
87 lines
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title: "xbps"
tags: [ "Documentation", "Void" ]
## Search
Look for cowsay in the repository:
> xbps-query --repository --search cowsay
Short version:
> xbps-query -Rs cowsay
Search with regex:
> xbps-query --regex -Rs 'cow(s)?\w'
![xbps searches](/tapes/xbps-query.gif)
List what's required for cowsay
> xbps-query -x cowsay
What packages are orphaned (i.e. installed as a dependency for another package, which has since been removed)?
> xbps-query -O
Show cowsay's dependencies.
> xbps-query -x cowsay
This shows `perl`.
To see what else depends on perl:
> xbps-query -X perl
List all manually installed software.
> xbps-query -m
## Install
Install cowsay
> xbps-install cowsay
Upgrade current packages.
`-R` looks at repositories, `-s` makes a sloppy search (for rough matches).
> xbps-install -Suv
![xbps searches](/tapes/xbps-install.gif)
## Remove/ Uninstall
Remove cowsay
> xbps-remove cowsay
...and all dependencies
> xbps-remove -R cowsay
Remove all orphaned dependencies.
> xbps-remove -o
Show information about cowsay
![xbps searches](/tapes/xbps-remove.gif)
## Fixes
Reinstall cowsay
> xbps-install -f cowsay
Look for broken packages.
> sudo xbps-pkgdb -a
And if you've found any, you might reconfigure all packages forcefully:
> sudo xbps-reconfigure -af