2022-11-29 00:17:12 +01:00

1.8 KiB

title tags

Create the configuration directory before you start, and add at least 1 URL.

mkdir ~/.config/newsboat

echo ' foss tech' >> ~/.config/newsboat/urls

Start newsobat and press r to load your feed.

To add a feed, you can press E to edit that urls file.

Examples of Feeds infosec news

The words after the URL - infosec news - becomes tags.

You can input a Youtube channel by adding this, with the channel's ID at the end: vids #1MinFilms

To get the channel ID without hunting:

curl '' | grep -oE 'browseId":"U\w+"' | tail | cut -d'"' -f3

You can add arbitrary commands to get an RSS feed. For example, to get a Gemini feed, install gemget, then put this in the configuration file:

"exec:gemget gemini:// --output -" gemini rpg

All gits can be used as RSS feeds:


  • E to edit the URLs file
  • R to reload everything
  • t to browse by tags
  • n to mark an item as read
  • Ctrl + a to mark everything in a feed as read

Configuration Options

You can use a macro by pressing comma, then a key. With this one, you press comma + v to see a video:

macro v set browser "mpv --ytdl-format=mp4 %u &>/dev/null&"; open-in-browser-and-mark-read

(this needs mpv and yt-dlp installed)

Or or ,o to open an article in w3m:

macro o set browser "w3m %u"; open-in-browser-and-mark-read ; set browser "w3m %u"

Add vim-like keys:

bind-key j next
bind-key k prev
bind-key j down article
bind-key k up article