Merge branch 'dev' into vhs

This commit is contained in:
Malin Freeborn 2025-02-07 19:15:07 +01:00
commit 6e9d2bd0c0
Signed by: andonome
GPG Key ID: 52295D2377F4D70F
7 changed files with 323 additions and 105 deletions

basics/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
title: "column"
tags: [ "basics", "format", "json" ]
Put output into column.
du -h /etc/* | column
Reformat file with an explicit separator (`-s`):
column -ts: /etc/passwd
Give columns names (`-N`), so you can hide some (`-H`):
column -ts: -N User,PW,UID,GID,Description,Home,shell -H PW,GID /etc/passwd
Reorder with `-O` (unspecified items remain):
column -ts: -N User,PW,UID,GID,Description,Home,shell -H PW,GID -O User,Description,shell /etc/passwd
Output to json format with `-J`:
column -J -ts: -H PW,GID,shell -N User,PW,UID,GID,Description,Home,shell /etc/passwd

data/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
title: "Recfiles"
tags: [ "data", "database" ]
Create a database of board games:
touch $database
entry="Name: Vojvodina"
recins --record "$record" $database
Create, read, update, and delete:
for g in Saboter Carcassonne Chess; do
recins -r "Name: $g" -r "Played: yes" $database
recsel --quick=Carc $database
recsel -q $query $database
recsel --case-insensitive -q "$query" --print=Name $database
recsel -i -q "$query" -p Name $database
recset -f "$new_field" --set-add="$value" $database
recsel $database
recset -iq $query -f "$new_field" --set=$value $database
recset -f "$new_field" --delete $database
recsel $database
- [Extended example](recfiles/
# Resources
- [Recfiles for gemini capsules](gemini://

data/recfiles/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
title: "Recfiles Extended Example"
tags: [ "data", "database", "recfiles" ]
## Create
Make a database for your boardgames, specifying only one field and value:
touch $database
recins -f $n --value $g $database
recsel $database
Insert a few more, with the estimated playtime:
recins -f Name -v Saboter -f Playtime -v 30 $database
recins -f Name -v Chess -f Playtime -v 30 $database
View all games, or select one by number:
recsel $database
recsel -n 0 $database
Each game should note whether or not you have played it yet, so you can add that field and set the default to `yes`.
recset -f $f -a $v $database
...but the field is wrong, it should have a capital letter:
recset -f $f --rename $new_field
## Read
Check how many records the database has:
recinf $database
Look at just the games you've never played:
recsel --expression="Played = 'no'" $database
Print how many, then just print the names:
recsel -e "Played = 'no'" --count $database
recsel -e "Played = 'no'" --print=Name $database
## Update
To change a game's `Played` field from `no` to `yes`, use `recset` to specify the number, and change that field.
recsel --number=$num $database
recset --number=$num -f $f --set=$value $database
Find all games with a playtime of `30`, and set the field `Max_Players` to `4`.
recset -e "Playtime = 40" -f Max_Players --set 50 games.rec
This doesn't work, because that field does not exist.
You can `--set-add` the field, to add it wherever it does not exist.
recset -e "Playtime = 40" -f Max_Players --set-add 50 games.rec
## Delete
Remove `Played` record from first game:
recset --number=$num -f Played --delete $database
You can comment the line instead of deleting it:
recset --number=$num -f Played --delete $database
recsel $database
cat $database
Delete an entire record:
recdel --number=$num $database

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
title: "Maintenance"
tags: [ "arch" ]
# Package Cache
Clean the cache of old packages in `/var/cachepacman/pkg/`:
ls /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ | wc -l
sudo pacman -Sc
ls /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ | wc -l
And the same for `yay` (with `-Yc` to remove old dependencies):
ls ~/.cache/yay/ | wc -l
yay -Sc
yay -Yc
ls ~/.cache/yay/ | wc -l
# New Configs
If you chance a configuration file, such as `/etc/environment`, and `pacman` wants to update the file, it will place `/etc/environment.pacnew`.
Check the new files, then look at the difference between the `pacman` version, and your version.
sudo find /etc/ /var/ /usr/ -name "*.pacnew"
diff /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist*
- Update the files manually,
sudo -e /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
sudo rm /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.pacnew
- use a tool like `pacdiff` to view the changes next to each other, and select them with `vim`.
sudo pacman -S pacman-contrib
sudo pacdiff

hardware/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
title: "keyboard"
tags: [ "Documentation", "keyboard", "vim" ]
# System-Wide Capslock and Escape Swap
This works everywhere, including in a bare-ass tty.
Select a keymap, and create a new custom map.
su root
gunzip -c $basemap | \
sed 's/Caps_Lock/\n/g;s/Escape/Caps_Lock/g;s/\n/Escape/g' | \
gzip > $newmap
Tell the system to use this keymap at startup by naming it in the `rc.conf` file:
echo "KEYMAP=$newmap" >> /etc/rc.conf
cat /etc/rc.conf
# Set Layout with X Display
Set layout to British English.
setxkbmap -layout gb
Or Polish with:
setxkbmap -layout pl
| Language | short |
| Polish | pl |
| Serbian | rs |
Set 'alt + shift', as the command which cycles through the British English, Polish and Serbian keyboard layout.
setxkbmap -layout gb,pl,rs -option grp:alt_shift_toggle
## Alt_GR
Remap, e.g., the right Windows key, to Alt_Gr.
key <RWIN> {[ ISO_Level3_Shift ]};

View File

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
title: "keyboard"
tags: [ "Documentation", "keyboard" ]
# Set Layout with X Display
Set layout to British English.
setxkbmap -layout gb
Or Polish with:
setxkbmap -layout pl
| Language | short |
| Polish | pl |
| Serbian | rs |
Set 'alt + shift', as the command which cycles through the British English, Polish and Serbian keyboard layout.
setxkbmap -layout gb,pl,rs -option grp:alt_shift_toggle
## Alt_GR
Remap, e.g., the right Windows key, to Alt_Gr.
key <RWIN> {[ ISO_Level3_Shift ]};
# Set TTY Keymap
Copy your keymap, e.g. if it's polish-1, then:
cp /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/i386/qwerty/ /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/*custom*.map.gz
Then change that map:
sudo vim /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/
You can switch Escape and Caps Lock with a single line:
sudo sh -c "gunzip -c /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/i386/qwerty/ | sed 's/ Escape/ PLACEHOLDER/ ; s/Caps_Lock/Escape/g ; s/PLACEHOLDER/Caps_Lock/' | gzip > /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/"
Change the default keyboard mapping to the custom map:
echo 'KEYMAP="/usr/share/kbd/keymaps/*custom*.map.gz"' | sudo tee /etc/vconsole.conf
Reboot to have changes take effect.

View File

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
☢ ☣ s ☠ ⚠
radioactive sign biohazard sign skull and crossbones warning sign
☤ ⚕ ⚚ †
caduceus staff of aesculapius staff of hermes dagger
☯ ⚖ ☮ ⚘
yin yang scales peace flower
⚔ ☭ ⚒ ⚓
crossed swords hammer and sickle hammer and pick anchor
⚛ ⚜ ⚡ ⚶
atom symbol fleur-de-lis lightning vesta
☥ ✠ ✙ ✞
ankh cross cross cross
✟ ✧ ⋆ ★
cross diamond star star
☆ ✪ ✫ ✬
star star star star
✭ ✮ ✯ ✰
star star star star
☸ ✵ ❂ ☘
wheel of dharma star sun shamrock
♡ ♥ ❤ ⚘
heart heart big heart flower
❀ ❃ ❁ ✼
flower flower flower flower
☀ ✌ ♫ ♪
sun V sign music note / melody music note / melody
☃ ❄ ❅ ❆
snowman snowflake snowflake snowflake
☕ ☂ ❦ ✈
cofee umbrella floral heart / leaf airplane
♕ ♛ ♖ ♜
white king / crown black king / crown white rook / tower black rook / tower
☁ ☾
cloud waning crescent moon