
48 lines
690 B

title: "swap"
tags: [ "Documentation", "basics" ]
# Making a Swap File
> cd /var/cache/
> sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1K count=4M
This creates a swapfile of (1k x 4M) 4 Gigs.
Change 4M to XM for an XGig swap.
> sudo chmod 600 swapfile
> sudo mkswap swapfile
> sudo swapon swapfile
Test it's working with top
> top -bn1 | grep -i swap
> echo "/var/cache/swapfile none swap sw 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
Test it'll work at boot with:
> sudo swapoff swapfile
> sudo swapon -va
# Partition Swaps
Put this in /etc/fstab:
`UUID=blah-blah none swap sw 0 0`
Then test it works with:
> sudo swapon -va
Test other partitions in fstab with:
> sudo mount -a