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See list of logged on users.


See last logons:


or all logon attempts, including bad attempts:


List recently accessed files:

last -d

See files opened by steve

lsof -t -u steve

See files opened by anyone but steve

lsof -u ^steve

Fuser can also track people loggingin:

fuser /var/log/syslog

... and fuser can kill everything accessing the home directory:

fuser -km /home

Looking for dodgy files

Some files can be executed by people as if they had super user permissions, and that's okay... sometimes.

Let's start with files executable by user:

sudo find / -type f -perm -g=s -ls

And then those executable by the group:

find / -type f -perm -g=s -ls

And finally, worrying files, executable by anyone as if sie were the owner:

find / -xdev -o -nogroup -print

Then have a look at resource usage per user.


sudo chmod u+s

This will modify to that instead of being simply executable, anyone executing it will have the permissions as if owner while executing it.