2022-01-26 22:31:31 +01:00

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title: "users"
tags: [ "Documentation", "Basics" ]
# Basic Information
Let's get some entries with 'getent', e.g. passwd or group.
> getent passwd
> getent group
> getent shadow
## Examples
> sudo adduser maestro
add user 'maestro'
This depends upon the settings in the /etc/default/useradd file and /etc/login.defs
> sudo useradd -m pinkie
add user 'pinkie' with a home directory
> sudo adduser -m -e 2017-04-25 temp
add expiry date to user
> userdel maestro
delete maestro
> userdel -r maestro
delete maestro and hir homefolder
> groups
find which group you are in
> id
> id -Gn maestro
Find which groups maestro is in
> deluser --remove-home maestro
delete user maestro
> usermod -aG sudo maestro
add user maestro to group sudo
> cat /etc/passwd
list users' passwords (and therefore users)
> groupadd awesome
create the group 'awesome'
passwords are stored in /etc/shadow.
there are user accounts for processes such as 'bin' and 'nobody' which are locked, so they're unusable.
> passwd -l bin
lock the user 'bin'
> more /etc/passwd | grep games
we find the name, password and user id of the user 'games'. I.e. the password is 'x', and the user id is '5'. The password is an impossible hash, so no input password could match.
> groupdel learners | delete the group 'learners'
> gpasswd -d pi games | remove user 'pi' from the group 'games'
> id games
find the id number of group 'games' (60)
> usermod -aG sudo maestro
add user to group 'maestro'
user info is stored in /etc's passwd, shadow, group and gshadow
# Defaults
The default new user profiles are under /etc/skel.
# Shells
A list of shells is in /etc/shells.
Only root can run shells not listed in /etc/shells
To change a user's shell:
usermod --shell /bin/bash user1
Alternatively, change the shell in /etc/passwd.
Usermod also lets you change a user's username:
> usermod -l henry mark
However, this will not change the home directory.
Lock a user out of an account:
usermod -L henry
# More Arguments
-G or -groups adds the user to other groups:
> usermod -G sudo henry
-s adds the user to a shell.
-u let's you manually specifiy a UID.
# Groups
In /etc/group, a group file may look like this:
We can use groupmod, like like usermod, e.g. to change a name:
> groupmod -n frontoffice backoffice
Delte a group:
> groupdel frontoffice
# Logins
See list of logged on users.
> w
See last logons:
> last
or all logon attempts, including bad attempts:
> lastb
List recently accessed files:
> last -d
See files opened by steve
> lsof -t -u steve
See files opened by anyone but steve
> lsof -u ^steve
Fuser can also track people loggingin:
> fuser /var/log/syslog
... and fuser can kill everything accessing the home directory:
> fuser -km /home
# Looking for Dodgy Files
Some files can be executed by people as if they had super user permissions, and that's okay... sometimes.
Let's start with files executable by user:
> sudo find / -type f -perm -g=s -ls
And then those executable by the group:
> find / -type f -perm -g=s -ls
And finally, worrying files, executable by anyone as if sie were the owner:
> find / -xdev \( -o -nogroup \) -print
Then have a look at resource usage per user.
> sudo chmod u+s
This will modify to that instead of being simply executable, anyone executing it will have the permissions as if owner while executing it.