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Set time to synchronize with an ntp server:

timedatectl set-ntp true

This info stays in /usr/share/zoneinfo

Local Time

Local time is kept in /etc/localtime.

According to Dave's LPIC guide, you can set the local time by making asymboling link from your timezone to /etc/localtime, as so:

sudo ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Belgrade /etc/localtime

...however this produced the wrong time for me. Further, /etc/localtime produces an output with cat, while the zoneinfo files do not.


See local time, language and character settings with:


List available locales with:

locale -a

To see additional locales which are available (but not necessarily installed):

cat /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED

Set a supported locale with:

locale-gen pl_PL.UTF-8

Then set that language, with:


... then reboot.

Network Time Protocol

Enter the shell with:


Or just glimpse and overview with:

ntpq -q

This clock can drift, which is then listed under /var/log/ntp.drift

The config is under /etc/ntp.conf. If a line for the stats directory is listed, it'll log stats, e.g.:

statsdir /var/log/ntpstats/

This can show if clock drift occurs.

The config file also lets you specify servers to obtain time from.