
replaySample = 0;
float time = OS.GetTicksMsec() / 1000.0f;
if (!stageEnded)
stageTime = time - sceneStartTime - countdown;
int countdownTime = (int)-stageTime + 1;
//if (stageTime < 0)
//stageTime = 0;
string stageTimeStr = stageTime < 0 ? "0.000" : stageTime.ToString("F3");
string bestTimeStr = bestTime == 0 ? "--.---" : bestTime.ToString("F3");
timingText.AppendBbcode("Best: " + bestTimeStr + "\n");
if (!stageEnded)
"Time: " + stageTimeStr + "\n");
"Time: " + stageTimeStr + "\n");
if (checkpointPassed >= 0)
var bestTimes = stageEnded ? prevBestCheckpointTimes : bestCheckpointTimes;
for (int c = 0; c <= checkpointPassed; c++)
float sectorTime = GetSectorTime(checkpointTimes, c);
float bestSectorTime = GetSectorTime(bestTimes, c);
if (bestTime == 0 || sectorTime < bestSectorTime)
float diff = GetSectorTime(checkpointTimes, checkpointPassed) -
GetSectorTime(bestTimes, checkpointPassed);
timingText.AppendBbcode("\nSplit: " + (diff > 0 ? "+" : "") + diff.ToString("F3"));
if (stageEnded)
timingText.AppendBbcode("\nFinished! Press R to restart");
if (stageTime < 0)
if (countdownTime != lastCountdownTime)
lastCountdownTime = countdownTime;
countdownText.Text = countdownTime.ToString();
else countdownText.Text = "";
float xInput =
Input.IsKeyPressed((int)KeyList.A) ? -1 :
(Input.IsKeyPressed((int)KeyList.D) ? 1 : 0);
float yInput =
Input.IsKeyPressed((int)KeyList.S) ? -1 :
(Input.IsKeyPressed((int)KeyList.W) ? 1 : 0);
float throttleInput = yInput;
if (isReplay)
yInput = samples[replaySample].throttle;
smoothSteer = Mathf.Lerp(smoothSteer, xInput, dt * 10);
smoothThrottle = Mathf.Lerp(smoothThrottle, yInput, dt * 3);
if (stageTime < 0) // Disable input before stage start
yInput = 0;
// Drag shit:
//AddCentralForce(-LinearVelocity * (1 - 0.05f));
float speed = LinearVelocity.Length();
//float forceFactor = 1 - (speed / 10.0f);
//float forceFactor = Mathf.InverseLerp(10, 0, speed);
var state = GetWorld().DirectSpaceState;
var up = Transform.basis.y;
var forward = Transform.basis.z;
int wheelsOnGround = 0;
float rayLength = 0.6f;
//Color red = Color.ColorN(Colors.Red.ToString());
//Color blue = Color.ColorN(Colors.Blue.ToString());
//line.AddLine(Vector3.One * -10, Vector3.One * 10, red);
Vector3 tractionPoint = new Vector3();
Vector3 right = Transform.basis.x;
float sidewaysSpeed = right.Dot(LinearVelocity);
int i = 0;
foreach (var w in wheels)
Vector3 wp = ToGlobal(w.point);
var origin = wp + up * raycastHeightOffset;
var dest = origin - up * rayLength;
var dict = state.IntersectRay(origin, dest);
Vector3 wheelP = dest;
bool grounded = dict.Count > 0;
if (grounded)
var obj = (Godot.Object)dict["collider"];
Vector3 hit = (Vector3)dict["position"];
Vector3 normal = (Vector3)dict["normal"];
if (drawLines)
line.AddLine(origin, hit, red);
float distFromTarget = (dest - hit).Length();
float spring = springRate * distFromTarget;
Vector3 veloAtWheel = GetVelocityAtPoint(origin);
float verticalVeloAtWheel = up.Dot(veloAtWheel);
float damp = -verticalVeloAtWheel * dampRate;
AddForce(normal * (spring + damp), hit - Transform.origin);
wheelP = hit;
tractionPoint += hit;
//w.dirt.Direction = new Vector3(sidewaysSpeed * 0.1f, 0, -1);
else if (drawLines)
line.AddLine(origin, dest, blue);
if (drawParticles && (grounded != w.wasGrounded || prevYInput != yInput))
w.dirt.Emitting = grounded && yInput > 0;
float off = -0.1f;
float rightoff = i % 2 == 0 ? -off : off;
Vector3 localWheelCenter = wheelRoot.ToLocal(wheelP + up * 0.3f) + Vector3.Right * rightoff;
w.graphical.Translation = localWheelCenter;
//w.dirt.Translation = localWheelCenter;
Vector3 wheelRot = Vector3.Zero;
if (i % 2 == 0)
wheelRot = new Vector3(0, Mathf.Deg2Rad(180), 0);
wheelRot = new Vector3(0, Mathf.Deg2Rad(0), 0);
w.graphical.Rotation = wheelRot;
if (i < 2)
w.graphical.Rotate(Vector3.Up, -smoothSteer * Mathf.Deg2Rad(30));
w.dirt.Rotation = wheelRot;
if (i % 2 == 0)
w.dirt.Rotate(Vector3.Up, Mathf.Deg2Rad(180));
w.dirt.Rotate(Vector3.Right, Mathf.Deg2Rad(20));
if (drawParticles)
float dirtSteerFactor = i < 2 ? -smoothSteer : 0;
w.dirt.Rotation = new Vector3(Mathf.Deg2Rad(20), Mathf.Atan(-sidewaysSpeed * 0.1f + dirtSteerFactor), 0);
wheels[i].wasGrounded = grounded;
Vector3 upPoint = Translation + up * 1.1f;
if (drawLines)
line.AddLine(upPoint, upPoint + LinearVelocity, new Color(1, 1, 0));
line.AddLine(upPoint, upPoint + right * sidewaysSpeed, red);
float forwardVelocity = forward.Dot(LinearVelocity);
int gear = Mathf.FloorToInt(forwardVelocity / 8);
float gearPitch = Repeat(forwardVelocity, 8) / 8.0f;
speedPitch = Mathf.Lerp(speedPitch, speed * 0.1f * gearPitch, dt * 10);
engineAudio.PitchScale = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.Lerp(speedPitch, smoothThrottle * 3, 0.5f), 0.3f, 10);
if (wheelsOnGround > 0)
float wheelFactor = wheelsOnGround / 4.0f;
Vector3 midPoint = tractionPoint / wheelsOnGround;
if (drawLines)
line.AddLine(midPoint, midPoint + up * 1, red);
line.AddLine(midPoint, midPoint + Vector3.Right * 1, red);
line.AddLine(midPoint, midPoint + Vector3.Forward * 1, red);
float steeringFactor = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.InverseLerp(0, 5, speed), 0, 1);
AddTorque(-Transform.basis.y * xInput * torqueMult * steeringFactor);
float maxSpeed = maxSpeedKmh / 3.6f;
float tractionMult = 1 - Mathf.Ease(Mathf.Abs(forwardVelocity) / maxSpeed, tractionEase);
float tractionForce = tractionMult * yInput * tractionForceMult * wheelFactor;
if (drawLines)
line.AddLine(Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Up * tractionMult, red);
float sideAbs = Mathf.Abs(sidewaysSpeed);
int sidewaysSign = Mathf.Sign(sidewaysSpeed);
float earlyTraction = sat(sideAbs * 2) * sat(1 - sideAbs / 20) * 10;
float sidewaysTractionFac = (earlyTraction + Mathf.Ease(Mathf.Abs(sidewaysSpeed) / maxTraction, sidewaysTractionEase) * maxTraction) * sidewaysSign;
Vector3 sidewaysTraction = -right * sidewaysTractionMult * sidewaysTractionFac;
forward * tractionForce + sidewaysTraction,
midPoint - Transform.origin);
prevYInput = yInput;
if (debugSplits)
string str = "";
for (int c = 0; c < checkpointTimes.Length; c++)
str += checkpointTimes[c].ToString() + ", " + bestCheckpointTimes[c] + "\n";
countdownText.Text = str;
if (!isReplay)
samples.Add(new ReplaySample()
t = Transform,
time = stageTime,
throttle = throttleInput
public void BodyEntered(Node body, int i)
if (body == this)
GD.Print("Entered: " + body.Name + " id: " + i);
if (checkpointPassed + 1 == i)
if (checkpointPassed == 12 && i == 0)
void Check(int i)
checkpointPassed = i;
checkpointTimes[i] = stageTime;
void End()
stageEnded = true;
if (bestTime == 0 || stageTime < bestTime)
bestTime = stageTime;
for (int i = 0; i < CHECKPOINT_NUM; i++)
prevBestCheckpointTimes[i] = bestCheckpointTimes[i];
bestCheckpointTimes[i] = checkpointTimes[i];

scripts/CrateMover2.cs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
using Godot;
using System;
public class CrateMover2 : Spatial
public override void _Ready()
public override void _Process(float delta)
if (Input.IsKeyPressed((int)KeyList.A))
Transform = Transform.Translated(Vector3.Forward * delta);

scripts/Game.cs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
using Godot;
using System;
public class Game : Node
[Export] NodePath hoodCameraPath;
[Export] NodePath wingmanCameraPath;
[Export] NodePath tracksideCameraPath;
Camera hoodCamera;
Camera wingmanCamera;
Camera tracksideCamera;
bool hoodCameraIsActive;
public override void _Ready()
wingmanCamera = GetNode<Camera>(wingmanCameraPath);
hoodCamera = GetNode<Camera>(hoodCameraPath);
tracksideCamera = GetNode<Camera>(tracksideCameraPath);
bool hasRestarted;
public override void _Input(InputEvent e)
if (e is InputEventKey keyEvent)
if (keyEvent.Scancode == (uint)KeyList.R && keyEvent.Pressed)
hasRestarted = true;
if (keyEvent.Scancode == (uint)KeyList.C && keyEvent.Pressed)
hoodCameraIsActive = !hoodCameraIsActive;
if (hoodCameraIsActive)
if (keyEvent.Scancode == (uint)KeyList.V)
public override void _Process(float delta)

scripts/LineDrawer3D.cs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
using Godot;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Utility
class LineDrawer3D : ImmediateGeometry
struct Line
public Vector3 p1;
public Vector3 p2;
public Color color;
List<Line> lines = new List<Line>();
public void AddLine(Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Color color)
lines.Add(new Line() { p1 = p1, p2 = p2, color = color });
public void ClearLines()
public override void _Process(float delta)
for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count; ++i)

scripts/ParticlesTest.cs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
using Godot;
using System;
public class ParticlesTest : Particles
public override void _Process(float delta)
float time = OS.GetTicksMsec() / 1000.0f;
Emitting = Mathf.Sin(time * 20) > 0;